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Thread: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

  1. #1
    Blind Shooter gnome73's Avatar
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    Question Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    I just brought my second vintage machine ~1973 - its a model B and its in a bad state and full of rusty balls and the whole machine is covered in dust. Its been used with rusty balls for years so all the lanes and front board has a film of rust on it. Anyway it all appears to be in tact. My first problem is Its pretty jammed up and Im trying to dump all the rusty balls but I cant get the winning ball shoot to clear as its full of balls (see photo) - how can I get the balls out of here?


    Im guessing the first thing I should attempt to do in the restoration is get all the balls out where possible? Any rescue tips for machines in this state would be appreciated.

    Im from New Zealand and we dont get these machines down here much so I just get what I can regardless of state and hope i can get them going. I wouldn't normally buy a machine full of rusty balls but this is the only machine I have seen pop up for the last 12-18 montns.

    Thanks to anyone who replies.

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  3. #2
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    the reason you cant get the balls out is there is a ball under the jackpot arm.. the ball under the jackpot arm is restricting the travel of the arm not allowing it to drop fully.. thus the balls can not roll off the arm like thay should..

    i have a set of small pick like tools..

    like this..

    you will need to lift the jackpot arm a bit.. lift the "paperclip" (that is the rod that keeps the ball on the jackpot arm untill the jackpot drops)

    then with both lifted you should be able to flick that stuck ball out the loosing ball shoot.. then your good..

    or ya can start pulling staples and get the pathways clear..

    good luck
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  5. #3
    Blind Shooter gnome73's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    Thanks Mopar

    Just to clarify... when you say there is a ball stuck under the jackpot arm... is that the arm that sticks out to the left of the brown round plastic bit in the bottom right of the photo and goes across into the chute and is this chute what you refer to as the loosing ball chute? I think I know what you are saying i.e. the arm needs to be on the bottom of the chute (where the balls are stuck) and not be stuck in between the last ball and the and the stack of stuck balls - this correct?

    If I am wrong with the above please reply again and if I still cant get it any chance of getting a quick instructional video clip to me?

    You'll have to excuse my ignorance im new to the terminology of the parts and general make up of the model B machine. My only other machine is not a nishijin so its completely different.

  6. #4
    Eye Shooter gooilers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    The bottom of the piece indicated looks like a paperclip.
    Last edited by gooilers; 07-12-2015 at 05:36 PM.

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  8. #5
    Blind Shooter gnome73's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    Hi goolier,

    I tried lifting that lever (its very stiff but I can wiggle it and get it to go up and down a bit) but this does not release any balls. I can confirm there is a ball below the metal lever that comes across from the brown round plastic bit on the bottom right of the photo -to me I would have though that ball below the metal lever should just drop out?

    I will keep trying and do my best to get the ball below the lever out - assuming this is what I need to do.

  9. #6
    Eye Shooter gooilers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    Can you lift the jackpot arm above the ball trapped below it a bit as well? A strong magnet may help to get that bottom ball stuck below the jackpot arm to move to the left and out.

  10. #7
    Blind Shooter gnome73's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    Yes I can get it to lift a little bit but the weight of all the balls on top of it is making it difficult.

    Should it have 1 ball on top of the jackpot arm or many like in the photo? Do I need to clear every ball except one on top of the jackpot lever?
    Do the balls in the chute need to go to the left of the jackpot arm in order to to get around it and out?

    Please can you answer the above questions?

    I'm at work at present so not near the machine - i will try all these things tonight when I get home from work. I will pop out at lunch and to get come picks and a magnet.

  11. #8
    Eye Shooter gooilers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    There should be no balls above or below the jackpot arm. I'd recommend watching Moparformance's video explaining how your machine functions, particularly around the 3:50 mark when the balls are passing through the area that's jammed on yours.
    Last edited by gooilers; 07-12-2015 at 06:15 PM.

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  13. #9
    Blind Shooter gnome73's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    ok great thanks - this all make sense now - I m predicting its going to be a long and tedious process getting all the balls out - but Im up for the cahllenge. Hopefully once I get one out and figure out the best way to do it i'll be able to do the rest. Will report back soon once i have got them out as no doubt there will be other problems with this machine given the state its in. Thanks!

  14. #10
    Kungishi CarlW's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    One of the stuck pachinko balls looks to be over-sized, thus really stuck. It has been witnessed many times!

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  16. #11
    Blind Shooter gnome73's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    ok so i got all the balls out of the winning ball chute all the way up to the sea saw so from what i can tell the winning ball path is free. The next issue is that the paper clip in the chute is always in the closed position hence why no balls were dropping out. I have to manually lift the paper clip when there is a ball in the chute to exit the ball.


    Question - What drives the raising/opening and lowering/closing of the paper clip in the chute - when i lift the paper clip up and down nothing appears to be connected to it or moving?

    In watching Mopars video at 3:50 it appears the sea saw is somehow connected to the rod above the lever arm that lifts and lowers the paper clip rod is this true ? - this is not the case on my machine I can move the sea saw and nothing moves on the paper clip arm

    Am I on the right track? What to do next? Please continue to help me.. the assistance has been great so far.
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  17. #12
    Eye Shooter gooilers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    When playing and you win a jackpot, the balls are released from the jackpot mechanism, the balls fall on a large white lever which tilts down pushing down the rod which raises the paperclip
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  19. #13
    Blind Shooter gnome73's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    Thanks Gooliers - My back plastic cover is brown and not clear so I didnt notice that. It sounds like this process that you described is not working on my machine. Can i bypass this process and permanently secure the paper clip open to allow the balls to drop out of the chute? The jackpot payout is still trigerred by the arm that goes to the bottom right of the machine then up to the jackpot balls release at the top of the machine.

    I dont wnat to have to start opening up the machine if I can help it as I am worried I may not get it back into one piece.

  20. #14
    Eye Shooter gooilers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    Now that you have the ball jam cleared, have you tried playing it to test if it raises the paperclip? You're going to need to load the machine with a few hundred balls to test it properly.
    Last edited by gooilers; 07-13-2015 at 09:15 PM.

  21. #15
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    the paper clip is part of the cycle.. there needs to be a pause that is created by the paperclip.. it slows the refilling of the jackpot mech..
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  23. #16
    Blind Shooter gnome73's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    Quote Originally Posted by gooilers View Post
    Now that you have the ball jam cleared, have you tried playing it to test if it raises the paperclip? You're going to need to load the machine with a few hundred balls to test it properly.
    Im too scared too as Im still trying to clean it and get all of the rusty balls out of the machine - there are soo many.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moparformances View Post
    the paper clip is part of the cycle.. there needs to be a pause that is created by the paperclip.. it slows the refilling of the jackpot mech..
    OK understood but thats a shame as I suspect if i fill it up with balls and the paperclip process doesnt work I will then need to spend some time getting all the balls out again.

    Thanks for your help guys... I will give it another go tonight. Im just dissapointed I dont have a clear see through plastic cover and as a result I may need to pull things apart to see whats going on with the white lever that drives the paperclip.

    Will keep trying stuff and report back shortly.

  24. #17
    Pachi Puro pachiwall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    I can't explain it without pics...and my camera and computer are conspiring against me! I'll start with existing pics of a MATSUYA machine. It has different shaped parts...but the function is EXACTLY like the NISHIJIN Model B. I don't have my Model B on the workbench now...but can get it if needed. The MATSUYA is being worked on right now, and is readily avaliable. PLUS, as an added benefit...simply removing ONE cover (held on with 18 screws) allows acess to the mass majority of ball paths for easy access cleaning! As an added can easily see and fix things! Hopefully this will help you "see" what is going on BEHIND THE BROWN PLASTIC! DON DAH !!!!!!!!
    OK that last part was the dramatic music/sound effects that were going off in my head!
    This is the machine that I am using as an example.attack 1341.JPG attack 1348.JPG As you can see the basic layout is the same. Cosmetic differences, but same basic function...actually kind of complex, but not all that! So...whenever a winning ball falls into ANY pocket, it is funneled to the seesaw. attack 1355.JPG When the seesaw is down, a tab on the seesaw pushes the hook to the right. This is how the machine "knows" that a winning ball is present. If you have noticed...if you push the bar that a winning ball falls on...all the payout balls fall out of the back of the machine. This is because the machine hasn't "seen" a winning ball. When a winning ball is present, the seesaw is down, pushing the hook to the right. Now when the winning ball pushes down the same bar as before...bell 001.JPG The balls fall out (you have to imagine the seesaw down, and the hook to the right!). But, since a GENUINE JACKPOT has been won, the seesaw is down and the hook is to the right...therefore the weight of the balls make the white bar (tilting ball track) tilt down. The winning balls are now directed towards the "top" bell, and out to the front tray. I will try to post NEW pics...if I can come to terms with my computer!
    If you use your imagination, you can see the path the balls will follow if the "jackpot bar" is pushed down. The "tilting ball track" stays up because the hook grabs the post. The balls now go behind the plastic and down the vertical track. The Nishijin Model B does the same thing...but look different.
    Now, when a jackpot ball IS present, the hook is to the right...allowing the bar to "tilt" down directing the balls towards the bell, and out the front.
    The "paperclip" is a holding device. The "jackpot rod" has to stay down, in order to hold back the "floodgates of balls" from the top hopper. When the "jackpot rod" moves back will see the jackpot fill back up. The "paperclip holds back the floodgates until the balls are far enough away, and safely allow the jackpot to fill without the parlor losing ant "stray" balls!
    Now onto the "paper clip" It's job is to hold the "jackpot bar" down long enough for the jackpot balls to escape. It knows when the jackpot balls has escaped far enough when the "tilting ball track" pushes down on the rod attached to it,attack 1356.JPG I know I have a better pic than this! good bell 011.JPG Not what I was looking for...but will do.
    You can demonstrate these principals on your Nishijin. First, have a box to catch the balls hat fall out the back! Then push down the "jackpot rod". The balls will fall out the back. Now, either tilt the seesaw down...or hold the hook to the right with your finger. When the "jackpot bar" is pressed down, the balls fall onto the "tilting ball track" tilts down sending the balls to the bell, and to the front. At this time the "rod to nowhere" is pressed down, releasing the jackpot ball...thus allowing the "jackpot bar" to lift, allowing the jackpot to refill, ETC.
    Hope this helps, and was useful! I can also help you if you "HAVE" to take it apart. Mine has already been "unstapled" and cleaned. Put back together with screws. Can be done again if you need help!

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  26. #18
    Pachi Puro pachiwall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    Quote Originally Posted by gnome73 View Post
    OK understood but thats a shame as I suspect if i fill it up with balls and the paperclip process doesnt work I will then need to spend some time getting all the balls out again.
    Im just dissapointed I dont have a clear see through plastic cover and as a result I may need to pull things apart to see whats going on with the white lever that drives the paperclip.
    You can safely fill it up with balls. All balls from the top hopper are directed through the jackpot mechanism...either going out the back, or to the front...depending if the seesaw is up or down, as described above.
    The only way the balls get jammed up on top of the paper clip is when people hit a jackpot and nothing happens. FIX THE JAM NOW!!! But they don't. They open the glass and put 100 more balls into a pocket...hoping it will work again! Then sell it to you...or me. Then we fix it!
    Try the tests above...if it has to come apart (and my computer and camera come to terms), I can take mine apart 1st, and walk you through it.
    Last edited by pachiwall; 07-14-2015 at 04:27 AM.

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  28. #19
    Blind Shooter gnome73's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    Thanks for the detailed post pachiwall alot of which I'll be honest I didnt understand sorry

    I can still see the odd rusty ball in a couple of tulips so I will continue to try and get them out (normally gently shaking the machine works for ) then when I cant hear anymore balls im going to fill it up with my nice shiny clean and unrusty chrome balls and see what happens.

  29. #20
    Blind Shooter gnome73's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin Sophia Model B - need help!

    OK I have cleared all the balls and dropped a single ball into each of the jackpot holes and each dropped ball has come out of the winning ball slot so I think I have got all the rusty balls out and the machine is running clear. Also when moving the seasaw it moves the paper clip yay! So Im hoping im good to go.

    Before filling with balls to test it out I want to get the electrics working. I hooked up a 9V DC 350mA adapter to the machine as per dan reeds video here

    but nothing happened... is 350mA enough? I will next try a standard 9V battery.

    Hoping to have it all working sweet tomorrow night when I next have time to work on it.... only issue will be residual dust residue throughout the machine but Im hoping I can just clean the balls regulary and the dust will work itself out of the machine.

    Thanks for everyones help.. you guys have been amazing..

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