I know that the book "Winning Pachinko: The Game of Japanese Pinball" has been passed around a fair amount. Of those people who have read the book did it really give any good insight to winning or was it mostly vague stuff? For example it might say "turn the ball launcher exactly to the middle location because this will cause more balls to enter the center section than any other.." That kind of information (to me) would directly affect how often the spins would occur and perhaps increase your chances. That is information that is "concrete" and can be proven true or false. However I have read other articles on winning and they are quite vague and seem more like superstitious behavior rather than a scientific method. Since the machine basically "knows" whether it will pay out before the spin it seems like there really isn't any real method or strategy that would allow you to win more often. Does the advice only apply to a parlour setting or would it work on a single machine at home?