I have a technical question regarding power supplies for any of you electronics folks. My knowlege of electronics in the real world is slim, especially in the world of AC.

So here's the deal: Many of you have seen my post on the Super Planet. Well, I'm chugging along playing, playing, playing, solenoids firing, bells ringing, etc. I have begun to notice the payboard lights. There are only two on during regular game play; the standard wedge base 24V3W bulbs. Whenever the 'noise' solenoid fires or the win bell rings, the payboard lights dim.

Now, in my DC wanderings for my dissertation research, dimming lights meant that the power supply couldn't supply enough amperage and needed to be upgraded. Would you assume this is also the case with this pachi? Or maybe just because it's old it's a poor design and the lights just dim?

The power supply says the typical stuff about the input (115V 60Hz) and the output reads 24V 60VA. It also gets REALLY hot during play. Not just power supply hot, but "can't touch it" hot.

Any professional opinions? Should I upgrade?

Thanks guys and gals.
