The latest Hokuto no Ken (#5) is really new... so it would cost a mint. But if you're willing to get one of the older models, I see one (2010's CR北斗の拳剛掌) on Yahoo Japan for 5000 yen... figure a few hundred bucks for shipping and fees if you went thru Juno at - that's if you can get it in one box over EMS. I got one whole modern over here that way, but had to have Juno remove the transformer, free balls, and all but minimal packaging. Then it was $25 for a transformer from Amazon...etc... If you split it into cell and frame then it'll probably be more, of course.

Here's a couple I found... both reasonable.. Should tide you over until next year when the new one might be cheaper.

2010 CR北斗の拳剛掌 - (YF21)
2011 CR北斗の拳金色 - ぱちんこCR北斗の拳~金色~ 無*工・現 状渡し - ヤフオク!

Looks like they both use the same frame... so you could buy one and the cell from the other and have even more fun...

couldn't find "Pachinko Paradise" - who makes it?