I have no idea what the machine is actually called, but I remember something on the side of the machine or the television screen above the reels called "The Bomb Prince" or maybe "The Adventures of the Bomb Prince." The machine was about some little fat white, clumsy prince with a green colored black eye, gold scepter, and gold crown accompanied by an old man, and the story having something to do about him being chased and fighting a witch flying on a broomstick.

From what I remember, the machine was quite fun to play, but I have always wanted to get more information on this machine and its correct title.

Also, does anyone know what anime or cartoon series this set of characters may have come from???

I grew up watching almost no manga nor anime (I guess seeing Akira and watching pokemon with my nieces // nephews a couple of times counts), which was not available as a kid traveling throughout the world with a military parent, I lived in the middle of nowhere for a long time after my dad retired, and we did not subscribe to any Japanese manga // scifi channels for cable.