I had a guy translate some stickers from the back of my "Bath House 2004" (Lockin Sevens 2003) machine, I paid him five dollars. So here are the Five Dollar Translations for the back of the Toyotec machine:


Before using, please read intruction manual first.
power switch, leave on for 5 seconds more.


0 means normal

1 means out of balls.

2 or 3 means payout system is broken

E means card unit not plugged in.

U means card unit has problem,

The X thingie Symbol says for more info, read manual.

mode a(normal), b, c, d

turn off machine before changing mode.

x the changing of the mode will not show unless machine is off.

You press the button to remove the error messages, but it doesn't neccesarily reset the machine.


Do not try to alter or fix or take apart by yourself. Could lead to fire, electric shocks and hurting yourself.

Big engineering word... basically labelling section or wires within' a section.