Morning all. Repairs in progress. Picked up 2 Thunderbirds machines for spares or repairs, one Pachislo, which I'm 99% sure I've sorted the issue for, just waiting on a new power cable. Also picked up a Pachinko. It's the one with thunderbird 1 and 2 on the board where thunderbird 2 drops down and spins (I know it's supposed to do this as I've seen a YouTube video of it playing).

When powering up it cycles through a sequence as they all do, but I think thunderbird 2 is getting jammed as it looks like it's trying to spin but it just tilts itself to the side a bit, gets about 20-30 degrees then makes odd noises and then pulls itself back up wonky, it then straightens out at the top. Does anyone have one, or has had one and can tell what it's supposed to be doing on startup and if it should be spinning? I suspect it is based on my star wars 3d, the tie fighter does a similar thing.

The machine was dead, I've got it working, everything else seems to be moving properly, unjammed the ball feed (hairball), re-soldered the power supply. I've had it completely apart and fixed a couple of broken wires, and whilst it was apart I opened thunderbird 2. There's obviously a motor in there which seemed fine, clean, no jams, teeth on the gears were fine etc. Tomorrow I'm going to take it apart ..... Again, and put it back together without the thunderbird 2 casing on so I can see what the motor is or isn't doing when it's dropping.

Any help or experience with this specific machine would be great. Seems a shame to end up stripping for parts when it's now down to just 1 problem.