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Thread: Coins aren't accepted

  1. #1
    Tokie Owens tlbjornson's Avatar
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    Default Coins aren't accepted

    Hello all, I'm brand new to owning a pachislo machine. I just picked up a Liberty Bell III last night. It worked when I picked it up from the seller. Got it home, plugged in and every token into it falls directly into the winnings tray. I can't get it to register a credit or start a game at all.

    Can anyone give me a direction to turn?

    Also if some of the lights don't turn on and I have already replaced the bulbs??? Where should I start looking.

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Pachi Puro Lazarus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coins aren't accepted

    Try checking to see if the wires going to the token mech. are all plugged in and tight. Maybe even unplug them and re set them. Same thing with the lights. Especially if they are a group of lights. The wires may just be loose.

  3. #3
    Pachi Puro pinball wizard's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coins aren't accepted

    i've never owned or worked on those pachi slots,but i think i could give a little advise here.assuming that the coin system is like the ones on american slots ,i would first find the coin switch inside the machine and operate it manually with your finger.if a credit is racked up,you have a problem in the coin seems that the coins are not reaching the switch.i do not know if those have a coin return button,but if they do,check to see if it is stuck.the other problem,especially with some lights not working, could be a circuit board problem,and if there is a coin lockout coil behind the mech,it could be causing coins to be returned because of a problem.i would also do as lazarus suggested and check all connections.i hope this helps,as i am just taking a blind shot at it.i have worked on my fair share of bally slots,and i would believe some of the technology would apply here too.i need to get one of those pachi slots,so i can see what makes them tick.

  4. #4
    Kungishi MrGoodBurn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coins aren't accepted

    Some things to check.

    1. Make sure you don't have any pending credits by pressing down on the spin lever.

    2. Check LED readout for error codes. If the machine is in normal operation mode the screen should read 00 or the corresponding number of credits. Error codes usually start with a letter.

    3. Make sure reset key (located inside on power supply) is not in the on position.

    4. Try to reset the machine by tuning the reset key to the on position then power the machine on. With the machine on; press down on the spin lever, and then turn the reset key to the off position. Try to insert tokens.

    5. Check all connection at the back of the token mechanism making sure they are properly seated.

    6. Check for damaged wiring around the token mechanism and where the door meets the case of the machine.

    Hope one of these helps you.


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  6. #5
    Tokie Owens tlbjornson's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coins aren't accepted

    OK I got it going. Not really sure what I did but it works now. I don't have an actual reset key switch. It was broken and has a little jumper wire that lets me trigger it.

    It takes tokens now and seems to work. Managed to hit the 7 7 7 jackpot already and figured out that I don't have enough tokens.

    Now how do I get it to reset the play level? I know before it was working I could turn the key switch on the front of the machine and cycle through the levels. Now I can't get it to do that at all


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