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Thread: Gaku's Pachicounters

  1. #1
    Thread Killer musky's Avatar
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    Default Gaku's Pachicounters

    Hello fellow Pachitalkers! Recently I purchased all the remaining stock of Gaku's Pachicounters. Once I sort out all the details I will be offering them to members here at a discount price. If you're new here or don't know what these things are, search the site. Some members have become quite creative with them. These are mostly in kit form so some assembly is required. I have a few installed on my pachinkos and they work great (will be installing a few more hehe). Anyway, I just wanted to give y'all a heads up and like I said, details will be coming as to how to order and pricing. This is all there is folks so once they're gone, they're gone for good.
    Pachislos: Alien, Azteca Returns, Death Valley, Guts, Gamera HGV, Hokuto No Ken, Jet Set Radio, Mephisto, Oasis, Speed Racer, Surprise, Twenty Seven, Thunderbirds, Wild Wolf
    Pachinkos: Blooming Field, Casino, Freddy vs Jason, Horror Mansion, Indiana Jones, Julie, Lucky Boat of Seven God, Popeye, Spiderman

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  3. #2
    Pachi Puro pachiwall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    The few you have mounted...are they on vintage, or moderns? I have experimented with an early modern, and am having problems finding a good place to mount the winning ball sensor. Since it has 7 & 15 ball pockets, it is difficult to find a good placement for the sensor. I have considered wiring 2 sensors in parallel to count both columns, but that would leave me short on sensors for my other 4 counters. Haven't had time to try it out yet. My modern has the same problem, a 4 & 15 payout. However I'm having a problem finding a good spot for any location on that complex box. Looks like the vintages are going to be the easiest, though I haven't tried yet, and quite honestly thought it would be the other way around. Maybe we can start a thread showing successful installations and posting questions to help each other out.

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  5. #3
    Thread Killer musky's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    I find that the best arrangement is to set the counter to one for one and mount it directly below the payout motor so that it sees every ball paid. On my machines I have converted them to be fully cyclic and I modify the payout system to fool the machine into thinking it is actually paying out. Do a search on here for my conversion of a Freddy vs Jason, it explains it better. I also did a Popeye and Indy Jones in similar fashion. I'm also going to do some research into utilizing the hookups already in the machines and connect to the counters. Thanks for your reply.
    Pachislos: Alien, Azteca Returns, Death Valley, Guts, Gamera HGV, Hokuto No Ken, Jet Set Radio, Mephisto, Oasis, Speed Racer, Surprise, Twenty Seven, Thunderbirds, Wild Wolf
    Pachinkos: Blooming Field, Casino, Freddy vs Jason, Horror Mansion, Indiana Jones, Julie, Lucky Boat of Seven God, Popeye, Spiderman

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  7. #4
    Pachi Puro pachiwall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    Wow! A lot of threads on the Gaku counters out there (in here), would be nice to have it all in one place. I found the info on where you put the sensors on a couple different moderns. A bit trickier than I expected, guess I'll have to take it apart a little farther than I expected! Not particularly a problem, as I like to take things apart...just that TIME thing, consumed so much by that WORK thing! BUT...these days...if you got a job, DON"T COMPLAIN!

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  9. #5
    Thread Killer musky's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    Since my machines are cyclic I had to go a little beyond what you normally would do. If you are playing parlor style, you just need to find a good spot on the shooter track and a place below your payout track. The sensors can be installed with a minimum of work. Look it over real good to find the best places for you before you tear down too far. Good luck and have fun.
    Pachislos: Alien, Azteca Returns, Death Valley, Guts, Gamera HGV, Hokuto No Ken, Jet Set Radio, Mephisto, Oasis, Speed Racer, Surprise, Twenty Seven, Thunderbirds, Wild Wolf
    Pachinkos: Blooming Field, Casino, Freddy vs Jason, Horror Mansion, Indiana Jones, Julie, Lucky Boat of Seven God, Popeye, Spiderman

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  11. #6
    Pachi Puro pachiwall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    Not a lot of places where you can physically see the balls. A couple of small slots that would make a window for the sensor, but not in the right places. If I could find a place to make a small window that accurately counted both 4 $15 ball wins, I wouldn't be opposed to making one. Can additional sensors be purchased somewhere? I'm sure they can, just not sure how to search. Not sure if they can be wired in parallel anyhow, one to count the 4 ball wins,& one to count the 15 ball wins. That would open up more options! I'll try to get some good batteries for my camera today so I can take some pics. I've put off getting these counters for a long time...looks like I got my 5 pack just in time! How many did you buy, if you don't mind my asking?

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  13. #7
    Thread Killer musky's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    On some machines you just may not be able to get an accurate count due to issues like you have. Some machines use two stepping motors and separate tracks for the balls. I don't think you can use two sensors in parallel. As to how many I bought, lets just say all of them. There are no more out there. I should be offering them in a few days at a good price.
    Pachislos: Alien, Azteca Returns, Death Valley, Guts, Gamera HGV, Hokuto No Ken, Jet Set Radio, Mephisto, Oasis, Speed Racer, Surprise, Twenty Seven, Thunderbirds, Wild Wolf
    Pachinkos: Blooming Field, Casino, Freddy vs Jason, Horror Mansion, Indiana Jones, Julie, Lucky Boat of Seven God, Popeye, Spiderman

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  15. #8
    Pachi Puro pachiwall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    You may be right on the parallel wiring of the sensors. Although I haven't tried it...I was thinking that if two columns of balls were falling, and two sensors were reading and sending the signal to the same would be getting both sets of pulses at the same time and not count properly. It would only work if only one or the other was falling, if at all.

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  17. #9
    Thread Killer musky's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    Me thinks I'll tinker with one of the counters and see what we can do.
    Pachislos: Alien, Azteca Returns, Death Valley, Guts, Gamera HGV, Hokuto No Ken, Jet Set Radio, Mephisto, Oasis, Speed Racer, Surprise, Twenty Seven, Thunderbirds, Wild Wolf
    Pachinkos: Blooming Field, Casino, Freddy vs Jason, Horror Mansion, Indiana Jones, Julie, Lucky Boat of Seven God, Popeye, Spiderman

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  19. #10
    Pachi Puro pachiwall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    I was inspired by your cyclic threads to take my cell out last night! I took pics...but my computer is geeking and I can't load the pics from the memory card to the hard drive. Still no easy answer to the sensor question, but a better idea of cyclic operation if I ever go that route. No sense trying to explain 'till I get pics.

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  21. #11
    Pachi Puro pachiwall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    I'm gonna have to take my computer to a friends to fix it, I can't load pics into my hard drive (amongst other issues). In the meantime, hopefully Musky won't mind me linking some of his posts that have helped me!Making the Popeye full cyclic and installing Gaku's Pachicounter etc. Reversible Payout Assembly Mod There are many other Gaku pachicounter threads out there...but they are easy to find.

  22. #12
    Pachi Puro pachiwall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    Got some pics to loadcell removal 004.JPGcell removal 005.JPGcell removal 006.JPGcell removal 008.JPG Here is the area where I suspect the payout motor is. I haven't taken it apart...not that comfortable with it yet. I don't see anywhere to "see" the balls with the sensor. cell removal 009.JPGcell removal 010.JPGcell removal 011.JPGcell removal 012.JPGcell removal 013.JPG Here are some other pics of the frame. It is a Newgin if that helps. I may give up on the Gaku Pachicounter on this one, and the early modern, and just use them on the vintage machines as they are WAY easier.

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  24. #13
    Thread Killer musky's Avatar
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    First, thanks got the photos!! Second, I have a machine with a similar system so I know how it works! In one of the pics I see a terminal block with yellow, white, and red contacts on it. I think those are used by the parlor and one may be for balls won. I know on some machines the win set will send a pulse for every 10 balls won. There may be a way to use that by setting the counter to 10:1. Not completely accurate but close enough for horse shoes. Let me play around with it before hand to be sure it works. I'll let you know if I have success or not.
    Pachislos: Alien, Azteca Returns, Death Valley, Guts, Gamera HGV, Hokuto No Ken, Jet Set Radio, Mephisto, Oasis, Speed Racer, Surprise, Twenty Seven, Thunderbirds, Wild Wolf
    Pachinkos: Blooming Field, Casino, Freddy vs Jason, Horror Mansion, Indiana Jones, Julie, Lucky Boat of Seven God, Popeye, Spiderman

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  26. #14
    Pachi Puro pachiwall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    Thanks! I was ready to give up! I put the cell back in...but it has to come back out, there is a socket that has no wire to plug into it. Looks like a semi cyclic conversion would be easy.cell removal 017.JPGcell removal 018.JPGcell removal 019.JPG Seems like it would be easy to divert lost balls to lower tray. This would make it easy to either toss them back into the shooter tray, or throw them over the top to the top hopper. Chances are, I probably wont do that.

  27. #15
    Pachi Puro pachiwall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    Quote Originally Posted by musky View Post
    In one of the pics I see a terminal block with yellow, white, and red contacts on it. I think those are used by the parlor and one may be for balls won.
    I wasn't sure...but I thought those terminals were for external speakers. Maybe it was just because they look like speaker terminals!

  28. #16
    Thread Killer musky's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    Today I was able to play around a little with a Pachicounter and my Newgin machine. I set the counter to 10-1 and connected the win sensor to the yellow terminals. The side pockets on my machine pay out 10 balls and the 3 middle pockets pay out 5. Dropped a ball down one of the side pockets and the counter registered 10, dropped a ball down the middle pocket and the counter didn't change, dropped another down the middle and the counter registered another 10. The yellow terminal is the win terminal and sends a pulse back to the parlor for every 10 balls won. On a machine like my Newgin that just doesn't lend itself a good place to put the win sensor, this terminal could be used to trigger the counter instead of the sensor. I know, clear as mud ain't it. Please don't try this at home just yet. I plan on posting a more detailed account with pictures to explain things.
    Pachislos: Alien, Azteca Returns, Death Valley, Guts, Gamera HGV, Hokuto No Ken, Jet Set Radio, Mephisto, Oasis, Speed Racer, Surprise, Twenty Seven, Thunderbirds, Wild Wolf
    Pachinkos: Blooming Field, Casino, Freddy vs Jason, Horror Mansion, Indiana Jones, Julie, Lucky Boat of Seven God, Popeye, Spiderman

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  30. #17
    Thread Killer musky's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    Ok, for those who have bought a Pachicounter and are a little unsure on how to connect the sensor leads to the ribbon cables, here is how I do it. The instructions that I am including in the kits are the same ones as Gaku use to send with them, but Gaku suggests twisting the blue and green wires together. You don't have to do that. You can do it like I show in these photos. In the kit, there is an 8 conductor flat ribbon cable with 2 - 4 conductor connectors on one end. This 8 conductor cable needs to be separated into 2 - 4 conductor cables. Just hold one connector in each hand and pull, the cable will split right down the middle. You should now have 2 -4 conductor ribbons, one for the win sensor and one for the shooter sensor. If you look at the ribbons you will notice that each conductor has a pattern printed on it. Use the patterns as a guide when connecting the sensors to the cables. I'm posting some photos to help explain what I'm talking about. The patterns in my photos may not be the same as yours but it gets the idea across.

    Pachislos: Alien, Azteca Returns, Death Valley, Guts, Gamera HGV, Hokuto No Ken, Jet Set Radio, Mephisto, Oasis, Speed Racer, Surprise, Twenty Seven, Thunderbirds, Wild Wolf
    Pachinkos: Blooming Field, Casino, Freddy vs Jason, Horror Mansion, Indiana Jones, Julie, Lucky Boat of Seven God, Popeye, Spiderman

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  32. #18
    Blind Shooter Greg Lockhart's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    Hello Everyone,
    I recently installed Gaku counters in 3 pachislo machines... and it was very easy.
    But, it wasn't so easy when I tried to put counters on 2 modern pachinko's. Both of the machines have 2 rows of balls coming out of the payout motor. I tried to channel the 2 rows into 1 so the sensor could count them. It worked OK during regular play... but would jam up during a fever round. I tried several different configurations of ball channels but finally came to the conclusion that "I" just couldn't make it work. (I was also making the machines semi-cyclic which somewhat complicated the issue of routing the balls to be counted. I finally gave up on trying to route the balls for counting but succeeded in making the machines semi-cyclic with no jams.)
    I would really like to have counters on these machines and was hoping I might be able to use a signal from the machine to the payout motor (or to the parlor) to replace the signal from the photo-sensor.
    Does anyone know if any of the terminals on these machines provide a signal that could be used?

    One of the machines is a Sankyo "Egyptian"
    100_3342(2).jpg 100_3341(2).jpg

    The other machine is a Taiyo Elec "Maturi" frame "Gachinko 7"

    100_3343(2).jpg 100_3347(2).jpg

    If there is a terminal that has a signal... how should the Gaku counter be wired to it?
    Can a typical volt meter be used test the terminals... and if so, what voltage should I expect to find? (I'm wondering if the signal would be so brief as to not register on the meter)


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  34. #19
    Thread Killer musky's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    This is how I did it on a Newgin machine,Connecting a Gaku Pachicounter to an older Newgin pachinko . Look for a terminal with the same Japanese characters as those above the yellow contacts in the photo in the thread.
    Pachislos: Alien, Azteca Returns, Death Valley, Guts, Gamera HGV, Hokuto No Ken, Jet Set Radio, Mephisto, Oasis, Speed Racer, Surprise, Twenty Seven, Thunderbirds, Wild Wolf
    Pachinkos: Blooming Field, Casino, Freddy vs Jason, Horror Mansion, Indiana Jones, Julie, Lucky Boat of Seven God, Popeye, Spiderman

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  36. #20
    Blind Shooter Greg Lockhart's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gaku's Pachicounters

    Thanks for the help Musky... your Newgin thread showed me which two wires from the counter/sensor to use in trying to figure this out. I was able to find terminals on both of these machines (plus my latest machine APOLLO 1) that will send a signal to the counter. I just have to set the dip switch's to count 10 or 15 balls for each signal.

    I've circled the terminals that I found will work on these two frames.

    The Taiyo Elec "Maturi" frame
    100_3343(2).jpg 100_3347(2)(2).jpg

    The Sankyo "Tornado" frame
    100_3342(2).jpg 100_3341(2)(2).jpg

    I'm sure I could never find plugs to fit these terminals so I'll have to solder wires to them or find some other way to connect the sensor wires.
    But, I'm really happy that I'll be able to have counters on these machines.

    Thanks again

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