For the last couple of weeks my Dad has been using a company vehicle so he leaves his vehicle in a public parking lot right across the street from the company warehouse. We went to go and grab something from his cargo van tonight and when we got there noticed that the side door window had been shattered. We looked inside of the vehicle and saw that the thieves had drilled out the transmission and attempted the steal the vehicle. Why they would want to steal this vehicle amazes us because it's a 99 and it hasnt been used in about 2 months and the vehicle has 250k miles. In the vehicle we found a long hunters knife, an 18v milwaukee cordless drill and other various tools. We called the cops and they seemed real relaxed and just told us to get anything valuable out of the vehicle because the thieves would more than likely be back tonight to finish the job. The scary thing is that there has been numerous times when we've went to grab stuff out of this vehicle at late at night and it could of been one of those nights that they were breaking into the vehicle that we could of walked in on them and with a knife they had who knows what could of happened. So maybe it's time to get a concealed weapon. So the cops had us let the air out of the tires so if they go to steal it their on flats. Cops just seemed real relaxed and didnt fingerprint it or anything else.