Quote Originally Posted by pachiwall View Post
That one is not like the Model C. I bought a Thunder dragon that looks like the same frame. The back is different... But could be very similar in function. Here is the thread: http://www.pachitalk.com/forums/mode...-purchase.html I did open the back to clean things. I think it is in this thread, when I looked to check it...I got the dreaded "server busy" notice! Overall it was pretty easy to open up. Some circuits and wiring harnesses were in the way, but pretty easy! I had a few issues at first, but all was well and it works fine! You can figure it out...it is just a little intimidating with all those circuit boards. I like my vintage machines, but was surprised how much fun this game was!
Excellent thank you! I am out but when home will look at the links. The circuit boards are intimidating but will get there. This may be a dumb question but here it goes anyway. Is there an on/off switch or you just plug in to play? I do not see one so just was plugging it in which is what the person I purchased from did as well.

Thanks again!