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Thread: My Heiwa machine, Omizu no Hanamichi - " Club Paradise Pachinko" 2000

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    Tokie Owens misterlambert's Avatar
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    Default My Heiwa machine, Omizu no Hanamichi - "(Club) Paradise Pachinko" 2000

    Okay! Hello! I'm going to go ahead and make my official introductions to this apparently pretty tightly knit and friendly forum by starting this thread about my pachinko machine. I took what seemed like a bunch of pictures of the interesting parts of it and I'm going to post them and prattle on about what I've learned from reading mainly here and a few other places. A lot of it will probably be covered elsewhere but whatever I'm just having fun with it. I'll try to keep from going on too long.

    This is my pachinko machine. I apologize for the orientation on the pic. I guess my Android isn't so smart after all! It's from the year 2000. The only English on it that looks like a title says Club Paradise but a little Googling brought me to this page where I learned it is called Omizu no Hanamichi which means roughly "Bar Girl hits middle age" Apparently in Japan a girl can make a respectable living hanging around in bars and showing the men there a good time, whatever that means! These kind of girls are employed by the bar and they're all young and hot. I guess turning 30 is a wake up call for one of these bar girls. This was a whole manga series as well as no less than two live action television series. None of it has been translated into English. I looked at the first volume of the manga and it was incomprehensible! Seemed just slightly smutty, which is what I get from the machine.

    This is the handle. You grab that sucker and give it a twist and your balls start shooting out from the left hand side of the playfield. I guess I didn't take a picture of balls loaded into the tray! Dang! Anyway, once you have some balls loaded in the tray if you twist this guy balls should start shooting out into the play field with more power the harder it gets twisted. I guess traditionally there's also supposed to be a switch in that vicinity to stop or start the balls. From what I understand this is usually a trigger conveniently placed behind the handle or a metal ring that has to be grounded out to your body to get the balls to flow. I guess this was originally to actually fire the balls then with motorized shooters it became a measure to assure that the player was actually operating the machine, and then it became more of a strategy element and nowadays its almost pointless. This adds up because on my machine it's just a tiny black button that's inconveniently
    far from the handle. You can see it in the pic.

    This is the start slot on my machine. It has some lips on it and says CHU which is I guess a kiss sound to the Japanese. Get a ball in there and that's a spin on the video display. There are a couple jaws on there that can open when the machine is excited and let more balls in.

    Here's the video display. Again in the wrong orientation, sorry. You can see the start slot under the display. Right now it has the bar girls on there. See how professional they seem? The girl in the middle is the one turning 30. Her name is Akina. I think the other girls are May, Sayaka, Yoku and Maya. Balls can fall into the area in front of the screen and the way that area is shaped they have a pretty good chance of falling into the start slot. You can see one of my balls sitting in there because my maching isn't leveled out and mounted in the wall yet. This screen is where the spins happen. Get three in a row and it's a fever. Get close and sometimes you get a reach with a fun animation. Some reaches include one where Akina kisses your number and tries to get it to turn, one that she blows a kiss and a man hits it with some kind of a spatula or something and it might change to a match, one where she is defending herself from having her crotch grabbed by a man, one where the have champagne and sometimes the waiter will spray the champagne to change the number to match, one where transvestites invade the bar and one of them and Akina smack their butts into each other until she gets knocked out of the frame but sometimes returns with a headband and a bucket on her butt and wins, getting you your fever, and of course the popular shower reach where you see her naked in the shower (with partial nudity from behind). During fevers, you see her on a fun date with some gentleman and several scenes relating to that - including one where she's crying for whatever reason. You can also see the four credit lights to the left and right of her printed portrait. These light up as you build up spin credits from dropping balls in the start slot. Don't waste balls trying to get more than four built up! When the machine is energized (from someone hitting a big fever) spins will often resolve instantly so they go by faster in addition to building up easier because the score slot jaws will be open more. When the machine is energized, the red and yellow lights on the actual body of the machine will flash. You can see them in the top pic but they're not flashing.

    This here is the info sticker on the machine. It has some info on it. I can't read Japanese beyond a kindergarten level but I know it's saying that the odds of a spin turning into a fever are 1/315 and the small payoff is 1/2 (which seems a little stingy but I'll get into that later. It's also saying that the machine is compatible with an electronic credit machine which I will also get into later.

    This is one of the instant score chutes located toward the bottom of the field, to the sides. If you get a ball in these you get a small payoff. I guess in some machines this can be as many as 15 balls for each ball you put in but on my machine it's only 2 (see the sticker) so it's not really worth shooting for it. You can also see some balls jammed in this pic. I'm not sure if this is because I don't have the nails perfectly straight or because the machine hasn't been leveled or is just an element of the game. In any case, it can be cleared by a hard peck on the plexiglass. I'm going to assume most machines have plexiglass, not real glass? Mine does anyway.

    This is one of the chance slots. When a ball goes through here, it supposedly gives better odds. This seems to be true about successful reaches that turn into fevers at least. I'm not sure if it improves the chances of a reach/cold fever during spins though. This could matter when it comes to choosing what to do when you are full on spin credits. Should you just save your balls or shoot for chance?

    This is the credit area of the machine. See how it does nothing? If the machine were hooked up to a credit machine in a parlor it would keep track of the credits on the game. The yellow button would cash in a credit for a certain number of balls and the right button would eject the card or smart token from the machine. I'm kind of curious what that other red spot might be for but it doesn't seem to be a button. I may eventually invest in a credit machine emulator to make this more functional if I decide to invest more into this machine. Theoretically I would install it in a wall with a ball lifter, a ball counter leading to the reward hopper, and a credit machine emulator. I guess the emulator can even hook to an actual coin/token taker if that ever were somewhere I would want to go with it.

    This is the scoring door at the bottom of the machine. Get three in a row on a spin or have a reach turn into three in a row and you get a fever. During a fever, this door opens up and every ball you can get into it is worth a lot more balls. I got a 777 fever and sunk just one ball on purpose. I got eight back. I don't know for sure yet if different numbered fevers deliver different numbers of balls. Also, if you don't get enough balls into this scoring door each round then you won't make it to the next round. This particular machine is crazy generous though! Every fever I've seen goes for fifteen rounds! It's no problem to get the machine to pay out 1500 or even 2000 balls so with odds 1/315 that means you only have to get one out of every five to seven balls into the start slot which really isn't that hard to do. I suspect that this might have something to do with why the machine was exported. I have to wonder if we get the least profitable machines. I could, of course, adjust the odds myself using the traditional method of bending or even adding additional nails to the field to reduce the number of balls that make it into the scoring door, or into the start slot. If I understand correctly it is illegal to do that in Japan or maybe it's only illegal to tamper with the electronics to make the probabilities different from the sticker.

    Well that concludes this post about the front side of the machine. Next time I'll write about the rear workings of the thing with more pictures of the useful discoveries I made. Here's a tip: Look for the yellow paint that apparently importers like to smear on the important parts.

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    MacGruber JACKSJE4's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Heiwa machine, Omizu no Hanamichi - "(Club) Paradise Pachinko" 2000

    Very cool machine and an excellent tour! Thanks for the pictures and details regarding your machine.
    Jeff Jackson, Denver CO

    There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."

  4. #3
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Heiwa machine, Omizu no Hanamichi - "(Club) Paradise Pachinko" 2000

    Thats a neat looking machine. Its got some great touches, Or might be because I'm a sucker for a pretty girl. Thanks for the pics.
    A daverob dongle is a must for wall mounting That will get your credit buttons working.

    Your blocked pockets should pay out 10 balls at a guess. All of my machines have needed adjusting for these pockets as they were quite clearly blocked

    Thanks for sharing
    Ian #UKPachinko

  5. #4
    Tokie Owens misterlambert's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Heiwa machine, Omizu no Hanamichi - "(Club) Paradise Pachinko" 2000

    Quote Originally Posted by Drunkenclam View Post
    A daverob dongle is a must for wall mounting That will get your credit buttons working.

    Your blocked pockets should pay out 10 balls at a guess. All of my machines have needed adjusting for these pockets as they were quite clearly blocked
    Yeah I'd like to get a Daverob dongle but I'm not trying to spend a lot of money. I wanted to score one of his rev 1 emulators cheap but I think I offended him with a lowball. It's on my list before I invest in a ball lifter anyway. For now, I can just play attendant and go around back. I found a basket at Hobby Lobby that holds exactly 500 balls, which is all the more I can really have in-play at a time since I have less than 1500 balls total for the machine.

    As for the small score pockets, yes I know that one was blocked I showed it for that very reason. A good rap on the plexi will unblock the pocket as I said. I'm pretty sure that all the payouts are working correctly (I'll get to that when I write my post that covers the back side) and that on this machine the small score pockets are really only supposed to pay off 2 balls. As I understand it that's what the 1/2 on the sticker means.

    I see Cutie Honey in your signature. Do you own one? I'm jealous! That's the machine I want.

  6. #5
    Tokie Owens misterlambert's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Heiwa machine, Omizu no Hanamichi - "(Club) Paradise Pachinko" 2000

    Attachment 45013
    This is her backside. Sexy! She came with over a thousand balls, which I found out are worth what I paid for the whole thing on their own! This machine came with a story, by the way. It came to me through a middle man who's a friend of mine. I was hanging out in his basement, which attaches to my friends and they ask if I want to see a "Japanese slot machine" which I concealed maybe half of my excitement at the possibility that it would be a Pachinko machine. It comes out and it's this nice modern machine with the lcd and I wanted it but they said it was as-is and it had a $100 price tag on it. They couldn't get it to shoot and they couldn't show me how to open it up either. I offered $50 but they didn't take it and they ended up moving and just giving it to my neighbor (people give him things all the time, I guess because he's so nice). It sat in his basement for a while and he didn't work on it so he offered to sell it to me and I hardballed him and got it for $20. WITH A CONDITION. It's pretty emo, although I only ever got it hearsay. I guess it's the neighbor's mother-in-law's. She's the one who had it imported and she played it while she fought cancer - and lost. So her daughter wanted it to get a good home. Well, I love it and am planning to permanently install it so it's definitely found the right place to be! I own four arcade machines and have for over ten years. This is my first pachinko and I love how small it is! I don't even need a dolly.
    Attachment 45014
    This is the volume control. It's a switch. It has two settings, loud and very loud. Notice the yellow paint. I guess a lot of the imported pachinko machines in the US have this bright yellow paint splattered on the areas you should be familiar with first.
    Attachment 45015
    This is the heart of the payout system. This also had the yellow paint splattered on it. It's the part I ended up struggling with for the longest to figure out this machine. If you want to clear the balls from the payout mechanism completely you lift this arm on the right which knocks the left arm back from restraining the balls. You need to do this if you want to open up the inner workings of the machine because if you don't the whole payout will try to shower down on you. There's a way to hold that back with these two trap door like thingies that are to the right of the payout hopper. I bent mine a bit and broke one while figuring things out. It's the only thing I broke on the machine. Anyway, once you release it it stays released and you have to push the internal arm (that you can't see) back up to be held back by the arm you see on the left in the pic. If you don't do that, the payout hopper will just empty out
    Attachment 45016
    This is the famous BLOB of solder connecting a couple pins. All the PCBs for this machine are enclosed in their own hard clear plastic shells. They're pretty cool, you would have to remove like ten screws to get inside of them so I guess the exporters just used a hole-saw and cut a hole to solder through because it's easier than removing the pcb completely from its shell. They do it so the machine will function without being attached to its credit machine and scoreboard or whatever such stuff. It would be better to have a "dongle" or emulator plugged into the expansion port, which I also didn't take a picture of! Sorry! Maybe later.

    This is what I'm currently the most interested in. It's a channel that leads down to a potentiometer that is obviously meant to be adjusted. There's some of that crazy moon-writing labeling it. Can somebody read this kanji for me?

    Here's the other, large label on the back. If this isn't a good enough pic to read I can open it up so it's only through one layer of plastic. I'm sure that this is telling me the pinouts for the wiring harness in the upper right hand section where things like the battle counter are supposed to plug in. I'm still curious about what they all are though. Is one of them composite video? I'd love to get a video-out off this thing's display.

    Anyway that's all for now. Next time I'll post some pics of the latch mechanisms, how the glass opens, how the ball shooting mechanism opens, and what I found in there! Stay tuned!
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    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Heiwa machine, Omizu no Hanamichi - "(Club) Paradise Pachinko" 2000

    Quote Originally Posted by misterlambert View Post
    Yeah I'd like to get a Daverob dongle but I'm not trying to spend a lot of money. I wanted to score one of his rev 1 emulators cheap but I think I offended him with a lowball. It's on my list before I invest in a ball lifter anyway. For now, I can just play attendant and go around back. I found a basket at Hobby Lobby that holds exactly 500 balls, which is all the more I can really have in-play at a time since I have less than 1500 balls total for the machine.

    As for the small score pockets, yes I know that one was blocked I showed it for that very reason. A good rap on the plexi will unblock the pocket as I said. I'm pretty sure that all the payouts are working correctly (I'll get to that when I write my post that covers the back side) and that on this machine the small score pockets are really only supposed to pay off 2 balls. As I understand it that's what the 1/2 on the sticker means.

    I see Cutie Honey in your signature. Do you own one? I'm jealous! That's the machine I want.
    Sounds like you got a great deal. I think you will find that 1/2 on the sticker refers to chance of repeat fever following the first.
    If you do get a dongle. You might have to remove the blob As for ball lifter Well proper ones go for over $250 and up and are meant to be very nosiey. I have heard positive things about the balldozer and from the online videos it does sound very quiet.

    Cutie Honey Well the chance of getting one are slim. I got mine direct from Japan last year, Since then I think only one other has come up for sale there and only one in the US that kimbalion brought. Plus the story of the madman who sold one for $14
    No one seems to mention the 3 different pachislo also with the cutie honey theme
    Ian #UKPachinko

  9. #7
    Kungishi yose's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Heiwa machine, Omizu no Hanamichi - "(Club) Paradise Pachinko" 2000

    WELCOME TO PACHITALK You have a nice looking machine,and it looks like you're enjoying it.

  10. #8
    Gibisans - Japan West compirate's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Heiwa machine, Omizu no Hanamichi - "(Club) Paradise Pachinko" 2000

    The 'potentiometer' is actually a reset switch. With the game powered off, press and hold that switch while turning it on. But if it's paying well, maybe you don't want to

    No video out on these, sorry.




    Based on a TV show

    Reach types

    Your odds of getting a bonus from a cold start (if the machine is reset or after you get a Regular bonus) is 1:315.8 spins, 1:60.7 after a Big bonus.
    Any bonus with red/odd numbers is a big bonus. After a big bonus, your odds of your next bonus are better for a while. This can continue as long as you keep getting big bonus'. If you get a blue/even bonus, afterwards you should go back to the higher odds.

    A ball going through the pass-through pocket will activate the tulip under the start pocket making it easier to get starts. On most modern-er (a word? ) games, this pass-through pocket activates a roulette, either a flashing sequence of numbers, a pair of led's over an 'X' and an 'O', or a red and green led. If it stops on the proper thing, the tulip opens for a second. After bonus', the opening of the tulip is more frequent/longer.

    The stop button is there so that you don't lose your aiming position if you need to stop to let the spins catch up.

    Your average payout for a bonus is about 2250.
    The starts should pay 5 balls, the lower side pockets 10 and the bonus door balls 15. A bonus is 9 balls per round, 15 rounds. There is generally a special place in the bonus door that a ball has to go for the rounds to continue, some games require this, others do not.

    Technically, a 'Fever' is a Sankyo term for a bonus, not sure if they've copy-written it or not. Everyone here calls bonus' Fevers, so I bow to the will of the group
    Last edited by compirate; 09-07-2011 at 11:08 PM.


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    Tokie Owens misterlambert's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Heiwa machine, Omizu no Hanamichi - "(Club) Paradise Pachinko" 2000

    WOW Compirate! That is some useful information. I doubt I've even been able to process all of that yet but it did motivate me to disassemble the outside payout chute because I have never seen it actually pay out, just dump when I release its dump lever. Well I got it apart and sure enough the lever was wedged behind the wheel. For the life of me I couldn't figure out how to get it put back together without wedging it like that other than to disassemble the wheel and counter assembly and I still couldn't get one screw back into the counter when I put it back together. I was all set to see even more crazy payouts but that chute still does not pay out from the IN pockets or the start pocket. When I manually open the bonus box and toss a ball in it pays out exactly 15 balls, but still none from the outside chute, only the inside chute.

    What is the difference between the two payout chutes?
    What voltage is that solenoid that pulls the arm to release the payout wheel supposed to be receiving?
    (so I can test it)

    My machine as it stands now pays 2 balls for every 1 ball into the IN pockets and 1 ball for every 1 ball that goes in the START pocket. The payouts you're describing are INSANE so I'm assuming that in Japanese parlors the exchange rate is less than 1:1 when you cash out, or get your prizes etc. Even with a 1:315 chance of winning 2250 balls you only have to sink less than 1:7 to break even ball for ball. If half of the bonus rounds trigger 5x odds then.. Jeez, no wonder I've been losing out playing the house! If my IN and START pockets pay 10 and 5 balls a player almost couldn't lose. What kind of exchange rate do real parlors give? Let's say, how many balls would it take to win a pack of smokes worth 500 yen? Are smokes worth that much in Japan?

    I thought that maybe if I used that reset button I might get the outside payout feeder to start paying out but upon close inspection it may not be a potentiometer but it is definitely not a button. It has a Philips head on it.

  13. #10
    Gibisans - Japan West compirate's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Heiwa machine, Omizu no Hanamichi - "(Club) Paradise Pachinko" 2000

    Not sure what the rates are these days, but a few years ago, you 'rented' for 4 yen a ball, exchange for 2.5 yen. So as soon as you got them, you've lost

    It may have a philips head on it, but have you tried pushing on it in a quiet room and listened for the 'click'? Does the philips part turn to a stop or just spin?

    I'm not seeing any of your pictures of the back, can you try putting them up again? Perhaps we can help with the payout problem.


  14. #11
    Tokie Owens The Up Guy's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Heiwa machine, Omizu no Hanamichi - "(Club) Paradise Pachinko" 2000

    Does anyone know the value of this machine? I have one and my wife wants me to sell it because it takes up room that we need

  15. #12
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Heiwa machine, Omizu no Hanamichi - "(Club) Paradise Pachinko" 2000

    Quote Originally Posted by The Up Guy View Post
    Does anyone know the value of this machine? I have one and my wife wants me to sell it because it takes up room that we need
    value based on location and condition... also based on how many balls you have with it..

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    Eye Shooter quester's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Heiwa machine, Omizu no Hanamichi - "(Club) Paradise Pachinko" 2000

    it's a oldder machine, so value is what someone will pay for it, my guess is Low $50, High $150 to 200 range, post it in member trade area, or craiglist, good luck with sale
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