Quote Originally Posted by alucard7x7 View Post
....it isn't like they go out and order just one machine someone is looking for and have it shipped in, correct?

You're heart must have sunk when that shooter stopped working! I would have died!
I don't think Akimono do one off shipments because of shipping costs. I am sure they do container or partial container shipments via slow boat a couple times a year to minimize their costs. They will attempt to find whatever it is that you are looking for. I think generally they ask for 50% up front in case you flake. The folks from Akimono are members of this site. I believe they use the name Akimono and JackDaniels(something or other) or you can email direct at their website to ask for sure. They have always been really responsive to me.

Yes, my heart sunk. Ultimately after tearing things apart I found a thumb tack that had gotten lodged under the cam that fires the shooter and wouldn't let it make a full rotation. I could manually back it up by hand so it took a while to figure it out. Truth is I am probably responsible for the tack. I had a tack that I found in another machine I had bought and I set it aside and probably knocked it onto the floor at some point. I use a magnet to pick up dropped balls and probably got the tack with a load of balls and tossed it into the ball tray. I make sure to look more closely at what the magnet picks up now!

Good luck and let us know how your experience goes with whatever service you use.