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Thread: An AutoStop mod project using an Arduino Nano

  1. #1
    Blind Shooter Mcrowell75's Avatar
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    Default An AutoStop mod project using an Arduino Nano

    With the help of atlanticom I have created an autostop mod using and arduino nano and a few other things.

    Here is a video of it in action.

    Auto-Stop Mod of a Japanese Slot using an Arduino Nano. - YouTube

    Here are the parts I used.

    Mini USB Nano V3.0 ATmega328P CH340G 5V Micro-Controller Board for Arduino & USB | eBay

    4 Channel 5V Relay Shield Module Board for Arduino Raspberry Pi ARM AVR CN | eBay

    MB-102 830 Point Prototype PCB Solderless Breadboard Protoboard US | eBay
    $5.49 EDGELEC 120pcs Breadboard Jumper Wires 10cm 15cm 20cm 30cm 40cm 50cm 100cm Wire Length Optional Dupont Cable Assorted Kit Male to Female Male to Male Female to Female Multicolored Ribbon Cables : Electronics
    30mm $8.99

    Here is a diagram of my wiring.


    I power the arduino using the usb port and a 5v phone charging wall plug.

    Here is the arduino code.

    //japanese pachislot autostop mod:
    //mcrowell75 and Atlanticom 2021:
    //This code was written for an arduino nano and a 4 channel relay module:
    //It has been tested on an IGT "Popper King" pachislo:

    int button_1 = 2;
    int button_2 = 3;
    int button_3 = 4;
    int spin_in = 5;
    int spin_out = 6;

    void setup() {
    pinMode (spin_in, INPUT);
    pinMode (button_1, INPUT);
    pinMode (button_2, INPUT);
    pinMode (button_3, INPUT);
    pinMode (spin_out, OUTPUT);

    digitalWrite (spin_out, HIGH);
    digitalWrite (spin_in, HIGH);


    void loop() {
    if (digitalRead (spin_in) == LOW) {

    digitalWrite (spin_out, LOW);
    digitalWrite (spin_out, HIGH);
    delay (random (1000,3000));
    pinMode (button_1, OUTPUT);
    delay (100);
    pinMode (button_1, INPUT);

    delay (random (500,1500));
    pinMode (button_2, OUTPUT);
    delay (100);
    pinMode (button_2, INPUT);

    delay (random (500,1500));
    pinMode (button_3, OUTPUT);
    delay (100);
    pinMode (button_3, INPUT);



    There you have it. Thanks to atlanticom and everyone on the forum who helped me troubleshoot this machine over the last year.


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  3. #2
    Pachi Puro Peteybob's Avatar
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    Default Re: An AutoStop mod project using an Arduino Nano

    Very cool and thanks for sharing this

    Do you have an option to disable the autostop in the event of a jackpot round where you would want to stop the reels right to left manually? Perhaps more so on newer machines.

  4. #3
    Fever Hunter atlanticom's Avatar
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    Default Re: An AutoStop mod project using an Arduino Nano


    Great writeup on your project. Thanks for sharing.

    BTW: I'm still not a fan of changing the pin mode from output to input (because it seems like a non-standard strategy for manipulating the output), but it obviously works for your machine and works = success!

    For future readers, digitalWrite(pin#, HIGH) and digitalWrite(pin#, LOW) is the commonly accepted way to toggle the output of digital pins on the Arduino. I mention this only for the sake of clarity and with good intention


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  6. #4
    Blind Shooter Mcrowell75's Avatar
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    Default Re: An AutoStop mod project using an Arduino Nano

    Well I don’t really understand the bonus round on this machine. I really don’t believe pressing the buttons has any effect at all. But I could be wrong. I really need someone to translate the instructions on the front of my machine. I made a thread but no one responded.

    That said, disabling auto-stop is done by simply unplugging the arduino. The machine then operates normally.

  7. #5
    Stuey - The RADministrator MrGneiss's Avatar
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    Default Re: An AutoStop mod project using an Arduino Nano

    There are certain times on machines where the stop buttons need to be pushed in a specific order, thats when it would be good to be able to disable an autostop!!

    "Blowing smoke rings at the moon."

  8. #6
    Master Inventor daverob's Avatar
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    Default Re: An AutoStop mod project using an Arduino Nano

    Quote Originally Posted by atlanticom View Post
    BTW: I'm still not a fan of changing the pin mode from output to input (because it seems like a non-standard strategy for manipulating the output), but it obviously works for your machine and works = success!
    It's a common way to deal with tri-state logic, where you have the normal High state, and Low state and also a third high impedance state where the output is left floating for other circuitry to control.

    It is also useful when you want to inject a signal into an existing circuit. For example if you have a circuit with an input consisting of a switch connected to ground and a pull up resistor, and you want to trigger the circuit connected to this switch from your microcontroller, but still leave the switch in circuit, you definitely don't want to ever set your microcontrollers pin High, as if anyone presses the switch it will short the microcontroller pin to ground and possibly cause damage, so you set the pin low and then set it as an output to actually drive the pin low (and simulate a switch press), and then set it as an input to let it be pulled high by the external pull up resistor (and simulate the switch release).

    In this particular case, setting the pin to a high impedance input state is not strictly necessary as the switching of the pachi's button inputs is performed by relays, but there are cases where this technique is very useful.

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  10. #7
    Blind Shooter Mcrowell75's Avatar
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    Default Re: An AutoStop mod project using an Arduino Nano

    As long as it’s not shortening the lifespan of the arduino or the relays. I’m ok. Thats the most important thing. I did try a few coding methods for sending the signals to the relay module and changing the pin mode was the only way I could get it to work. The only thing I didn’t try was using a resistor between the arduino and the relay input.

    One thing I should mention is that a member on the arduino forum said that my particular relay module was a sub-optimal design. He didn’t elaborate. Perhaps he was talking about this very issue.

  11. #8
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: An AutoStop mod project using an Arduino Nano

    I built some little boards for my model railway. Taking 6 different inputs. That can be set to high or low trigger via the jumper, with 7 outputs via a transistor ic. Also built in 5v regulator and because it's me. A fuse

    As above. If you could monitor one of the bet buttons not used (bet1 or bet2) it might be able to disable the auto stop if said button was held down for say 2 seconds.

    Ian #UKPachinko

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  13. #9
    Blind Shooter HalfastII's Avatar
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    Default Re: An AutoStop mod project using an Arduino Nano

    Quote Originally Posted by Drunkenclam View Post
    If you could monitor one of the bet buttons not used (bet1 or bet2) it might be able to disable the auto stop if said button was held down for say 2 seconds.

    i like that thinking... my machine requires a max bet so would be ideal to use that option... 1 coin 2 coin both could work for that.. the long press would be the trick

    im betting the relay board was over kill opt isolators would work wwell and can sink more current than the Arduino so likely could trigger the switch options easy enough...

    damm now i have a new project

  14. #10
    Eye Shooter rockston's Avatar
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    Default Re: An AutoStop mod project using an Arduino Nano

    Quote Originally Posted by HalfastII View Post
    i like that thinking... my machine requires a max bet so would be ideal to use that option... 1 coin 2 coin both could work for that.. the long press would be the trick

    im betting the relay board was over kill opt isolators would work wwell and can sink more current than the Arduino so likely could trigger the switch options easy enough...

    damm now i have a new project
    This plug and play device already has the on/ off option
    Last edited by rockston; 04-04-2023 at 07:02 AM.

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  16. #11
    Blind Shooter HalfastII's Avatar
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    Default Re: An AutoStop mod project using an Arduino Nano

    You know me I like to have control over what things do....

    Albeit that is pretty simple.. and a fair price point..

    Sent from my SM-S908U using Tapatalk

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