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Thread: My first Pachinko modern + humble request for advice

  1. #1
    Tokie Owens moomoocow's Avatar
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    Default My first Pachinko (modern) + humble request for advice

    Hello fellow Pachinko players,

    I recently (yesterday)purchased a Pachinko machine. It is a modern machine (with a knob auto-launcher that works. I quite like it. Pictures are at

    If anyone knows anything about this machine, I would be most curious to find out.

    The machine works OK, except it has a couple of problems:

    1. Once a jackpot is hit, there is no payout - If I look at the back, I can see the payout balls tray pretty full, but something is stopping them from being released.
    2. A number of parts do not light - the tulips do not open the payout slot above the jackpot does not open - I suspect something wrong with a an electrical connection or maybe a blown fuse.
    3. There is a third big repository of balls in the back which seem jammed. This is in between the payout tray on top and the drain tray at the bottom. I can't figure out where these balls are from/how to release them. It seems they should go into the drain tray, but something is jamming their release.

    Any help is much appreciated. Thank you in advance.


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  3. #2
    Scowlin' Jean Hornigold hanabi's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first Pachinko (modern) + humble request for advice

    Hi there

    Unfortunately your link is not working for me,

    are you able to upload a couple of pics to this thread, so our members can see them?

    This link explains if you are unsure how to do that:

    How to Post Pictures!!

    In the meantime, Welcome to PachiTalk!!

    Angie ...
    Pachinkos, Pachislos, Coffee, Papercraft Ninja, Pinball

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  5. #3
    Tokie Owens moomoocow's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first Pachinko (modern) + humble request for advice

    OK - here is another link

    I made it public - it should work. Sorry about that. Thanks again for reading the post.

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  7. #4
    Scowlin' Jean Hornigold hanabi's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first Pachinko (modern) + humble request for advice

    okay here are a few pics from the link, for those members unable to follow outside links:

    Angie ...
    Pachinkos, Pachislos, Coffee, Papercraft Ninja, Pinball

    I ran away with the Steampunk Circus!
    I was hiding in a room in my mind...
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  9. #5
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first Pachinko (modern) + humble request for advice

    The clam is mobile at the moment so can't access my database. But here's my theory. You ball jam in the middle is the back log of balls that have gone into the start pocket. Once you get the system to payout that (should clear its self) Monako machine has a small level you can flick up and down manually to clear each ball one by one.

    First thing is to make sure the balls are making it all the way to the payout motor. Follow all the balls down from the top tank and all the way to the motor. It's amazing what can block it. Bits of paper, screws, wrong sized balls.
    Ian #UKPachinko

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  11. #6
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first Pachinko (modern) + humble request for advice

    Any pachi that has a bunnygirl on it does it for me


    The machine is called Pinball (ピンボール) by Kyoraku (京楽) from 1993 according to the video below

    Heres a video to one working to give you an idea on the lights
    ピンボール (京楽) - YouTube

    As for whats wrong. I don't have anything in thsi frame so I can't really be very hellpful, Just some generic tests.
    First is to dump the balls out of the top tank, remembering to have something to catch them in. Then remove the plastic down to the payout motor and see whats there. Locate the motor and see if anything is jammed in it.
    Take pictures for reference as you go and start taking the covers off. Good luck

    I see a socket in the back with nothing in it? I hope you aren't missing a wire
    Ian #UKPachinko

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  13. #7
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first Pachinko (modern) + humble request for advice

    your pic 12 is where the winning balls are registared for a payout... If i rember right when that machine is pluged in the payout motor turns full time... if your payout motor is not turing that could be a problem...
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  14. #8
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first Pachinko (modern) + humble request for advice

    and of course

    Welcome to Pachitalk
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  15. #9
    Eye Shooter Chumsize's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first Pachinko (modern) + humble request for advice

    Welcome! Cool machine!

    yeah... Looks like you have a massive ball jam in the "lower intestine" there...

    wherever that leads is what's supposed to kickoff a payout. Find out why that's not working or is jammed, I'd say.

  16. #10
    Tokie Owens moomoocow's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first Pachinko (modern) + humble request for advice

    OK - thank you all for your extremely useful replies. I will spend some time tomorrow looking through this lower intestines. I think there is a problem with the motor - but more than that, after seeing the video, a bunch of the lights don't light up - so it could be a fuse that's shorting out a chunk of the machine. It'll be a nice little project for the next few weeks. I'll keep you all in the loop as I progress... In any case, I just want the machine playable so as long as the payout is running I'll be happy!

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  18. #11
    Tokie Owens moomoocow's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first Pachinko (modern) + humble request for advice

    Update: So I fixed part of what's going on (or at least understand how to fix it, the fix I'm implementing is not quite 100%). The white and beige motorized ball releaser (lower right and on the back, covered by a gray plastic cover) was jamming - I removed it, lubed it up and the jam rate has gone done significantly. The way it releases balls into the back "lost balls" drain tray is it flips this two white levers up, one at a time, releasing the balls - I somehow, in the process, got my first winning payout - anyway - the main thing remaining is that about half the lights/stuff do not work currently - this could be a blown fuse/missing wire/something else. Fortunately, the machine remains playable, since the ball shooter and the main payout pocket are still active - it would be nice to get the other payout pockets active. Incidentally, removing the fuse right in the middle of the machine does not affect anything, so whatever is missing involves that line. I don't think that fuse is blown, since it looks intact - but, what do I know... it's my first machine. I'll post a couple of videos later this week - again, I humbly request advice, especially re. fuses/missing wires.

    Thank you all again.

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