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Thread: Looking for advice on selling Robocop and Sakura Cherry Blossom Machines

  1. #1
    Tokie Owens willfmisdope's Avatar
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    Default Looking for advice on selling Robocop and Sakura Cherry Blossom Machines

    Hey Ya'll,

    I'm trying to find more info on these pachinko machines I came across. They were sitting for quite some time, many of the balls have rust spots etc. I had planned on selling them but never got a chance to put them up. Robocop works, I've plugged it in myself and messed around for a while, I didn't try the cherry blossom. Is there a place where I can get proper pricing on these? I tried searching the forums here and didn't find a ton about them (most posts don't have pictures, so not sure if I was on the right posts or not).


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  3. #2
    Fever Hunter Atoombolle's Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for advice on selling Robocop and Sakura Cherry Blossom Machines

    It depends on where you are located and what the local market is. Over here in Iowa, people unsuccessfully try to sell machines from this time period at $175-$450 and they do not sell. At $100 asking price they seem to sell fairly quickly and I got lucky to sell a 2003 machine for $200 last year because the person buying it had been searching for that particular machine.

    My guess is that you're either going to find a collector looking for Robocop specifically and get $300, or you're going to have to settle for $100 tops per machine. It depends on how fast you want to get rid of them.

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