I have a couple of questions I am hoping you guys and gals can help me with.

Now that I have the machine paying out and what seems to be playing more or less correct I have a couple of other things I would like to figure out.

1) Looking at the back of the machine on the left side there is a toggle switch that is held in the down position with an internal spring I suppose. You can flip the switch up but it will pull itself back to the down position. I was guessing that it was perhaps a reset switch of some sort but it has no visible effect on the machine. Can someone tell me what it is for?

2) The score indicator on my machine worked for a while, at least it kept counting up and according to my children when it reached 999 it changed to FFF. Is there some way to reset the score?

3) On either side of the spinning wheels (slot machine like things) there are LED displays, any idea what these are?

None of the displays seem to make any sense to me at this time. The display on the left side of the spinning wheels will occasionally flash 00 and the one on the right side a dot.

4) Is there any way to find a manual to this machine or one similar enough to it that I may study it?

Thanks again for all the help this group has given me. I would not be nearly this far without you.

Warm regards.
