I have a Nishijin Model A machine that I need to make a decision on. The machine is very restorable except for the one part shown in the photo here. The little ball doodad (I'm not sure of the techincal term) is broken and some of the pieces that broke off are missing. So there is really no hope or reassembling the part. I have another Model A that I have restored and put in a cabinet that could use some of the superficial parts on the back of this one, but the restored one works just fine right now.

I would really like to restore the one in the picture since this is the only part that broken/missing on this machine. Is there a way to find a very similar part that can take the place of this one? Are these parts so hard to find that I am just better off scrapping this machine for Nishijin Model A parts and looking for more Model As? I would love to hear the community's thoughts on this.

Center Attraction.jpg