Oh geez. Someone else eats those dam*ed egg things. I used to date someone (who couldn't cook) that INSISTED on those things every morning for breakfast. Just because of the bad memories of that relationship I'm very against eggs inside of bread.

I honestly didn't know anybody else had ever even heard of it, though.

As for recipies, I got one that'll gross y'all out. My father's family is originally from the eastern hills of TN, so that has something to do with this...

- day old (or older!) cornbread, if it's not growing too much mold to flick off, you're good
- fresh COLD buttermilk

Fill large glass with cornbread crumbled into large chunks. Pour cold buttermilk over the bread until it is soaked up by the cornbread chunks and glass is full. Add pepper. Drink and try not to vomit.

Dad drinks this crap whenever Mom makes cornbread. I used to have to leave the room.
