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Thread: For Those Born Before 1986

  1. #1
    Blind Shooter PachisloUk's Avatar
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    Default For Those Born Before 1986

    According to today's regulators and bureaucrats, those of us who were
    kids in the 60's, 70's and early 80's probably shouldn't have
    survived, because our baby cots were covered with brightly coloured lead-based
    paint, which was promptly chewed and licked.
    We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, or latches on doors or
    cabinets and it was fine to play with pans.
    When we rode our bikes, we wore no helmets, just flip-flops and
    fluorescent 'spokey dokey's' on our wheels.
    As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or airbags
    riding in the passenger seat was a treat.
    We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle and it
    tastedthe same.
    We ate chips, bread and butter pudding and drank fizzy juice with
    sugar in it, but we were never overweight because we were always outside
    We shared one drink with four friends, from one bottle or can and no
    one actually died from this.
    We would spend hours building go-carts out of scraps and then went top
    speed down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running into stinging nettles a few times, we learned to solve the problem.
    We would leave home in the morning and could play all day, as long as
    we were back before it got dark. No one was able to reach us and no
    We did not have Play stations or X-Boxes, no video games at all.
    No 99 channels on TV, no videotape movies, no surround sound, no
    mobile phones, no personal computers, no DVDs, no Internet chat rooms.
    We had friends - we went outside and found them.
    We played elastics and rounders, and sometimes that ball really hurt!
    We fell out of trees, got cut and broke bones but there were no
    We had full on fistfights but no prosecution followed from other
    We played knock-the-door-run-away and were actually afraid of the
    owners catching us.
    We walked to friends' homes.
    We also, believe it or not, WALKED to school; we didn't rely on mummy
    or daddy to drive us to school, which was just round the corner.
    We made up games with sticks and tennis balls.
    We rode bikes in packs of 7 and wore our coats by only the hood.
    The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke a law was unheard
    of...They actually sided with the law.
    This generation has produced some of the best risk-takers and problem
    solvers and inventors, ever. The past 50 years have been an explosion
    of innovation and new ideas. We had freedom, failure, success and
    responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all.
    And you're one of them. Congratulations!
    Pass this on to others who have had the luck to grow as real kids,
    before lawyers and government regulated our lives, for our own good.
    For those of you who aren't old enough thought you might like to read
    about us?
    This my friends, is surprisingly frightening...and it might put a
    Smile on your face:
    The majority of students in universities today were born in
    1986...They are called youth.
    They have never heard of we are the World, We are the children, and
    the Uptown Girl they know is by Westlife not Billy Joel. They have never
    heard of Rick Astley, Bananarama, Nena Cherry or Belinda Carlisle.
    For them, there has always been only one Germany and one Vietnam.
    AIDS has existed since they were born. CD's have existed since they
    were born.
    Michael Jackson has always been white.
    To them John Travolta has always been round in shape and they can't
    imagine how this fat guy could be a god of dance.
    They believe that Charlie's Angels and Mission Impossible are films
    from last year.
    They can never imagine life before computers.
    They'll never have pretended to be the A Team, Red Hand Gang or the
    Famous Five.
    They'll never have applied to be on Jim'll Fix it or Why Don't You.
    They can't believe a black and white television ever existed. And
    they will never understand how we could leave the house without a mobile
    Now let's check if we're getting old...
    1. You understand what was written above and you smile.
    2. You need to sleep more, usually until the afternoon, after a
    night out.
    3. Your friends are getting married/already married.
    4. You are always surprised to see small children playing
    comfortably with computers.
    5. When you see teenagers with mobile phones, you shake your head.
    6. You remember watching Dirty Den in East Enders the first time
    7. You meet your friends from time to time, talking about the
    good Old days, repeating again all the funny things you have
    experienced together.
    8. Having read this mail, you are thinking of forwarding it to
    some other friends because you think they will like it too... Yes, you're
    getting old.
    Bringing amusement closer to home...

  2. #2
    Kungishi doodude's Avatar
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    Talking Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    One of the things Ive always been grateful for is epitomized by this post.

    Im glad I was born when I was so I could actually be a kid.

    And the only thing I was in fear of was my Mom & Dad or other responsible adults who inform my Mom & Dad.
    ******************** ********************

  3. #3
    Pachi Puro Tony Junior's Avatar
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    Default Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    Gawd, ain't that the truth, Doo!
    Check my member page here or...

    Temporarily, go to and search for BudgeRahe for videos. Until I get the links set up in the museum

  4. #4
    Goodwill Ambassador luckydog's Avatar
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    Default Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    With all the screwy stuff I did I'm amazed I lived this long
    幸運わんわん Luckydog or Yukiwanwan in Japanese

  5. #5
    Blind Shooter PachisloUk's Avatar
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    Default Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    My son is 11 years old and its hard for him to understand why he can't do all the things he wants to. He is spoilt and has everything money can buy, but it's freedom he needs but being protective parents we can't allow it.

    It's not easy on us parents and just damn not fair.

    He heh he. I remember just about all of this post and the TV programs it mentions as I'm from the UK, but building go-karts has to have been the best part.
    Bringing amusement closer to home...

  6. #6
    PachiTalk Hostess dattia's Avatar
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    Default Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    I didn't remember those TV programs...and I thought I was losing it. Then I realized it was from the UK...just about everything else rang true though. It is very tough to be a parent these days. I won't even let my 14 year old ride his bike across a busy street near us and when I was a kid, I rode my bike clear across town. I just do the Mom's Taxi thing and am happy about it. A year and a half til I have one driving and I'm already having nightmares.

  7. #7
    Pachi Puro Lazarus's Avatar
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    Default Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    I look at my two sons and wonder what kind of childhood they will have. I see that they will not be able to do the same things that I was able to do. It is mostly the freedom that I see is lost. You can't go and do the things I did without someone complaining to the cops or child welfare. I don't want to let them go and do things without an adult around. Not to watch them but to make sure someone else does not do bad things to them. You here more and more about this stuff. But even as a kid it happened but it seamed to them an isolated incident and did not change what we could do. A childhood kid was taken right out from under our noses. We never saw a thing and Bobby Joe remains missing to this day. It is sad as a parent to have to thing of having to restrict them to keep them safe. It is odd that this should come up today when just last knight I dreamed I was given the chance to go back and start and raise a family in the 50s. I must edit this and add this. There is one thing that stands out that is better now than at any time in the past for our children. That is medical care. If my son Tyler was born even ten years earlier he probably would not be with us right now. The advancement in medical science has saved a lot of our children, and will continue to do so.
    Last edited by Lazarus; 07-28-2005 at 11:24 AM.

  8. #8
    Goodwill Ambassador luckydog's Avatar
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    Default Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    I grew up in Chicago, we walked or rode our bikes all over and never worried about it.

    Just as long as we got home by suppertime
    幸運わんわん Luckydog or Yukiwanwan in Japanese

  9. #9
    Pachi Puro Firewire's Avatar
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    Default Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    Walking and bikes, you are right. I showed my wife how far we used to walk and it just seems crazy now days. The go cart is right! Go down hill and use your feet or crash on purpose to stop! Heck it took longer to build it then it would last before falling apart! lol.

    The music is true too. Remakes of songs.

    The most profound differences to me would be communication (cell phones) and playing outside. I limit my son to his video games and bought a trampoline to keep him outside more. I have been turning the sprinkler on just for the kids to play.

  10. #10
    Blind Shooter Solidstate's Avatar
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    Default Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    Hey PachisloUK - what's with your website ? - Are you going to sell Pachislos in the UK through it?

  11. #11
    Fever Hunter photos8484's Avatar
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    Default Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    This is good, but y'know, I have 2 sons who have turned out all right, thank God! Yes, they haven't experienced half of what we did, and yes, WE haven't had THEIR opportunities, and yes, maybe it's because of US that they are going down a good path in life. Both my kids earned the money to travel to other countries, and I, for one, could NEVER have envisioned doing something like this (except in the military).
    And yes, it is a scary time. For us all. We didn't have that then... Now we have stuff we never dreamed of: Creeps. People who want to kill us just because we are who we are. Perverts. Jerks. Religious bigots. Racial profiling versus keeping a sharper eye out for the activities of middle eastern young men carrying backpacks... at least during the Cuban Missle Crisis, we had enemies. Now, it seems, people are a bit confused about who should be on the same page.
    Sorry, rant mode off now!
    **New Trad**Disco Queen**

  12. #12
    da shadow d mowery's Avatar
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    Default Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    Now bya know why I keep my M1 and O3 all oiled and ammo polished them be my years back in the 50s
    These are my opinions and no body elses and you can't have them

  13. #13
    Blind Shooter PachisloUk's Avatar
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    Smile Re: For Those Born Before 1986


    Yes I shall be selling Pachislo in the UK and also Pachinko under a seperate site. I am currently registering webspace and domain names with search engines and developing the websites. Rules of search engines are that you can not state the site is under construction or it will be banned so I have left a simple homepage. I'm sure you can guess the Pachinko's website address. Use either or .com doesn't matter. Both will be run as seperate companies but handled at the same warehouse. We are currently changing warehouse and a full update will be posted here, with the admins permission, when all is in place.

    Just wait for the opening party!!!! All are invited. The best thing about that is you can ofset most of the party's cost against tax.

    Nothing had been anounced as it's not fully ready to trade and it has to be perfect. I certaintly wouldn't liked to be bad mouthed or blacked marked not to trade with. There will be no half measures and everyone will we welcome. Our service should be second to none. There are a few things that we need to do but WATCH THIS SPACE. Packing has already been arranged and tested. Two machines where sent and delivered perferectly but I need to keep retesting to ensure perefection. It's costing each time I test but it's worth it rather than jumping straight in and spending a fortune sending replacement parts if I have them or recalling the damage machines plus the extra paperwork involved.

    I have experience with the british fruit machines on and off for the last 16 years and there is a defuinately shortage in the UK of these fantistic, low priced quality machines.

    Thanks for showing interest and I'll be intouch.
    Bringing amusement closer to home...

  14. #14
    Blind Shooter Solidstate's Avatar
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    Default Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    Excellent news - I may well become a customer. It sounds like you are really taking this seriously I look forward to hearing more when the time is right. These US guys make me really jealous hearing about their latest purchases - getting any sort of machine here in the UK is very difficult (and costs about twice the price).

  15. #15
    Sparky RKnarr01's Avatar
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    Default Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    Luckily I was born in 1986.

  16. #16
    Pachi Puro Tony Junior's Avatar
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    Default Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    Mother laid me on a rock and let the sun hatch me...way back yonder in 1934.
    Check my member page here or...

    Temporarily, go to and search for BudgeRahe for videos. Until I get the links set up in the museum

  17. #17
    Site Admin Tulsa's Avatar
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    Default Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    You're old enough to be my mommy.

    My mom was born in 34.
    Meanwhile, somewhere in Oklahoma.

  18. #18
    Fever Hunter DiskDevil's Avatar
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    Default Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    I was hatched in the summer of 66

  19. #19
    PachiTalk Hostess dattia's Avatar
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    Default Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    I was delivered by a stork in 62.

  20. #20
    wearing a suit birdbrain's Avatar
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    Default Re: For Those Born Before 1986

    I willed myself into exhistence from the eternal light and knowledge that I was in.....naw,my mommy dug me up in '61

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