I have been contemplating buying a pachinko for a little while and just wanted to know where to start?

Would it be better to go Vintage or modern? Where is the best place to buy (no local source I am aware of)? How addicting are they? I figured asking here would be a good start and hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.

I think the addiction part is the main thing. I only have so much space left in my house. I have to many "collections" already taking up space. Video games fairchild channel F-Wii and almost everything in between. 80's toys G.I. Joe, He-man, Transformers, Star wars. RC cars, ect, ect. You name it I probably have one laying around somewhere (well except for a pachinko).

I look forward to all the responses and hopefully soon I'll have a new "toy" to add to the collection.