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Thread: My first pachinko machine

  1. #1
    Tokie Owens loupgarou21's Avatar
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    Default My first pachinko machine

    I hadn't really been looking for a pachinko machine, but I ran across one on craigslist for $75 a couple of days ago. My grandparents had a pachinko machine when I was a kid, and my sister and I used to love playing it, so I mostly picked it up out of nostalgia.

    It was advertised as a '76 Nishijin Shiroi Kamome Super DX. Looking through some stuff here, it appears to be a Model C

    It seems to mostly be in fairly decent shape. There is some water staining on the play field, but not anything that worries me all that much.
    Someone has definitely been tinkering with it, because there's been a few obvious things that have been installed improperly (look at the hopper empty switch)
    It's missing a part that appears to be called the lower ramp cover, which I've temporarily replaced with a piece of cardboard.
    It was completely jammed with balls, which I managed to convince to come out (all except 1, I'll have to take apart a significant part of the back to get at it.) I counted 128 balls in total. I've ordered some more off ebay, hopefully they'll be here tomorrow.

    After just tinkering with pieces, I've got it mostly working at this point, except for the payoff bar which doesn't want to move freely. It takes multiple balls to push down the payoff bar, and then it doesn't reset without some manual intervention. After taking parts of the back off, I was able to track the issue to the the clear jackpot payout rocker thing rubbing against the white levers in the image below:

    Here's a picture of the wires holding the levers, do they look properly installed? I don't have a great reference photo for how those should look, just a really grainy black and white photo from an old manual:

    It appears I could probably bend those wires to get those levers to rub less, but I don't want to bend the wires if it's just a matter of one of those parts not being properly installed, thus bending something needlessly.

    There is something that looks like soda splashed in the bottom of the back, but doesn't appear to have gotten actually into anything.
    The frame is rather wobbly, and held together with a mix of nails and screws, and there appears to have been an attempt to add a block of wood to hold it more stably, so I think I'll take apart the frame, and glue it so it holds a little better.

    I've slowly been cleaning some of the parts in the back. Some of the clear plastic parts, I'd assumed they were just yellowed a bit with age, but most of the yellow came off with some cleaning.
    Someone had poorly attempted to work on the electrical bits in the back, but with a little fiddling, the lights all seem to work again.

    There's a mix of old and new screws, and whoever worked on it last rounded out the heads on a lot of the screws. Does anyone know what size/type of screws I should be looking for to replace them?
    I also found one where the plastic threads one of the screws went into was stripped out. The threads are in one of the clear plastic pieces, is there a good way to fix that hole? I ran across something saying you could wrap the screw with teflon tape, fill the hole with epoxy and then screw the screw back in until the epoxy hardens. Apparently the epoxy won't stick to the teflon so you can just remove the screw once the epoxy hardens. I haven't tried it, but it's a thought.

    If you're interested in any other pictures, here's an album of pictures I took over the last couple of days:
    Let me know if you see anything obviously wrong or missing. Speaking of missing, it kind of looks like it's meant to have a cover over the payoff bar, should there be a cover there? It doesn't look like it will cause issues by not having a cover in that area, but it kind of seems like there should be one.

    Oh, one other question for now. The one my grandparents had didn't have a foul lane, so I'm not used to it. There looks like there's a slot in the flapper over the foul lane that looks like it might be meant for sticking something into to disable the foul lane. Is that something I can actually do, disable the foul lane, or should I just work on getting better at not shooting the balls as far as I absolutely can?


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    Pachi Puro Peteybob's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first pachinko machine

    Hello loupgarou21, nice machine and welcome to the group

    I'm more into the modern machines but wanted to say HI to a fellow Minnesotan!
    Where about are you located? I grew up in Saint Paul on the west end near the Schmidt brewery.

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  5. #3
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first pachinko machine

    Nice centre feature
    Ian #UKPachinko

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  7. #4
    Tokie Owens loupgarou21's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first pachinko machine

    Quote Originally Posted by Peteybob View Post
    Hello loupgarou21, nice machine and welcome to the group

    I'm more into the modern machines but wanted to say HI to a fellow Minnesotan!
    Where about are you located? I grew up in Saint Paul on the west end near the Schmidt brewery.
    I'm in Columbia Heights, it's just outside NE Minneapolis

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  9. #5
    Kungishi Tink's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first pachinko machine

    Hello and welcome, cool machine.

    Couple things I've noticed. your lower ball track (with the cardboard cover) looks empty. This will cause your issue with the payout rubbing on the white levers. With the tracks full of balls it should pull those wires and free the payout mech.

    For stripped plastic holes, I drip some Bondic into the hole, cure it and screw in the screw.

    The foul outlet returns the ball to the shooter tray, cool feature I think.

    Also noticed your overflow wire near the shooter is on the wrong side of the plastic ball loader piece. Should be behind the loader not in front.UOGm5WP.jpg

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  11. #6
    Eye Shooter hkp's Avatar
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    Not an expert with a 'C', but it looks like the wires could be reversed. I am noticing a bow on the wire in the foreground; I don't know if reversing the direction of the wires would alleviate that. You should remove them and clean the pivots, and contact surfaces thoroughly. All pivots need to move VERY freely.

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  13. #7
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Welcome to Pachitalk

    looks and sounds like your getting great help
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  15. #8
    Pachi Puro mxfaiman's Avatar
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    to Pachitalk!

    For the issue of the white levers you simply don't have enough balls in the back of the machine. Everything looks hooked up correctly otherwise. You need a minimum of 400 balls in the back of the machine for it to work properly. (ebay is the best source if you need to purchase more balls)

    100 machines and counting...

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  17. #9
    Tokie Owens loupgarou21's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first pachinko machine

    Quote Originally Posted by Tink View Post
    Hello and welcome, cool machine.

    Couple things I've noticed. your lower ball track (with the cardboard cover) looks empty. This will cause your issue with the payout rubbing on the white levers. With the tracks full of balls it should pull those wires and free the payout mech.
    It is true that in the picture the track is empty, I'd emptied all of the balls out when I started taking it apart. The lever doesn't just rub when it's empty, it actually catches completely, keeping the payout from moving. The payout rubs on those white levers even when the tray is properly filled.

    Right now I have the back partially disassembled and the machine is laying on its face, so it's easy enough to move those levers without gravity resetting them.

    Here you can see the levers in the position they would be in when no balls are in the tray:

    Here you can see the levers in the position they would be in when balls are in tray:

    In this picture you can see the relation of the levers with the payout when the payout is activated:

    As you can see in that last picture, the white levers are rubbing against the catch on the payout, in fact, when moving, it makes a bit of a squeeking noise. If I manually pull those levers back further, the squeeking goes away, and the payout moves far more freely.

    As hkp points out, there's a bow in the wire, I'm currently suspecting something snagged on those wires and bent them (or someone bent them intentionally for some reason, I wouldn't put it past the previous owner, they did other odd things to the machine.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Tink View Post
    For stripped plastic holes, I drip some Bondic into the hole, cure it and screw in the screw.
    I'll give that a try!
    Quote Originally Posted by Tink View Post
    The foul outlet returns the ball to the shooter tray, cool feature I think.
    Yeah, I noticed that! I had just enough balls where I could fill the hopper to the point where all the pressure plates were triggered in the upper and lower ramp, and still have 4-5 balls left over to kind of play with. It's definitely going to take a delicate touch to get used to not chucking the balls into the foul lane. Even with the flipper only pulled back about half way it goes into the foul lane, slightly less and it tumbles properly through the play field, and slightly less than that and it won't make it out of the starting ramp (no clue if I'm using the right terms here, just guessing.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Tink View Post
    Also noticed your overflow wire near the shooter is on the wrong side of the plastic ball loader piece. Should be behind the loader not in front.UOGm5WP.jpg
    Thanks! I've actually got that piece completely removed at the moment, so I'll be sure it's on the other side when I reassemble it. I've actually got a ton of the back removed at this point, and something I didn't realize until I got to the point of having the back mostly disassembled is that the large clear shell actually completely detaches from the rest of the machine via some clips, so I could have actually completely removed most of the mechanicals from the back of the machine just by pulling that clear shell off of 5 clips on the back. It even includes the wiring harness. Once the clear shell is removed, I can easily access the various ramps coming from the front of the cabinet, and was able to get the last stuck ball out that way. That last ball was stuck in an odd spot, you can see it in this picture near the hinged part of the payout lever, between two pieces of the clear plastic shell:

  18. #10
    Kungishi Tink's Avatar
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    Your picture showed the spring tension for the shooter at max, back that off a few holes and you won't shoot so far

    The balls do get to strange places when the machines are moved. I find a stray ball or three in almost every machine I have done.
    Last edited by Tink; 01-12-2018 at 07:08 PM.

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  20. #11
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first pachinko machine

    take a look at this

    at 1:37 in the vid there is a close up of the spoon area.. your machine has a broken part.. your broken part is interfering with spoon travel
    Last edited by Moparformances; 01-12-2018 at 10:08 PM. Reason: forgot link
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  22. #12
    Tokie Owens loupgarou21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tink View Post
    Your picture showed the spring tension for the shooter at max, back that off a few holes and you won't shoot so far
    Nice! I didn’t realize that was how you adjust that, thanks!

  23. #13
    Tokie Owens loupgarou21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moparformances View Post
    take a look at this

    at 1:37 in the vid there is a close up of the spoon area.. your machine has a broken part.. your broken part is interfering with spoon travel
    wow, good eye! I had been wondering what that part did, because it seemed essentially useless, I didn’t see the broken part of the plastic. Looking at it now, I’m not surprised it broke, it looks like the plastic where it snapped was super thin, in fact, I had trouble finding where it broke off even knowing where I was looking.

    I can see what it’s doing in the video, but it mostly just looks like it’s acting to prevent an improper payout, im trying to figure out how it should be assisting that payout bar in properly moving. Might need to sleep on it a bit. If it is just there to prevent improper payout, and is just interfering with the payout bar, I suppose I could just remove it until I can find a replacement, just knowing I might periodically get an unearned payout...

    I’ve never done any 3D printing, but I wonder if I could combine what I have left of the piece with a shot of the whole piece from the video to try to build some sort of schematic to have 3D printed.

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  25. #14
    Tokie Owens loupgarou21's Avatar
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    Also, looking at that video, those white arms being held back by those wires are definitely pulled back further in the video than on my machine. On my machine, when pulled back as far as they go, they’re parallel to the clear plastic housing next to them, in the video they’re leaning toward the housing, so pulled back further than parallel.

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  27. #15
    Tokie Owens loupgarou21's Avatar
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    I finally decided to gently adjust the two wires holding back those arms, and the payout bar works great. Unfortunately, the broken part that moparcormances pointed out turns out to be reasonably important. I was right that it keeps the machine from improperly paying out, but I underestimated just how much it pays out without that part. Once you trigger a payout, the payout bar just continuously swings up and down until the hopper is empty. Essentially, the payout section at the top and the payout bar are so perfectly balanced that the act of filling the payout rocker at the top causes it to trigger a payout unless the catch at the bottom is holding the payout bar in place. I’m going to either have to hunt down a replacement for the broken part, or try to make something that suffices as a replacement.

    on the plus side, the back has been disassembled, mostly cleaned, and reassembled (ok, I chickened out on disassembling the last few bits, so I cleaned them the best I could while leaving them in place.). Interestingly, I noticed a few parts on both the back and front are held in place by the same type of pins used on the play field. I also discovered I’m missing at least one pin that is supposed to be holding a part on in the front, and I found a spot where there might be a missing part, but I honestly can’t fathom what it would look like or what it would do, other than maybe act as some form of flow control for balls entering the lower tray in the front, or maybe it would be another switch to indicate balls are going to the lower tray or something.

  28. #16
    Tokie Owens loupgarou21's Avatar
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    I managed to bodge together a temporary fix for the broken part that moparformance pointed out. I used some copper wire, and it actually works great, way better than it should.

    it still needs a bit of cleaning and I still need to do a bit of repair on the frame. I’d also like to build a cabinet for it.

    I also noticed someone damaged the crown stickers on the front, so I might see if I can either find replacements, or clean out the sticker residue and just paint the crowns in

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  30. #17
    Pachi Puro pachiwall's Avatar
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    Some of our members have pachinko related websites. Here are a few that have stickers for tulips.
    I'm sure there are more...but this is what I could find quickly.

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  32. #18
    Pachi Puro mxfaiman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loupgarou21 View Post
    I also noticed someone damaged the crown stickers on the front, so I might see if I can either find replacements, or clean out the sticker residue and just paint the crowns in
    We used to paint them in on the machines we restored. Heck of a job to get it to look right and clean. Was so much faster and cleaner as soon as we started cutting our own stickers.

    100 machines and counting...

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  34. #19
    Tokie Owens loupgarou21's Avatar
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    Default Re: My first pachinko machine

    Quote Originally Posted by pachiwall View Post
    Some of our members have pachinko related websites. Here are a few that have stickers for tulips.
    I'm sure there are more...but this is what I could find quickly.
    Ooh, so many colors to choose from! Thanks!

  35. #20
    Tokie Owens loupgarou21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mxfaiman View Post
    We used to paint them in on the machines we restored. Heck of a job to get it to look right and clean. Was so much faster and cleaner as soon as we started cutting our own stickers.
    I periodically build model planes, so at least I would have the right tools to paint the crowns, but it would cost me as much to buy the paint as it would to just buy the stickers, and I don't feel painting them would provide any real benefit over the stickers, so I agree with you, I think I'll go the sticker route. In fact, I just ordered some as I was typing this up.

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