Thanks to Arby and Lazarus for helping me with my old mid-70's Pachinko! With their help and a couple of links I was able to get the confidence to tear back into it. The darn thing hasn't worked for several years and I unsuccessfully tried in the past to fix it. Getting on the forum here and reading, etc. got me really wanting to make this old tired machine work.

Today, I got down to business and moved the machine to the basement workbench and really cleaned all the mechanisms.

There were several things wrong. The center mechanism was gummed up and not operating smoothly from old WD-40 I used to try to make it work better years ago. Do NOT oil these machines or use WD-40 on them. It's a short term fix and you will just gum them up long term.

There was a dead bug all crumbled up and partially blocking one of the chutes.

Lastly, there was a small plastic toy jammed into the upper ball feed. How in the heck that got in there, IÂ’ll never know, but am thinking my young daughter threw it up there sometime years ago. :-?

Haha! No wonder the darn thing was "tired." :oops: Just goes to show what can happen...

While it was out and easy to mess with, I fixed some of the wiring for the 7V miniature lights as well!

Anyhow, the machine is working great again!!!