I agree with logicprobe on this one.

Recall that when AutoSlot was seeking info about the credit add functions of different machines, some of us had to measure voltages through various parts of the machines (coin mech, stop board, etc.).

I measured all five of my machines at that time. All voltages were dead on for where I was measuring (24V, 12V, 5V DC). Also, if you look at the full schematic of the reel stop board that compirate pointed out a while back, it has a voltage regulator circuit just for that board right on it. So I would assume the other componets have regulated supplies as well.

So considering that DC voltages throughout the machine are correct, I agree that the regulators are taking the brunt of the overvoltage. That is, after all, what regulators are for; they keep voltage constant regardless of the incoming power (up to a point of course).

Finally, if memory serves, when regulators do eventually fry for whatever reason, they leave an open circuit so the electronics on the other side of them (i.e., most of the other insides of the machine) are protected.


P.S. - I'd never seen this before so I just had to use it. It's not applicable, but I thought it was cute.