I just bought the pinball machine that I wanted for a long time!! I played it so much in high school. It is a Gottlieb Sinbad. Digital scoring (since there is more than one model). I knew it had a problem of about 4 targets not scoring. When I got it back home from Albuquerque on Thursday night and put it back together, to my amazement it all worked perfectly! Everything on the whole game worked like a charm.

Now the bad.

On Friday evening when some friends were playing that all came to an end. It went back to doing what it was doing before and now it is worse. Here are the problems:

-The 3 set and 4 set of targets will not come back up; even after restart.
-The targets do not score.
-No bonus multiplier except the 2X.
-Have to turn it on and off a couple of times to get it to reset and be ready for play. (Still those two sets of targets don't come up)
-Two of the top rollover lanes don't work.

Also, how do I fix missing paint and how do I clean it up and get it shopped out after I get it working right?

This is the first pinball I have ever had even though I played them all my life.

Thanks in advance for any help!!