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Thread: Auto-Slot2

  1. #1
    SNORTARRIFIC! new in town's Avatar
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    Exclamation Auto-Slot2

    Hi All.

    The Transfer continues. All the Equipment is in Transit as I type.

    Vince has closed down his Auto-Slot E-Bay site and I have just switched mine over to Auto-Slot2. E-Bay would not let me use Vince's old Name.

    The Web Site is in a Link below in my Signature. This Link is Exclusive to PachiTalk Members only. The Site open to the Public will only explain about the AutoSlot without the Credit Add. The Link below does explain it.

    The E-Bay Site will only sell the standard Autoslot which will just stop the reels. These standard AutoSlots and the the "Credit Add" Autoslots will be sold through the PachiTalk Auctions.


    The standard AutoSlot is virtually a "Plug and Play" device. The Credit Add Autoslot requires more 'Tuning" so to speak to fit different Machines.

    For Pachislo's that have had them already installed the R & D is done and they can be produced. But they require more wiring to be done to connect the Credit Add feature to the Pachi. By selling them ONLY through the PachiTalk Auctions questions can be asked and answers given on installing them to ensure Your Pachislo and / or the AutoSlot is not damaged due to Miss wiring.

    Disclaimer ! ! ! :

    AutoSlot2 AKA "NIT" will not be held responsible if a member incorrectly installs an AutoSlot with Credit Add. Meaning that all machines to date that have them installed, the Autoslot with Credit Add is proven to work if connected correctly.

    This statement is not to just Cover My A**. I want to ENSURE that your Pachi is not damaged installing one of these wonderful Devices. We ALL know that "Spare" parts can be few and far between and sometimes $$$ depending on what "Broke".

    This is one of the reasons I started the Thread For Autoslot Owners to list the Machines that they have them installed in and weather it has the Standard AutoSlot or the Credit Add model.

    Please... If you own an Autoslot and have not joined on the Thread about it Do so.

    Autoslot Owners Listing

    By doing this we ALL can help each other in installing these devices into Our Machines. Should I not be available for some reason to help, other Members that have them installed in a particular Pachi can chime in on a Thread that I am going to start called "AutoSlot Troubleshooting" or PM / E-Mail the Member needing help.

    "This Thread" is to Exclusively ask me "NIT" questions about the Autoslot. The "AutoSlot Troubleshooting" Thread is for all members to get involved with to learn more about them by asking myself (if no one chimes in) and more importantly Members that already own them questions on this Device.

    If I come up with / Obtain any other Pachi related items I will post about them in this, the "Vendors New Announcements" Thread. I am in work on two right now. one that deals with Autoslot that Tulsa will . (if you figured it out Tulsa... Shhh...) and another that has recently been posted about that is not Autoslot related.

    I'll open up the "AutoSlot Troubleshooting" Thread shortly in the " Pachislo Modifications" section.

    To ALL ! ! ! May your BALLS never be Rusty and your Tokens always be Shiny.
    72 Pachi's, 36 Pachinko's, 2 Pallots, 3 Pinn's & 2 Pachinko Bar Signs. Links to About Me: pachijunkie's Videos

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  3. #2
    SNORTARRIFIC! new in town's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: Auto-Slot2

    The Equipment arrived from Vince yesterday.

    Three boxes and no damage by UPS with the exception on one corner on the box containing the Bubble Mailers. They were "Self-Safe"

    Will be spending the next Bit of time setting up shop, loading software and reading up on all the components to get a better understanding on how this all works.

    Vince has Graciously offered to help me through the start up so I can pick up where he left off so there are no Bumps in the Road.

    The "AutoSlot Troubleshooting" Thread will open in the " Pachislo Modifications" section Today along with another Titled "Who wants an Autoslot?". which will open in the " Pachislo Modifications" Also. Members can list which machines that they would like an AutoSlot for and if they want Reel Stop only or Credit Add included.

    Between these two Threads Members can start the Questions and Answers that will be coming up about these Devices.

    How do you Like / Dislike it? (I want to hear ALL, don't be shy).

    Was it hard to install?

    Did you have anp problems installing it and making it work?


    This Link will be on the "Who wants an Autoslot?" Thread. It is from the AutoSlot Web Site and list's the current Brand and some make machines with a matching to a AutoSlot type and connections listing.

    AutoSlot Credit-Add Model Selection

    Back to And back in a BiT...
    72 Pachi's, 36 Pachinko's, 2 Pallots, 3 Pinn's & 2 Pachinko Bar Signs. Links to About Me: pachijunkie's Videos

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  5. #3
    SNORTARRIFIC! new in town's Avatar
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    Default Re: Auto-Slot2

    Hi all,

    The Process of starting up AutoSlot continues. There were issues with the program that actually Burns the chips that makes this wonderful device work. Once again I have to say Thank You to Vince for helping me get this part of the process working.

    The software that operates this Programming device would not run on my Home Computer. I purchased a used Lap Top Computer, had it sent to Vince and also sent the Programming equipment back to him. He was kind enough to get it all up and running and has sent it back to me. I can now Burn chips ! ! !

    I was going to start opening up other Threads for members but am going to hold off on that until all is set in place. I have parts on the way and still need to order others to get the Business up and running 100 %.

    I do not want to put the "Cart before the Horse" which will just lead to confusion and frustration.

    I am opening the Titled "Who wants an Autoslot?". Which will open in the " Pachislo Modifications". Members can list which machines that they would like an AutoSlot for and if they want Reel Stop only or Credit Add included. Please only use this Thread for a "Want List".

    This will give me an idea of what to start building first and how many as the parts come in.

    All of the AutoSlot's that go out of my door will be tested in my own Pachi's first to ensure that they do work. (these are the ones that have the Traditional "Stop Boards"). I.E., the older Pachislo's.

    The new Pachislo's on the streets that do not have the "Stop Boards" in them such as :

    Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Shake II, Spider Man 2, Tomb Raider and others are new Territory.

    Each one will have to be researched and an AutoSlot built for it. Currently, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Tomb Raider have been figured out. My Shake II is the next to research along with Flyboys Spiderman 2 which is a work in process.

    This is a big venture I have taken on. Requiring more than I though it would. But I AM going to make this Happen.

    Sid I now appreciate even more the work that you put into PachiTalk.

    What you do day in and day out to keep the Forum running is ten fold of the venture I have started. And I want to say again "Thank You" for keeping our World "On Line" giving all the Members a Place to call home in the Mighty Pachi World!
    72 Pachi's, 36 Pachinko's, 2 Pallots, 3 Pinn's & 2 Pachinko Bar Signs. Links to About Me: pachijunkie's Videos

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  7. #4
    SNORTARRIFIC! new in town's Avatar
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    Talking Re: Auto-Slot2

    Well all, one step closer.

    I just opened the Main Autoslot Web Page again.

    We PachiTalk people have allot more on the Site to see being the Majority of it deals with Credit Add which is not going out to the General Public.

    Supplies are on the way from Australia and the three different types of small wire connectors on the way from within the U.S. Hopefully next Pay Day the P.C. board purchase will be made.

    Still working on the E-Bay Site.

    Rita and Sid have graciously let me put Links up to PachiTalk and Blue Hotaru. Thank You.

    I give you the Official AutoSlot Home Page.
    72 Pachi's, 36 Pachinko's, 2 Pallots, 3 Pinn's & 2 Pachinko Bar Signs. Links to About Me: pachijunkie's Videos

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  9. #5
    SNORTARRIFIC! new in town's Avatar
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    Default Re: Auto-Slot2

    Auto-Slot 2 is open for business.

    I have the following Credit Add Models available. You can check the AutoSlot Page here for which model applies to your Pachislo.

    Credit-Add Model Selection

    AS-02 CA - 5 of them

    AS-03 NO - 8 of them

    AS-03 - 8 of them

    AS-04 - 6 of them

    AS-NET - 2 of them NET Model Wiring

    AS-YAM - 2 of them Yamasa Models

    All Credit Add models are $36.00 + $5.00 shipping USPS 1st Class for up to two in a shipment. $0.50 extra for each additional unit over the two.

    The newer Pachislo's which do not use the Traditional Stop Boards are on hold until I gather up the Funds to make an new PC Board purchase which will have the new Boards to build the AS-06 model AutoSlot.

    The Reel Stop only Models (AS-02 no Credit Add) will be Sold through the Auto-Slot 2 EBAY Store shortly.

    Purchase of these can be made through the AutoSlot Web Site.


    Just click on the "Questions e-mail me!" To contact me about a Purchase.

    Seeing that the Upgrade to PachiTalk is happening in a bit and the Auction section will be going away Purchase for these will be done Via e-mail and Pay Pal (or check / money order if you do not have Pay Pal set up) through the AutoSlot Web Site. It will be easier this way also instead of setting up an individual Auction for each person through the PachiTalk Auctions.

    If using Pay Pal and you are going to use a CC for your purchase I ask that you add 10% to the total sale which is a Fee Pay Pal charges for using a CC. I think this is only fair. If you are sending the fund Via your Pay Pal account balance or a checking account set up with them this fee is not imposed. Please use the "Goods" selection in Pay Pal.

    The 3% from these sales will still be going to PachiTalk. At the end of each month I will total up the sales and send it to Sid.

    Seeing that the Credit Add AutoSlot models have to be wired into your Pachislo door wiring, on line help will be available via e-mail. If troubles or questions in understanding on how to install them still arise, in person phone contact can be made to me directly. (I will pickup the Dime. )

    I want to ENSURE that ALL of the Credit Add Models sold to Members are installed correctly. This is why they are not going to be sold through the EBAY Store.

    Each Autoslot I build is tested after being constructed to ensure they work in my own Pachislo's. They are tested one last time just prior to shipping.

    That being said I must make the statement (Disclaimer) than I will not be held responsible for any damage to an AutoSlot or your Pachislo for incorrectly installing an AutoSlot. An instruction page will be sent with each model sold to help in the installation. I am working on a business card size "Button" selection card which can be place on your Pachislo explaining all the functions of the AutoSlot. If I do not have them ready by the time the first purchases are made I will send them out to you (no charge) when they are ready.

    After your Purchase Please add you name to the "AutoSlot" owners thread.

    Autoslot Owners Listing

    This will let other Members know which Pachislo's currently have them installed. Please also let everyone know how it went (Positive or Negative) with the purchase, installation and your feelings on "Life with AutoSlot".

    The "Green T Tap" Page : Green Tap Installation will be expanded shortly also. A Red and Yellow T Tap will be added. All 3 of these are for 19 - 26 AWG Gauge Wires.

    The Green T Tap will splice a new wire to an existing wire W/O having to cut it.

    The Red T Tap will splice up to three wires together.

    The Yellow T Tap will splice two wires together.

    These will be sold in packs of 36 for $5.40 + $2.00 shipping up to 3 sets purchased. They can be mixed and matched or three packages of the same purchased. 3% of these sales will be going to PachiTalk also. Once you see them on the Link above just contact me through the "Questions e-mail me!"
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    72 Pachi's, 36 Pachinko's, 2 Pallots, 3 Pinn's & 2 Pachinko Bar Signs. Links to About Me: pachijunkie's Videos

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  11. #6
    SNORTARRIFIC! new in town's Avatar
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    Default Re: Auto-Slot2 UPDATE (Been Awhile) NIT "GET OFF YOUR BUTT ! ! !

    Hi All,

    Well the Stock on hand is dwindling and now that I still have a JOB, (YES, another Contractor took over our work site) I am able to move Forward.

    I just made three purchases from Electronics suppliers for components, ribbon cable and connectors. The Bits to build them are on the way. I still have to make the PC Board Purchase.

    The Stumbling Block has been to design a "Universal" AS-06 Board for the newer Pachislo's that do not use the Traditional Stop Board.

    In order to keep my head above water I have set five Priorities. :

    1. Get the AS-02 reel stop only devices back on the "BAY"

    2. Restock the Devices Vince has already perfected.

    3. Build an AS-06 PC Board that will handle "Some" of the newer Pachislo's

    4. Develop a "Credit Add Only" AutoSlot.

    5. Design an updated AS-06SPL (special) PC Board to cover (Most) of the design changes that operate the newer Pachislo's.

    The PC Board purchase will also include enough Boards for 400 Volume Controls which are on this AutoSlot Link. Which will be updated showing the Trimmer Pots attached to the Boards :

    The Web Provider recently updated my AutoSlot Web Site Address. If you have the old one, It no longer works. It may redirect you, it may not. The new AutoSlot "PachiTalk" Link is :

    This can also be found at the bottom of every post that I make.

    Other items such as Lumina Frame replacement bulbs, and the Green, Red and Yellow 3M in line Splices will be added to the Web Site.

    As soon as all items are purchased and on hand, I will post a new Price list for ALL AutoSlot items that will be available. Yes, The costs are going to go up a Bit. Material costs have increased since Vince had the Business.

    I did not Take Over AutoSlot to make me Rich and Retire off of. I did it to keep this Device available to all who own Pachislo's. But that being said I have to keep the Business in the Green and at least "Break Even" in the cost of running it. I will do my Best to keep the costs the lowest that I can.

    That being said, I have implemented a 1 year warranty on All AutoSlot Devices sold. All AutoSlots sold will be shipped Via USPS in a small flat rate Box. (up to 5 can be shipped for the same shipping cost)

    A 1 year warranty is on the AutoSlot. The day USPS Tracking shows it arrived to you is the day the warranty starts. Should it fail within a year I will replace it free of charge including shipping costs. The replacement device also holds a full 1 year warranty.

    All I ask is that you send the defective device back your cost, Aprox. $2.00 for 1st class mail and I will include a pre addressed small padded envelope to return it should the device ever fail within the year warranty. You can keep this envelope inside your Pachi.

    Why? So I may find out what went wrong and make sure that the problem that arose does not happen again. To date, none of the AutoSlots I have made have ever failed to operate.

    One customer did break a plug on a ribbon cable on a device that is used in the older Pachislo's. He sent me the device back and I replaced it for free.

    That's "IT" for now. I will post another update as things progress.
    72 Pachi's, 36 Pachinko's, 2 Pallots, 3 Pinn's & 2 Pachinko Bar Signs. Links to About Me: pachijunkie's Videos

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  13. #7
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Auto-Slot2

    Keep up the good work
    Ian #UKPachinko

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  15. #8
    SNORTARRIFIC! new in town's Avatar
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    Default Re: Auto-Slot2

    Hey All,

    The Supply of Micro Chips arrived yesterday and the other two orders of parts are inbound.

    Final cost to produce the PC Boards has been figured out so I was able to make up a new Price List for all AutoSlots except for the AS-06SPL. :

    AS-02 Just stops the reels. This is a Plug and Play, no wiring to splice in. - $25.00

    All of the one's below include "Credit Add"

    AS-02CA - Also has credit add. $32.00
    AS-03 - $35.00
    AS-03NC - $35.00
    AS-04 - $35.00
    AS-NET - $32.00
    AS-YAM - $32.00
    AS-06 - $32.00

    DIY Kit (2 sensor only Token Acceptors with Pachi's that use the Traditional Stop Board. (and Vintage Pachi's with the older Stop Board)

    Token Acceptor Specifications must be listed as

    "VOLTAGE", 5
    "SENSORS", 2

    As listed on the AutoSlot Credit Add Page). :

    The "DIY" page is here. :

    Just the MicroChip and Mount Base - $12.00
    Microchip, Mount Base pre wired to solder onto your Stop Board and the wiring out to your Token Acceptor inner Door Plug - $15.00

    AS-06SPL - T.B.D.

    This one is still in the testing stages but once proven :
    AS-CA (Credit Add only) - $26.00

    Still figuring out a cost for the Volume controls which will be mounted on a PC Board with the option of wires soldered to it so you may in line splice them or without wires so you can solder them directly to your speaker wires. They are the Bourns Pots that are on this AutoSlot page. (the Blue one's):

    To Date, I have NOT BLOWN one of these up yet. Even in Julie! ! !

    I still have a limited supply of all AutoSlots except for the AS-06 and AS-YAM on hand. (just sold the last AS-YAM) Till the PC board purchase is made and I construct new ones this is the current state of available AutoSlots.

    I want to Thank a new AutoSlot customer I am currently working with.

    He has a Diato HIHOUDEN (Secret Treasure) and wanted an AutoSLot for it. Vince had not figured out the wiring for these Pachislo's yet. The one I own that Rita was kind enough to find me now has one installed. This Pachi uses the AS-03.

    I give you Secret Treasure with AutoSlot. :

    More Up Dates on the way soon. Will be updating the AutoSlot Web Site Also.
    72 Pachi's, 36 Pachinko's, 2 Pallots, 3 Pinn's & 2 Pachinko Bar Signs. Links to About Me: pachijunkie's Videos

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  17. #9
    Ensign Newton owennewton's Avatar
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    Default Re: Auto-Slot2

    Quote Originally Posted by new in town View Post

    To Date, I have NOT BLOWN one of these up yet. Even in Julie! ! !
    still going strong in Eva 3 and julie, who have both smoked 2 other controls each. Only ones I will buy from this point on


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  19. #10
    SNORTARRIFIC! new in town's Avatar
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    Default Re: Auto-Slot2

    Just saw that it has been 2 years since I started this Thread.

    I hope all will be up and running by Mid year. Another "Matter" just came about to slow the $$$ side down as to getting AutoSlot 100%. All I will say about it is that "Unconditional Love" works both Ways.

    Jan, Dragonfly, contacted me About an AutoSlot for the 4 Reel Bio Hazard. I did initial checks on this Pachi and put it on the shelf. Well It is off the shelf and in work
    now. There are some Pic's below that shows what all has to be connected to figure out the correct wires on the door plugs to connect to.

    The AS-04 installed will only stop three of the four Reels. It is a test bed to figure out the Final design of the AS-06.

    First. To get the credit add to work the timing between Token Sensor 1 to 2 and 3 had to be changed as some the newer machines relocated the sensors in the Token Acceptor. After three tries changing the program software for the Microchip I got it to work.

    Second. To get the fourth Reel to Stop an additional run has to be placed on the PC Board of the AutoSlot and additional programming into the software to get the Microchip to do it's thing.

    The AS-06 "Universal PC Board" has been so long in being developed due to the Companies making the New Machines with the Parlor Interface Board changing the operating voltages and "States" (Hi to Low and Low to Hi) of the Stop Buttons, Token Sensors and Spin Knob.

    Vince the former owner of AutoSlot is helping me with the program for BioHazard. He has been a Godsend in moving AutoSlot along.

    I give you Bio Hazard With Credit Add and 3 of the 4 Reels Stopping.

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    72 Pachi's, 36 Pachinko's, 2 Pallots, 3 Pinn's & 2 Pachinko Bar Signs. Links to About Me: pachijunkie's Videos

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  21. #11
    Eye Shooter millermaster1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Auto-Slot2

    Hey NIT, I just picked up a Ridge Racer 2 with 4 reels, would this new auto stop work with mine when you get the 4th reel working?

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  23. #12
    SNORTARRIFIC! new in town's Avatar
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    Default Re: Auto-Slot2

    Quote Originally Posted by millermaster1 View Post
    Hey NIT, I just picked up a Ridge Racer 2 with 4 reels, would this new auto stop work with mine when you get the 4th reel working?
    Bio Hazard is a 2008 Pachi made by YAMASA.
    Ridge Racer 2 is a 2009 Pachi made by Niigata Denshi.

    Meaning "Apple and Orange" as far as how they were both constructed electrically.

    Once the AS-06 is finished and proven if you are handy with a Multi Meter I can walk you through checking values to see how the AS-06 needs to be configured and wired to your Pachi.

    Where did you get it from? Rita has the Ridge Racer 1 on her Web Site.
    Last edited by new in town; 01-21-2012 at 02:19 AM.
    72 Pachi's, 36 Pachinko's, 2 Pallots, 3 Pinn's & 2 Pachinko Bar Signs. Links to About Me: pachijunkie's Videos

  24. #13
    Eye Shooter millermaster1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Auto-Slot2

    That's the one! I thought it was a "2"??? Pretty nice machine except for the long "reach" before the bonus round.
    I picked it up about a month ago, from a guy that was the middle man for all the pachislo's in the U.S.?\
    Here is my video.
    I'm ok with a multi meter, you would have to crawl me through it

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  26. #14
    SNORTARRIFIC! new in town's Avatar
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    Default Re: Auto-Slot2

    Been Awhile.

    January since I gave an update on AutoSlot. Things here have been Hectic, Busy, Expensive and Never Ending.

    Due to the Normal things in life, I.E. : Grave Yard Shift, Car Repairs, Home Repairs, Vet Bills, Insurance, Tags and Helping Family out the
    Purchase of the Much Needed PC Board Purchase has been pushed back once again.

    Keeping a Roof over my Head, The Lights On / Water On and taking care of Family have Front Seat.

    No Cable here or DISH. Antenna on the Roof with a Rotor to pull in stations 360 Degrees. "Old School"

    I have been able to Help a few Members with their Pachislo Problems in the mean time and am still in work on two.

    That does not mean that I have Put AutoSlot 100% on the Back Burner.
    I have made progress on the AutoSlot for the 4 Reel Bio Hazard.

    All 4 Reels stop now. Still working on the Program Code Though. The 4Th reel only stops last and the first 3 do go into random Mode. Have to
    Find time to work out the bugs for the 4Th feel Random Mode. At Least the Credit Add is working and Will be an "Only" option W/O the Reel
    Stop Function once All is in place and working.

    The Video is uploading as I type and when done will be here posted. :

    It will list as unavailable till it is fully Uploaded.

    The prototype used is an AS-04 AutoSlot PC Board which is Hard Wired Directly into the inner Door PC Board Plugs on the Pachislo. Ten wires
    Total into 4 Inner Door Plugs. : I had to solder in the 4Th Reel Stop wire Directly to the 14 Pin Microchip to make it work.

    1. Reel Stop Plug - 4 wires. (Duh. 4 Reels)
    2. Spin Knob Plug - 1 Wire.
    3. Credit Add plug - 3 Wires.
    4. Power to Run the AutoSlot, 2 Wires from a Power Source Main Plug. Up dated Pictures of the Splice in. Note. . . Not Too Smooth on the wiring
    but this is what it takes to design these. AL A Gator Clips are AUTHORIZED ! ! !

    100_3046 Web.jpg 100_3047 Web.jpg 100_3048 Web.jpg 100_3049 Web.jpg 100_3050 Web.jpg 100_3051 Web.jpg

    This is one of the last remaining AS-04 PC Board I have that were designed for 3 sensor Token Acceptors for the Credit Add Circuits. The

    AS-04 was originally used in Death Valley Which I helped Vince Design for this Pachi. This is what Vince used to develop the Original New
    Pachislo AS-06 Prototype AutoSlots for the new machines such as Star Wars, Indiana Jones,
    Mu Mu World and Tomb Raider. I have developed
    ones for Shake Two and Jack Pot since then.

    Due to the New Machines that now use the "Parlor Interface" PC Boards and did away with the Traditional 30 wire Ribbon Cable Stop
    Board which are no longer Standard as to their Voltages and States of operating Machine to Machine, each new Pachislo must be researched
    as to their operating parameters. (even within the same Manufacture) All new Pachislo's will have to have the AutoSlot "Hard Wired" Directly to the inner door PC Board. Even the Reel Stop Only AutoSlots. No More Plug and Play Reel Stop AutoSlots for these new Pachi's.

    To ALL Asking about AutoSlots for Pachi's not listed in my Database on the Credit Add Page. (Meaning the New Machines)

    Credit-Add Model Selection

    If you contact me Via my Website. Autoslot (click between the blue Mailbox's) Let me know that you ARE a PachiTalk Member, I will do my BEST to answer ANY Questions you have about your new Machines ASAP. These new Machines have also redesigned the Token Acceptor Sensors. The Three sensors now are not always built in line with equal spacing. Such as Shake II. The Third Sensor is activated Via a "Trip" notch after the first two sensors
    that the Token passes through. Due to this, it changes the Timing between the second and third sensor which means the timing in the AutoSLot Microchip
    Program Code has to be changed to make this work.

    As to the Older, Traditional Machines, As soon as the PC Board Purchase is made and 1 month or so of intense Building, I will have AutoSlots
    Back on line for these.

    And. . . Yes. . . I have developed a Credit Add only PC Board. For both OLD and NEW School Pachislo's. The Older MAchines this will have to be Directly
    wired to the Inner Door PC Board as in the New Machines. It will not work on 100% of the new ones.

    (I do not own all of the new Pachi's to make them FIT ! ! !) But I will do my BEST to get ALL Pachi's AutoSlot Compatible.

    My BEST to you ALL. . . "NIT"

    72 Pachi's, 36 Pachinko's, 2 Pallots, 3 Pinn's & 2 Pachinko Bar Signs. Links to About Me: pachijunkie's Videos

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  28. #15
    SNORTARRIFIC! new in town's Avatar
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    Default Re: Auto-Slot2

    Hi All,

    Another Update on AutoSlot. I Finally found a new Web hosting software to get back into my AutoSlot Web Site and have put an update on both the non PachiTalk and PachiTalk pages. Since switching over from Windows Xp to 7 Ultimate I have had problems accessing my Web Site. That problem is now Fixed. :



    This is the Update Listed on Both. :

    AutoSlot is currently closed for sales. I still have a PC Board purchase to
    make. Before I can do that I have to finish the final design and testing of the new
    AS-06 board which has enhancements to operate in many more of the newer Pachislo's
    which do not use the traditional 30 pin stop boards. Also I am developing a Credit Add
    only AutoSlot. This device will have to be wired directly to the inner door PC board as the
    AS-06 and AS-Net has to be.

    That being said those of you who have contacted me about Items I have contacted you back on these are still a "Work in Progress" to supply what you desire. I will access what AutoSlots I still have on hand that are available, (very few) and post them here as soon as I can. The last few sales actually came out of my own Pachi's. I am no longer pulling devices out of my Pachislo's for sale.

    The DIY Kits are still available as they only require me to Burn (program) a Microchip. These DIY's are listed on my Web Site here. :

    AUTOSLOT Do It Yourself Kit

    In reading this Link above Please read all about the DIY and it's Limits. This is the 8 pin Microchip that will only work for 2 sensor Token Acceptorsfor the Credit Add Feature.

    The DIY will work for all Brand Pachislo's in the below Web Site Link that list the AS-02C AutoSlot. :

    Credit-Add Model Selection

    There is one Member who contacted me about the 14 Pin Microchip that I have a 90% Program done for the 4 reel Bio Hazard. He is willing to purchase Just the Chip and "Bread Board" it onto his own PC Board. I have no more of the AS-06 Boards here available which was actually a Modified AS-04 Board to put these Chips on. Just an FYI. This Chip for Biohazard requires 10 wires from the Microchip to be wired into Bio Hazards inner door PC Board.

    4 wires to the Reel Stop
    3 wires to the Credit Add
    2 wires to power the Microchip
    1 wire to the Spin Knob.

    With this Microchip I have the Credit Add working, Full function of the AutoSlot to change fromm left to right reel stop and Randome reel stop, changing the times it takes to initially stop the reels and the time change to stop between the reels and to turn the reel stop on and off. The only Glitch I am still working on is the problem of the fourth (right reel) allways stopping last. The first three from left to right are fully controlled for changes by the program in the Chip.

    Pic's of the prototype I have made. :

    100_3046 Web.jpg 100_3047 Web.jpg 100_3048 Web.jpg 100_3049 Web.jpg 100_3050 Web.jpg 100_3051 Web.jpg

    Am trying to move along as Quickly as Possible to get this all up and running.

    Brian... NIT
    72 Pachi's, 36 Pachinko's, 2 Pallots, 3 Pinn's & 2 Pachinko Bar Signs. Links to About Me: pachijunkie's Videos

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    Default Re: Auto-Slot2 Bio Hazard DIY ! ! !

    Hi all,

    Finally have gotten almost all caught up with the other things going on around here. Still lacking funds to make the BIG PC Board purchase but I have been working on projects to enhance AutoSlot. One of them is a DIY Chip for Bio Hazard. Here are the Pics. :

    100_3243 web.jpg 100_3244 web.jpg 100_3245 web.jpg 100_3246 web.jpg 100_3247 web.jpg 100_3248 web.jpg 100_3249 web.jpg 100_3250 web.jpg

    Ray is going to receive the first one.

    As of this date the 4TH reel (right reel) always stops last. Need to find time to work on the program for the Chip to correct this.

    This DIY has 10 wires that will have to be directly wired into 4 plugs on the inner door PC Boards. :

    2 wires have to be connected to a plug to power the AutoSlot.
    1 wire has to be connected to the Spin Knob Plug.
    3 wires have to be connected to the Token Acceptor Plug.
    4 wires have to be connected to the Reel Stop Plug.

    This Mod is for the person who is Com For Ta Bull with tinkering with wiring. Only the Program Chip, it's plug in socket, wires and the 3M Green Scotch Locks to make the 10 connections are available at this time. When the PC Board purchase is made this device will be mounted to a PC Board. The 10 wires will still need to be connected directly to Bio Hazards inner Door PC Boards. (2 of them)

    Once Ray has this in hand and is installed and operating for him to his approval will it be on my Web Site. : Autoslot

    Going next back to Spiderman II. Have to recheck all the operating prameters on it and see if a DIY is possible. Till the PC Board Purchase can be done I will continue on DIY projects as these do not require a PC Board from me to work. That does not mean that a Member who is comfortable at this level of electronics circuity can not adapt these DIY Chips to their own home built PC board.
    72 Pachi's, 36 Pachinko's, 2 Pallots, 3 Pinn's & 2 Pachinko Bar Signs. Links to About Me: pachijunkie's Videos

  31. The following 3 users say "Thanks" to new in town

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