Hey Y'all,
This is my first post on pachitalk, and I'm so glad I found this site. I look forward to meeting everyone, and learning more about my machine.
I have a I'M MAGIC, and I have not turned/played it a few months due to some health issues. I've had it for several years, and it has always payed out in tokens. Today when I turned it own, it would only pays in credits. I've reset it several times, and I've tried to change it from credit back to tokens, but it still has a 0 in the credit window, and it still is credits, not tokens.
I put in several tokens, then clicked the 'cash out/cancel' button, and they did not fall out, so I figured the cash out/cancel button is not working, which is why I couldn't change from credit to payout. It that right?
What can I do to fix this? Any and all help will certainly be appreciated.