Ok, I bought a Ping Pong Club off one of the many links Compirate listed. Did all my research on it, frame matches the frame for the Dawn of the Fantasy, which I have. Pinball Dave's site shows they share the same frame, and the pictures on the official Sansei R&D site match up to the frame I have.

I get the cell this week. Pull out Dawn of the Fantasy... put this one in. Snaps in fine. Go to snap the hopper frame back on... snug fit and have to force it a bit... but still fine. Go to re-attach the 6 cables, no good. They are labeled 1-6. 5 and 6 fit fine, 4 is a bit to large for the plug so I figure it is just warped. Cable 3 has 6 leads... plug 3 has 7. And 1 and 2 seem reversed. Is something missing? Is there a special frame just for this cell? I can take pictures tonight... but just wanted to see if anyone has anymore experience with the frame to make sure I am not missing something. I just don't understand how almost everything fits... I would expect nothing to fit or all to fit.
