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Thread: See-saw questions

  1. #1
    Tokie Owens logidelic's Avatar
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    Question See-saw questions

    Hello pachinko people!

    I'm wondering if someone could help me understand something basic about the way the see-saw mechanism is supposed to work. See attached photo:

    • When a ball pushes down the see-saw, it triggers a payout
    • When a payout occurs, I believe that the falling payout balls push down the (BLUE) lever, thereby pulling the see-saw back up, via the (RED) wire. Is this correct? (It seems that this is what's happening when I watch it.)

    The real question: After the above happens, is the (RED) wire and (GREEN) hook supposed to go back down by itself and hook the rod? How is that accomplished mechanically?

    On my machine this is not happening, so the (RED) wire is keeping the see-saw in the up position, and no more payouts can be had...

    Any help would be appreciated!

    Thank you!


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  3. #2
    Eye Shooter SibSr's Avatar
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    Default Re: See-saw questions

    When the seesaw drops down, the hook on the dump arm is pushed forward by the arm on the seesaw. This allows the dump arm (green) to pivot down and route the balls to the front tray.

    The dump arm by design should return to the normal position and then the hook is under the rod.

    If the hook is not rotated by the seesaw then the dump arm doesn't move down, and balls go down to the catch can instead of the front tray.

    If the dump arm is not returning to the normal position on it's own, In my experience, you should check the hole in the dump arm itself that the pivot shaft for the arm goes through.

    You will probably find the the hole in the metal backbone of the dump arm is no longer in alignment with the hole in the plastic platform. Usually it is not much of a misalignment, but enough to hinder the operation of the dump arm making it stiff.

    I used a drill bit that fit in the hole of the plastic, and reamed out the bore of the assembly. It should then have free movement again after that.

    Sent from my LG-H872 using Tapatalk

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  5. #3
    Kungishi Wayne-Ooo's Avatar
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    Default Re: See-saw questions

    Quote Originally Posted by logidelic View Post
    The real question: After the above happens, is the (RED) wire and (GREEN) hook supposed to go back down by itself and hook the rod? How is that accomplished mechanically?

    On my machine this is not happening, so the (RED) wire is keeping the see-saw in the up position, and no more payouts can be had...
    It is accomplished mechanically by the "Hook End" being heavier than the "Ramp End" of the lever.

    There is weight between the hook and the red wire, making it heavier when no balls are on the ramp, thus resetting the the see-saw.

    I can't tell in your picture if you have the weight. Could be the that the red wire is binding, as SibSr suggested.
    Could also be in the pivot point of the lever, might be dirty or "gummed up", not letting the lever move freely.

    Could be a combination of all these things and not just one thing.

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  7. #4
    Tokie Owens logidelic's Avatar
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    Default Re: See-saw questions

    Thanks so much to both of you!

    Quote Originally Posted by SibSr View Post
    I used a drill bit that fit in the hole of the plastic, and reamed out the bore of the assembly. It should then have free movement again after that.
    DING DING DING! My pachinko machine is now working perfectly after 10 years of not knowing why it wouldn't payout.

    Thank you so much.

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  9. #5
    Stuey - The RADministrator MrGneiss's Avatar
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    Default Re: See-saw questions

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  10. #6
    Eye Shooter SibSr's Avatar
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    Default Re: See-saw questions

    I've repaired three machines I believe it is with that exact problem. The pounding of the balls on the dump arm changes the hole alignment enough, that over time they get slightly misaligned. It's not much but the dump arm eventually gets like yours where it just doesn't move properly any more. I imagine that is why those machines became available for sale.

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  12. #7
    Chicken Fried Steak takethecastle57's Avatar
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    Default Re: See-saw questions

    Quote Originally Posted by logidelic View Post
    Hello pachinko people!

    I'm wondering if someone could help me understand something basic about the way the see-saw mechanism is supposed to work. See attached photo:

    • When a ball pushes down the see-saw, it triggers a payout
    • When a payout occurs, I believe that the falling payout balls push down the (BLUE) lever, thereby pulling the see-saw back up, via the (RED) wire. Is this correct? (It seems that this is what's happening when I watch it.)

    The real question: After the above happens, is the (RED) wire and (GREEN) hook supposed to go back down by itself and hook the rod? How is that accomplished mechanically?

    On my machine this is not happening, so the (RED) wire is keeping the see-saw in the up position, and no more payouts can be had...

    Any help would be appreciated!

    Thank you!

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  13. #8
    Tokie Owens logidelic's Avatar
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    Default Re: See-saw questions

    Quote Originally Posted by SibSr View Post
    I've repaired three machines I believe it is with that exact problem. The pounding of the balls on the dump arm changes the hole alignment enough, that over time they get slightly misaligned. It's not much but the dump arm eventually gets like yours where it just doesn't move properly any more.
    FWIW, I don't think it was exactly an "alignment" issue in my case... The hole in the dump arm was simply much too tight for the metal pivot shaft. How could it get that way? No idea, but I notice that the plastic of the dump arm had some (probably unimportant) small cracks here and there, so perhaps the plastic has internal cracks that somehow resulted in some swelling there...

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