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Thread: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

  1. #1
    Blind Shooter bdayboom's Avatar
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    Default Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    I am the lucky owner of a star wars Pachinko machine (the one with the R2D2 model) however it doesnt have the Sankyo Lumina Frame.

    I am in the UK and trying to find just the frame,? Can anyone point me in the right direction? I dont even know what ver. of the frame I need

    Any input appreciated..

    Oh I also need to get 1500 balls for it too...

    Arrghh where to start..

    thanks for reading#

    I look forward to your thoughts.


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  3. #2
    Pachi Puro emmadog's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    i'd search YJA (Yahoo Japan Auction), it's their version of eBay and there's tons of modern pachinko related items on it. go to the yja forum here on this website and read the sticky for more info.
    EM Pinballs & Arrangeballs

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  5. #3
    Blind Shooter bdayboom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    Quote Originally Posted by emmadog View Post
    i'd search YJA (Yahoo Japan Auction), it's their version of eBay and there's tons of modern pachinko related items on it. go to the yja forum here on this website and read the sticky for more info.

    Thanks I will take a wander over there now!!

  6. #4
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    I'd say good luck. I spent the past year looking for a spare lumina frame on YJA. In the end I just brought a complete machine. Then just change the play field. I'm on the iPhone at the moment. But I'll dig out some links when home.

    I guess this is the one from Coventry? I also sell balls too. But if your getting from Japan. It would be more worthwhile to get some from there.
    Last edited by Drunkenclam; 04-29-2012 at 09:27 AM.
    Ian #UKPachinko

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  8. #5
    Scowlin' Jean Hornigold hanabi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    Hi Ben

    Welcome to PachiTalk!!

    As mentioned by Drunkenclam above, you are probably going to find it difficult to obtain a Lumina Frame by itself these days,

    The good news, though, is that the Sankyo Lumina frame was very popular and used for a lot of different games that were popular in the West, so you will probably find it easier to look for another game in this frame and do a spot of 'cell swapping'.

    Here is a link to a list of games that were in the Lumina (stolen from one of Mr Clam's posts )

    Star Wars sells for $689 !!! (plus $89 for shipping)

    of those listed the most popular ones seen over here (apart from Star Wars) would tend to be Julie Pinball, Indiana Jones, Eva, Fever Queen??

    I tend to keep a close eye on eBay and the UK eBay in particular and 'post' about anything interesting I find over in our Trading Post 'eBay' section of the forums. So if one comes up on ebay, I'll usually find it

    Or as suggested, you could try the YJP route, although you would need an agent to act on your behalf over there, not something I have done yet myself, but others here can offer advice on that for you.

    Again, Welcome to PachiTalk, always nice to have new UK members join us, and remember there is no such thing as a silly question here, so do feel free to ask any questions you may have.

    Angie ...
    Pachinkos, Pachislos, Coffee, Papercraft Ninja, Pinball

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  10. #6
    Blind Shooter bdayboom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    Quote Originally Posted by hanabi View Post
    Hi Ben

    Welcome to PachiTalk!!

    As mentioned by Drunkenclam above, you are probably going to find it difficult to obtain a Lumina Frame by itself these days,

    The good news, though, is that the Sankyo Lumina frame was very popular and used for a lot of different games that were popular in the West, so you will probably find it easier to look for another game in this frame and do a spot of 'cell swapping'.

    Here is a link to a list of games that were in the Lumina (stolen from one of Mr Clam's posts )

    Star Wars sells for $689 !!! (plus $89 for shipping)

    of those listed the most popular ones seen over here (apart from Star Wars) would tend to be Julie Pinball, Indiana Jones, Eva, Fever Queen??

    I tend to keep a close eye on eBay and the UK eBay in particular and 'post' about anything interesting I find over in our Trading Post 'eBay' section of the forums. So if one comes up on ebay, I'll usually find it

    Or as suggested, you could try the YJP route, although you would need an agent to act on your behalf over there, not something I have done yet myself, but others here can offer advice on that for you.

    Again, Welcome to PachiTalk, always nice to have new UK members join us, and remember there is no such thing as a silly question here, so do feel free to ask any questions you may have.

    Thank you for the warm welcome... and for the excellent info...

    I shall have a look at your link and see what it brings...

    One question,,, in fact 2..

    1/ will the machine work with out a lumin case? I have literally only just picked it up, so haven't had a good look at it yet.. ?

    2/ Am I right in saying if it works with out a lumin case I could make one?

    thanks again.. and I look forward to your thoughts..


  11. #7
    Blind Shooter bdayboom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    Quote Originally Posted by Drunkenclam View Post
    I'd say good luck. I spent the past year looking for a spare lumina frame on YJA. In the end I just brought a complete machine. Then just change the play field. I'm on the iPhone at the moment. But I'll dig out some links when home.

    I guess this is the one from Coventry? I also sell balls too. But if your getting from Japan. It would be more worthwhile to get some from there.
    You guessed right for £30 quid if nothing else its an excellent Star Wars Light show... :o)

    But it would be good to get it up and running properly! I have looked on YJP and can't see any.. ( i could of course be doing something wrong). How much do you sell the balls for?

  12. #8
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    Welcome Aboard

    I'm not sure how your cel is powered up now, But the cel connects to the frame via 4 connectors, I think they are all grey, (I'm colourblind so don't take that as fact) I guess you must have some thing connected to make it light up, If possible can you supply a picture of the front, the top RH corner, it should have the exact model number and the payout odds, I ended up buying a machine listed as junk for 600en (about £5) and having that shipped, But you have to be rich or patience, As by boat, it will take 2 months for it to arrive, I have my empty frame apart waiting to be repaired, New shooter and glass, also a good clean. As for a cheap complete machine, there is an evangelion for 3000en

    Yes its a bisty frame, But it is the same, And it will probably be the only blue one in the uk
    Oh, try dropping a line to Jamie at 5play leisure first

    As for balls £25 for 500plus postage, Thats at cost price, I buy up to 4000 at a time in Japan and have them shipped.

    Ian #UKPachinko

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  14. #9
    Blind Shooter bdayboom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    thanks for all the info..

    I have dropped Jamie an email I am getting some photos now.. so you can take a ganders.

  15. #10
    Blind Shooter bdayboom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    sorry not the best quality. .but hopefully gives you what u need
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  17. #11
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    Yes, It shows that the machine is a CR Star wars ZF the same as my old star wars was, So any standard Lumina frame should work
    Ian #UKPachinko

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  19. #12
    Blind Shooter bdayboom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    Thanks again Drunkenclam,,, I got hold of Jamie and he had a frame!!! totally awesome.. my brother in law is collecting it for me at the weekend as he lives 30mins from him.. thanks again,...just need a twisty handle bit now :o)

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  21. #13
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    Apart from balls and a shooter. You will probably need a dongle. I took some pics today, will post here in the morning.
    As for dongle. If your good with a soldering iron you can make one from bits at Maplins or source a daverob dongle.
    Ian #UKPachinko

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  23. #14
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    Ok, here is the pics of the back of my empty Lumina frame, it to doesn't have the shooter knob installed at the moment

    Here is the top. Notice the 2 grey (don't know if grey could be green, Blame my Grandfather for giving my colourblindness) leads. These are the connectors from the cel to the frame that control light and sounds, (probably ) Near the top of your cel you should have 2 sockets in the same colour

    Now the bottom of the frame. This time we have two empty sockets in the same colour as before, Your cel should have 2 leads, But if its being used as an illuminated desktop item, One or both might be plugged into something, These supply the power and send the signals to between the cel and the main board.

    Now if this socket here is empty, When you get a shooter, It will not work unless a bypass dongle is fitted here.

    You can buy a superdoopa Daverob one that enables the loan buttons on the front or make one, All the info and diagrams are here. Thanks to Daverob for the info

    One final thing you will probably need as a good tranformer rated at 5A or higher
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    Ian #UKPachinko

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  25. #15
    Blind Shooter bdayboom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    OMG... What Have I let myself in for!!! Ok.. Time to have a good look at the back of the machine...

  26. #16
    Blind Shooter bdayboom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    In fact I thought it easier to upload some photos of the back of my machine.

    1st thing I notice the top of my machine has one large pink area but there is a small pink one with another cable plugged in?

    also at the bottom of mine I have the small pink wire but NOT the big one again there is a big pink one but its plugged in to the back of the machine half way up... also there is a cable to a black box as seen in the pic with Normal on it big hit and top???

    please let me know there thoughts!!DSCN0233a.jpgDSCN0234a.jpgDSCN0235a.jpgDSCN0236a.jpgDSCN0237a.jpgDSCN0238a.jpgDSCN0239a.jpg

  27. #17
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    On the iPhone at the moment so images aren't clear. I think it would be a good idea to remove the speakers and trace the wiring from them, as a normal cel shouldn't have these. Also the circuit board in the plastic box held on by the angle brackets, you probably will not need that either. I hope it unplugs, I wouldn't cut any wires, Compare it to the boards in my picture. If they are the same as on the frame. Then remove them. I've got 2 lumina cels out at the moment. I'll post s pic in the morning. Or searching the forum, I think they is a back picture of my densha de go!2 cel somewhere.
    Last edited by Drunkenclam; 05-02-2012 at 05:45 PM.
    Ian #UKPachinko

  28. #18
    Blind Shooter bdayboom's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    Quote Originally Posted by Drunkenclam View Post
    On the iPhone at the moment so images aren't clear. I think it would be a good idea to remove the speakers and trace the wiring from them, as a normal cel shouldn't have these. Also the circuit board in the plastic box held on by the angle brackets, you probably will not need that either. I hope it unplugs, I wouldn't cut any wires, Compare it to the boards in my picture. If they are the same as on the frame. Then remove them. I've got 2 lumina cels out at the moment. I'll post s pic in the morning. Or searching the forum, I think they is a back picture of my densha de go!2 cel somewhere.
    Pictures aren't brilliant anyways... It possible that the back of my cell seems to have all the "electronics" that come in a frame?/? Not 100% sure...

    I shall await your photos..



  29. #19
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    Bid Service

    Have a look on this thread. You need the extras on yours just to make it work, light up and sing on the desk. I guess they will be something else wired in to the start pocket sensor as well. Think of it like a games console. The game card is nothing with out the console to plug it in too.
    Ian #UKPachinko

  30. #20
    Hyah! rubberratt's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gooood Eveing People of the Pachinko World Please can someone help...

    Y'know... after looking at these pics... it is clear that this cell has been converted to a "desktop" unit. You will need to UN-do the conversion... if it is possible

    Does anyone have a pic of the back of a Star Wars Cell for comparison, as this looks like it has been modified.
    Last edited by rubberratt; 05-02-2012 at 07:56 PM.

    せぶん戦闘機 せぶん

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