I have had Autoslot for a few weeks now (the one built in to the cable.) I love it! It doesn't change the machine at all, you don't have to wire it into any other part of the machine to get it to work, it's configurable for both time to 1st reel stop and time between reel stops, and it hold it's settings when powered off. The down side; it doesn't work with every machine yet (he's working on it.), and it doesn't have the credit mod.

Today, I got a reel stop board that was modded with a PachisloUSA auto-stop chip on it. It worked partially in at least one brand of machine that the autoslot didn't. The timing between reel stops is very configurable and it has the credit function. The downside; It requires an extra wire to the start lever to stop the reels Left to Right and with consistent timing. If you do wire the Start Lever, the reels run a full 3 second before the 1st one stops, and it is not adjustable. It also loses all settings every time it's powered off.

After playing with the PachisloUSA chip for a few minutes, I decided to wire up pin four to allow it to stop the reels consistently. The website warned that this function might not work on all Sammy models. It didn't work on mine, and the chip didn't work at all with pin 4 wired up. I powered down the machine, waited about 30 seconds and disconnected the joystick wire. I powered the machine back up and started it up to verify that it was working the way it had originally. In a moment of sheer stupidity, I accidentally allowed the disconnected pin-4 wire to come in contact with something inside the machine. There was small spark and a pop, and the PachisloUSA chip was toast. The reel stop board still works fine, but it blew the top off the PachilsoUSA chip. I count myself very luck that I did not fry my machine


I ordered 2 more chips from PachisloUSA, One to replace the one I blew up, and one to potentially install on another board. I didn't get a chance to play with the credit mod, and I want to do that.

That said, I do prefer the auto-stop features of the AUTOSLOT. I'll be continuing to keep in touch with him as he works on getting the last few styles of machines working. As it stands now, I'll probably order several more Autoslots.

Maybe I'll work on a separate credit mod that works independent of the auto-stop.