The “audience” behind the sumo wrestlers is damaged. Any tips on that one?

The glitchy tulip is working in tests (where I drop a ball in it) but looks terrible, looks like someone punched it. The top is bent back, one of the sides is twisted and the tulip sticker is damaged (the least of it all). It is a center tulip so I don’t know if I can take it off without consequences?

I think I can modify the top flow to let the balls go the way there were supposed too, by opening up the sides a bit? I suppose it is impossible to find the proper top flow?

Ordered polishes and all... cleaned up my previous plexiglass with toothpaste and it shined up very nicely and took down most of the small scratches (in jewelry class we use it to polish, and I even polished a piece of Amber with toothpaste). Also backed wet/dry sandpaper with tape, cut into strips, and used that in tiny spots and the pins.