Hi Guys

This is my first posting, so I hope you'll all be gentle with me.

I developed an interest in pachislo via my brother and thought it would be nice to give my sons a machine each for Christmas. (I don't usually do these things 6 months ahead of time, but living in the UK limits the supply of machines).

Anyway, I bought a Don Don King (fantastic machine that still comes out with new twists and teases) and a Gurukun (the fish theme ties up with my Misterfish name - family joke!) Unfortunately, having got these I found I couldn't live without my own machine, and following the comments here decided on a King Camel - again a great tease and fun. And this leads me on the the question - Has anybody managed to diagnose the cause of the Sammy whine. I remember somebody suggesting it might be caused by the transformer. On my KC (24v) the transformer is fixed inside the case just above the power supply. Any comments or thoughts would be appreciated.

I am going to reduce the volume and have today received the Syscom volume controls by airmail in less than a week - excellent service to the UK

The other machines that I have (albeit for the time being) have external transformers and there is no feedback or whine.

Finally, I'm not sure if I missed it or if it doesn't exist, but is there a "Sammy" guide. I found one for Daido and Takasago in the Industry Links section.

Sorry to ramble on a bit

Jeff :fisheye: