Seems all the guides I read. Don't have anything close to the way my machine is setup. I turn it on. the EE error shows up. The wait light turns on. and the reels hummm, like they are trying to move, but can't. All the reels are free moving like they should be (i think). They have a little resistance from the belt, but I think that is normal. I took the reels out. Inspected the connectors. All seems well. Took off the board thats on the side wall as well. Found some cold solder joints there. But didn't solve the problem. Also noticed. there is NOTHING connected to the reset key. There isn't any wires at all connected there. Is that a problem? My powersupply is different than anything i've seen before too. My reset key, toggle switch and red button are up by the side board. Not on the power supply. There is only two switches...a black and a red on the powersupply. And a toggle switch that empties the tokens out. I can't find any fuses anywhere, except a small 1A on on the side board (reel controller board?). the fuse checks out fine. So now i'm at a loss. Does anyone know the manufacturer for a Mr.Magic? Knowing the style of machine might help me on my quest for fixing this.