Hi All,

Another boring HE error (from England) My first Pachi as well.

Have recently taken on this machine (which will not payout- HE) The guy I bought it from sold it me for this reason! He had gone deaf from listening to the error code warning tone !

Some detail, have moved the U.K. 240v / 24v transformer from inside cabinet to external in case of coil magnetic field upset. Still HE on any win over 50 or dump attempt. Coin acceptor solenoid throws OK when credit dump button hit.Steady 28.4v output from transformer.

Have stripped, lubed, cleaned, polished hopper, microswitch eyes (both red leds numbered 1 and 2) light on control panel when break arm blocks micro. Still HE. Motor runs fine with separate 15 volts supply.

Reseated most of the terminal connector blocks, still HE. Don't want to do any more of these unless specific indication, always chance of upsetting already good seats. The machine is dry with no visible oxidation anywhere on front and side boards so far as I can see.

Machine otherwise operates very well with quiet reels and ace build quality, a tribute to Japan for sure !

Have not been able to find identical or even roughly similar pic of control panel either. I have no camera, so best would be a scanned hand draw effort of mine if needed.

Would very much appreciate any help possible !
