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Thread: Sankyo Fever Queen new Addition

  1. #1
    Tokie Owens dman's Avatar
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    Default Sankyo Fever Queen new Addition

    Well I picked up a Sankyo Fever Queen Pachinko a few weeks ago and just got around to playing it/fixing it up. One thing that is deffinately noticable is the right lower reel light is out. There are three reels with three bulbs per reel. The light is not a regular 24v wedge base bulb it is a wire base. Not sure of the voltage, oh and the bulb looks to be a fluorescent type with 3 wires coming out of it. Other than the bulb being out the machine plays very well and I love the card theme. There was a ball jam that was a pain to get out. I had to basically take a small magnet and super glue it to a piece of wire and snake into the machine to get the sheres out. I really couldn't find out that much info on the machine. It came with a generic manual and about 400 balls for 50$. If any one has a line on the replacement bulbs for this machine or any other info about it please post it. I'll post a few pics for your viewing enjoyment.
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  3. #2
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sankyo Fever Queen new Addition

    neat looking machine

    i like it
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  4. #3
    Stuey - The RADministrator MrGneiss's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sankyo Fever Queen new Addition

    Very cool looking!!

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  5. #4
    Scowlin' Jean Hornigold hanabi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sankyo Fever Queen new Addition

    Congratulations on your new Funky looking Pachinko!!

    I like your method for clearing ball jams too

    Sorry I can't help with the bulb question, but I'm sure other members will know exactly which ones they are...

    Angie ...
    Pachinkos, Pachislos, Coffee, Papercraft Ninja, Pinball

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  6. #5
    Fever Hunter Supersaiyan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sankyo Fever Queen new Addition

    Uuu... Really nice looking pachinko. them!

  7. #6
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sankyo Fever Queen new Addition

    can u post a pic of the bulb??
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  8. #7
    Tokie Owens skody's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sankyo Fever Queen new Addition

    I just bought the same exact machine from a buddy for super cheap. Have you been able to find a manuel for the electonics in the back? I know that mine is missing two of the three wires to connect the reels to the mother board/power source. The third reel's wire is connected to one section but it looks like it has been sheered off from the board with no clear location on where it connected to. Any ideas of where to start looking?

  9. #8
    Fever Hunter WondersPachi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sankyo Fever Queen new Addition

    Oh wow! thats really cool, I have a (fiba kuin 2) which is essentially the same machine with different graphics. The center peice and all looks exact! woot woot! she's a classic

    pleasure thats for sure. I did receive it with a broken far left reel. Just gently took out the center peice and the rest and REALLY cleaned her up but she has alot of damage to the

    chrome and such. I wonder if it has the same music. You can get the center peice out really quick actually, just have a friend handy because you'll have to swing the machine out

    of the frame, release the locks, swing out the payout track/flap/door thing (you'll have to dissconnect a few wires) just get a set of needle-nose pliers and gently grab both sides

    of a plug (gently) and rock it the slightest bit then out straight once it gives. Threre are no releases for the plugs you just have to gently wiggle em out (hold the pulling hand

    with your other hand aginst something to keep it from jerking out) plus all the plugs are color coded or will only fit in the "right" one. You can get the front of the center peice out

    only by pulling out a bit at the top then up and out. Heres the thread I posted a while back

    The reel box has only two screws above it (I think) then just catches a bottom slot. I think you have to take off a metal plate from the reel box once its out and another screw

    for each reel... The reels slide straight out like cards. Be careful when inserting them back in beacuse theres a little plug they have to line up with.

    Nice Machine! Congrats! Hope she cleans up great!

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  10. #9
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sankyo Fever Queen new Addition

    Quote Originally Posted by skody View Post
    I just bought the same exact machine from a buddy for super cheap. Have you been able to find a manuel for the electonics in the back? I know that mine is missing two of the three wires to connect the reels to the mother board/power source. The third reel's wire is connected to one section but it looks like it has been sheered off from the board with no clear location on where it connected to. Any ideas of where to start looking?
    Welcome to Pachitalk
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