Quote Originally Posted by Drunkenclam View Post
I can see from the picture, you have no dongle, Check inside the box the machine was delivered in as it may have fallen out and be in there. The instructions to may your own are here.

Pachinko Pre-paid Card and Card Reader Unit History and Technical Information by Pinball Dave

This is the basic one, You can pick these up from YJA also, Or there are two improved versions, that enable the ball loan buttons on the front.
On YJA they are listed as

Here's one here.
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Some machines have their circuit boards modified so not to need the dongle, I could not tell you if someone has done this with yours,

In picture 3 you can see a shiny ring around the shooter, Make sure your hand touches that when playing.

The button in picture 4 is the normal drain button to empty all your balls when you have finished playing in the parlour.

What I mean is, Put your door key in and turn it anti clockwise so the front glass opens,
With the power on, Manually drop one ball into the centre pocket just below the video screen.

Does the ball fall out of the back of the machine, or does it return to the front tray, (You might want to empty the front tray first)

Does the video reels spin?

The reason for asking is, Sometimes when auto play units are added, It stops the sensor in the pocket from working correctly,

As for the balls in the back. They are sitting at the payout motor, waiting to be paid out upon winning
Bad news, I think I am so screwed.

I gripped the entire shooter, nothing happens.

I dropped the ball in the center, reel did not spin and ball drop from the back. When I open the glass panel, there was a japanese lady voice saying something though.

I have searched the entire box and couldn't find the dongle.

Will getting the Dongle from YAJ resolved everything or I still have to "undo" all the auto play stuff (ie. removed soldered cables etc.)

What about the card reader from akimono? (refer to the below url)

Thank you