this is what I understand from this slot so far,

once you hit the bonus (a 777 or $$$) you get to play a bonus mode 24 spins, and up to three chances of super bonus of 8 spins each. A total of 48 spins I believe.

to get into super bonus, you have to hit three "Replay" reels. and then get 8 guaranteed spins of 15 coins = 120 coins. This is pretty boring here because it always ends at 8 spins, and always pays out 15 coins per spin. 120 coins per super bonus round. There are 12 LEDs , but I've never had less or more than 8 spins in "super bonus mode"

now, assuming you hit the 3 replays, 3 times, you'll get a guarantee
ed 360 coins. but you don't want to hit all three times before your 24 spins are up, since the bonus will end whatever comes first, the 24 spins or the 3 bonus plays.

so from what I understand, you only want to hit the three replay reels once about every 8 spins... that way you rack up coins during regular bonus play! otherwise, if you enter super bonus too quickly, you lose out in getting regular bonus coins.

i've only managed to lit up the 450 coin display once!!!

There is also some info on the slot about the "$" dollar but I can't seem to understand what it means. I have never been paid out on the $ dollar reel (the gold/yellow colored one)