I seem to recall reading somewhere that in the Parlors, the balls hit the Go/Start pocket once every 30 seconds on average. I am curious to know if anyone knows wether that statement may be true, and secondly, what are your machines doing? If you adjust your own nails, what do you set them to? It seems to me that the averaged "number of seconds between starts" seems a reasonable way to measure this.

I've adjusted my machines to be in a state of almost continuous Spins/Starts after adjusting the shooter to the sweet spot(s). I've also adjusted the other pockets to pay out in total approximately equally to the quantity of used shooter balls. In this manor I will have run out of reward balls at about the same time that i've run out of shooter balls. (No cyclic action for me. Playing with the balls is an important part of my playing experience; and before you ask, I shave my palms!)