This is my PM to David R. and his reply. No setting in the CP that I see. And I set my computer to have the cookies stay longer before the computer cleans them out. No luck. I come home open new posts there are a decant amount, read some. Close out the browser then come back in a few hours and all gone! I look in main section and they are all grey as if I read them. I did not change anything. The only thing that was done was the computer guy had to fix a template folder that was bad in Word. He must have shut some things down because my screen saver was off when I got the computer back. Other that that I don't know what could be different. Any help would be appreciated! Laz.

Same thing happens to me. I really don't know what it is. All I can figure is it is a cookie issue.

Gets frustrating I know. I am looking into it and have been for several weeks with no luck.

Maybe there is a setting in the User Control Panel.

Originally Posted by Lazarus
Hi this is Laz. Something has changed for me on the board. When I leave for a while and come back posts that I did not read or open come up as read and do not show up under new posts. I do not log off. I just close my browser IE. When I come back to the board I just open my home page witch is pachitalk. New posts that I did not read before would still be there. Now they are not. The only difference on my end is that the computer guy had to fix some bad files in Word for me. He says he did not do anything with IE or my forum. Can you help me?
