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Thread: Carnival Night Slot Machine

  1. #1
    Tokie Owens bagman's Avatar
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    Default Carnival Night Slot Machine

    Hello... I have had a Carnival Night Slot Machine for about 6 or 7 yeard now with no problems. The other day for the first very time my grandson hit the big one and it ran for about 10 minutes and I thought it emptied the hopper. Two days later my granddaughter hit it like that again and it did the same thing, however when it finished its thing she she pushed the "credit payout" button on the left front. At that time it started flashing "ERR". I've lost the key but I can get it in from the underside... I need some help... I will be thank full for any I can get.


  2. #2
    Closet Okie Meathead's Avatar
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    Default Re: Carnival Night Slot Machine

    It's likely an empty hopper. You'll need to get into the machine, fill the hopper back and hit a reset button, generally found on the power supply but sometimes on the inside of the door.
    A Hardy har har...

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  4. #3
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: Carnival Night Slot Machine


    sounds like a full reset.. is needed

    In order to do a full reset or change odds, machine must be in idle mode with no tokens or credits being played.

    Locate internal toggle switch (red tipped or silver with on/off tabs) or insert key into internal key switch (if your machine came with 2 keys).

    Machine must be turned OFF. Turn key clockwise or flip reset toggle switch to the "ON" or "ODDS" position. Turn main power switch ON to access programming mode.

    A number from 1 to 6 will be displayed on the CREDIT meter on the front door or on a display inside the door.

    Locate the reset button. This will be located on your power supply. On SAMMY brand models, the button is on the inside of the door only.

    Depress the button and notice movement of number being displayed on the credit meter. Once the desired level is displayed (1 to 6) pull "spin reels" handle (black or red knob on front door) down, like you are going to spin the reels, to lock odds level into machine memory.

    Turn key switch back or flip toggle to "OFF" or "PLAY" position. Machine should immediately initialize. You will know the machine initialized if the "Insert Medal" light starts flashing. If not, make sure you remembered to press down the "SPIN REELS" lever. If it still doesn't initialize, turn power to the OFF position, wait 15 seconds and turn power switch back to ON position.

    and of course
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