Well, we may have the definitive answer on how safe (electrically) are pachislos?

I had a big party scheduled for Sunday night - business guests coming in from out of town. On Saturday morning I went down to the game room to find 2" of water on the floor. We had a rain storm all night and the float on the sump pump failed. I spent all day Saturday and Sunday sucking water out of the carpet with a rug shampooer.

By late Sunday the standing water was gone and you could walk on the carpet with out is squishing. But it was still very damp to the touch.

Obviously I was a little concerned. In a few hours we'd have 20 people standing on a damp carpet playing pachislo machines - all of which were ungrounded.

Figuring I couldn't afford to electrocute anyone, I used myself as a test dummy. (And I do mean dummy.) I played all the machines in my bare feet, standing on the wet carpet. Not even a tingle.

The party went on as scheduled and no one was electrocuted.