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Thread: Site Rules

  1. #1
    Captain Weirdo Sid's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Athens Greece
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    Default Site Rules

    As a site we have very few rules most things boil down to common sense, but since common sense is not so common anymore, we have a few rules and guidelines members should take note of.

    1) Currency Conversion of Pachislo Machines: Posts or Threads referring to currency conversion are strictly prohibited and will be removed immediately, Coin Conversion of Pachislo machines makes these machines illegal in many areas, Our goal is to promote the hobby and not to outlaw it.

    2) Conduct on the site: Don't be an ass to fellow members, we are a friendly internet community, if you have issues leave them outside. the Site does not need any poop disturbers.

    3) Content:PachiTalk is a PG website which means. No Swearing, and No indecent images, jokes etc. if you have to think whether you should post it or not, its best not to post it.

    4) Personal information: do not post personal information in your posts threads. this includes emails telephone numbers etc. if you wish a user to contact you please have them use the sites Private message system and you may exchange this information there. the posting of business numbers emails etc is permitted HOWEVER posting of a Vendors Cel/Mobile or personal number is not permitted. The reason for not posting personal information is simple, emails, telephone numbers and addresses will remain posted and accessible from the internet as this site is viewable by non members as well.

    5) Thread management: Staff have the right to edit, move or remove any thread or post. Without notification. If you have an issue about your post/thread being edited moved deleted etc. the proper course of action is to send me a PM and advising me of the particular issue. Starting a thread complaining about it wont help matters. Implying that I'm a censor NAZI or similar will definitely not further your cause.

    6) Freedom of speech: at PachiTalk, we enjoy free discussion, and the exchanging of different ideas. however it should be noted that as a private site, this freedom of speech has its limits. I clarify here that myself and the other Admins and Moderators are not Censor Nazis, however just because you want to talk about something that may be deemed inappropriate for this site doesn't give you the right to go off about your freedoms being trampled on etc.

    7) Politics and Religion: we refrain from the discussion of Politics and religion, and in general do not force your opinions on others. Conversations where we have discussions about who's imaginary sky daddy is better then the other persons or who's political beliefs are better for the whole universe etc will be promptly removed. This site is made up of Users from all walks of life, all kinds of religious and political backgrounds and from countries all over this world. And since in spite of our difference we have been able to find a common bond in this hobby and on this site, it would be a shame to ruin it all for things that are best left outside of here. There is enough separation and arguing about this sort of crap in the real world we don't need it here.

    8) Signatures & Avatars: The posting of Commercial Site links in signatures or Avatars are not permitted. if you have a business either pachi/or non pachi related you may only post this URL in your profile page.

    9) Selling items on the Site PachiTalk offers an Auction site where you may sell your pachi or non pachi related items. Users who do not wish to use the auction site may post their links to their Ebay auctions, Although not mandatory to post your items in the Auction it is fair thing to do. Pachitalk Auction fees are only 3% of the final price. Fees paid go to support the cost associated with the site. Users who use the Pachitalk Auction site are fully responsible for their auctions, any non delivery, or non fulfillment of auction obligations as a buyer or seller will result in removal from the site. The Auction site is now closed

    10) Commercial Pachislo or Pachinko Sales: Vendors are asked to refrain from conducting open business in the forums, unless the items for sale are being offered in the Pachitalk Auction site. Vendors may list their new arrivals or any special deals in the Vendors New announcement Section.The Auction site is now closed

    11) The use of the PachiTalk Name or Logo: use of the PachiTalk name and logo is not permitted without the express written permission of myself. To clarify, telling someone hey come visit this cool site or something similar does not require permission. Things like making T-Shirts stickers etc does.

    Failure to abide by the rules may lead to suspension or removal from the site.

    see that wasn't so bad now was it?

    and for those interested here is the previous set of rules set forth by Tulsa the previous owner of the site.
    PachiTalk Rules version 1

    This site was built on the foundations laid forth by Tulsa, and although I may have a different running style to his, the same basics apply.

    Bob, says it like it is.. Im just a little more diplomatic in my approach.

    "I've stopped fighting my inner demons, we are on the same side now."

  2. The following 168 users say "Thanks" to Sid

    01PyTypeR#1140, 1manshow, 20sporty02, ACMech, alstonj1, amber_ak, angrypoet, arbycoffee, Artanix, askjacob, baker7598, Baleahay, Ballymoss, beachcat, beerwesley, bfree, BigBearSteve, bill812, boardgamer4life, Bobesmo, bremax, Buck, bug eater, BVKIDD, caraudiomw, Card Shark, cardwwi, cetman91, chad, charliegirl, ChasePNWPachinko, chmer01, ciderpress, cindib2003, clicker, computer bob, Compy, coronetgtx, d mowery, Dannyboyz82, dattia, DavidC, davidl8886, debz, derek1960, digital1, dishpan, djcasper_bpm, djh, Dragonfly, DrDark, Dswatloski, eagleman39, ebb, Eddie, fade_to_black06, Flippers, flyboy577, Forex, FREKKEN TEKKEN, FTKServices, fumunda, GEORGE1, gift idea, gordhead, grommit, guest, H20Dreams, hanabi, Haven, heavyguitarman, Icemanabq, Ikaria, imsimba, iowagrrrll, JACKSJE4, JamesM, jayjzman, jc1444, jeelyjohn, JenF, jimise, jjsandell, JMSVERO, JohnD0406, jusm49, jwegger, keyking, kkentert, kswslw, lasse-pin, Lazarus, lbbruner, LIKEThat, logicprobe, lorilams, Lt Teddy, luckydog, Mactek, Meathead, METALMAN24/7, mevans, Microbus99, MikeD, millermaster1, Mitchell, mitchrs, Mitza, moist, moonlighter, Moparformances, mowerman867, mpamr, mr. fusion, MrGneiss, MrGoodBurn, musky, mxfaiman, navajo, neonbrad, New Fan, new in town, newbie, nickbuol, outdoorenth, owennewton, pachinkoball76, pachinkojeff, Patriot101, photos8484, pinball wizard, portercbl, prayerny1, reho33, revmondo, rhinorich, Robo, rvacs, rwalker, rwsfn, Sankyo, SikNLow, slot player, slotnube, smfdco1, sparks911, Spyder138, SteveJ, strssed, Super Dave Osbourne, takethecastle57, tdar, teqkng, Tiger21820, tinkerv2, Tommy, tori0315, WaikikiWayne, who922, whybenormal, wibbix, will, wrkey, xxsinfulartxx, yamaha, yoda, zerobug, zoom2

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