Well, what can I say...Thanks everyone!!! But I have to say that I'm in shock over the fact that I am now Fifffffffffty. What the heck happened???? I'm not sure how I got here! I still feel as if I'm in my twenties. Your right Slotter, "still just a kid" There are parts of me that refuse to grow up. I still love my theme parks, Christmas, my game room (with a King Camel to be added to sometime today) and the beach...can't forget the beach. And Arby, "just one more", they go by so fast that I need another lifetime of them. And sorry to tell you Doodude...It doesn't get better. The doctors just come up with more things that they say you need to be tested for. 8)

Well on a good note...I'm lucky enough to live right next door to "the other Las Vegas" Atlantic City!!!! So I figured that maybe I head out to Boardwalk, get some dinner, gamble some, maybe catch a show, and then end up at one of the beach bars. Yep...That sounds like a good plan.

Oh, and Doodude "Your welcome" I'm glad you enjoy them. That's how I got started with the MP3's. But you have agree when they chose the name Napster...well doesn't it sound like your getting something for nothing?

Once again, Thanks everyone...You guys are the best, I really like this site!