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Thread: brought home "the one that got away" yesterday.

  1. #21
    Pachi Puro emmadog's Avatar
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    I'll see later what that number is.
    On some of these machines the voltage for those bulbs is over 30 volts and resistors get pretty warm even using higher wattage ones. Maybe this was the reason for the diodes?
    I suspect he had a good reason for them-he's done some pretty amazing electronic projects for me in the past-workarounds to solve electronic problems on these machines due to lack of old parts.
    I do have the scariest for this machine if you'd like to take a look at them.
    How's Westlake these days?
    I spent many years in Lake Charles.
    EM Pinballs & Arrangeballs

  2. #22
    Pachi Puro emmadog's Avatar
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    Default Re: brought home "the one that got away" yesterday.

    EM Pinballs & Arrangeballs

  3. #23
    Sandwich Shooter browne92's Avatar
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    Default Re: brought home "the one that got away" yesterday.

    Quote Originally Posted by emmadog View Post
    I spent many years in Lake Charles.
    My condolences. Unless you want to deal cards to drunk Texans for a casino or get gassed to death in a petrochemical plant, there's nothing going on here.

    If this is a straight up DC circuit, there really is no 'trick' that can be done. Whether you are using one resistor, many resistors, or a diode and resistors, the excess is being dissipated as heat. Now if this is AC or some sort of pulsed DC, that changes everything.

    I would definitely be curious to see the schematics. I'm wondering if there isn't some way to modify the power supply, to make changing the lamps to LEDs easier. It does seem strange to use such a high voltage to run lamps. I don't recall seeing a lot of (or any, for that matter) 30+ volt lamps in my travels. - Home Page
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  4. #24
    Pachi Puro emmadog's Avatar
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    Despite all that, I still love LC. I grew up hunting, fishing and diving/spearfishing on the oil rigs many, many more times than I can count. Great memories. However, I don't think I could move back but I still own a couple houses in La. One near the coast. Not sure what I'll do with it.
    PM me your email and I'll send the schematic.
    I measured the voltage and I'm getting 8 when plugged directly into the wall. I use a step down transformer normally so not sure what the voltage is via that.
    I've got a couple Taiyos though that are 28 volts for those same lights and a couple that are around 32.
    EM Pinballs & Arrangeballs

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  6. #25
    Pachi Puro emmadog's Avatar
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    Default Re: brought home "the one that got away" yesterday.

    Another note for Gary that I forgot about. I played a few dozen games this morning and I remembered how many times the balls will go into the return lanes. Eddie (a long time member that through his posts, got me interested in arrangeballs way back) also noticed that its like playing with more than 16 balls per game since you get so many returned balls. Then I remembered a cool feature on this machine and that's the red ball guides at the lower left and right of the playfield. They're adjustable so you can allow return balls to occur or slide them over the return ball pockets to block them. Pretty rare feature on these machines.
    EM Pinballs & Arrangeballs

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  8. #26
    Sandwich Shooter browne92's Avatar
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    Default Re: brought home "the one that got away" yesterday.

    PM sent.

    I've never been the hunting/fishing/outdoorsy type, so I guess it's all kinda lost on me.

    Quote Originally Posted by emmadog View Post
    I still own a couple houses in La. One near the coast.
    Yikes! Since Katrina, Rita, and Ike, are you sure it's still there? After Rita, Cameron was nothing but a few concrete slabs.

    Looking forward to seeing that schematic. - Home Page
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  9. #27
    Pachi Puro emmadog's Avatar
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    I understand. I was shooting/hunting and fishing almost as soon as I could walk and then that turned into a love of the outdoors. I got certified to dive when I was 12 and that opened up a whole new world. In that sense south La is a sportsman's paradise as it used to say on the license plates there.
    I then spent 4.5 years in Naval special operations which combined all of the above. Best (and scariest) time of my life and the best men I've ever known.
    Alright, enough of the stroll down memory lane. So my house near the coast suffered minor damage during Katrina but took a harder hit during Rita and it was rebuilt further inland. The other house I bought when I was stationed at Special Boat Team 22 after Rita.
    I'll get that schematic to you in a bit.
    EM Pinballs & Arrangeballs

  10. #28
    Sandwich Shooter browne92's Avatar
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    Spent awhile looking over the schematics and, unfortunately, they provide more questions than answers. I'm guessing by the drawing date that these are not original factory drawings, but something that someone did by tracing the circuits.

    The first problem is the white and pink wires that come from the 24 volt transformer. Note that the white wire comes on to the board, passes through a capacitor and back to the pink wire, making no other connection (highlight in red). This makes no sense and accomplishes nothing.

    Second, without knowing what the 4 wire rectangular devices are, you don't really know what's going on.

    Third, by the way the diodes are drawn, the point I marked "+?" would be positive, but this conflicts with the polarity drawn on one of the capacitors.

    Lastly, without knowing what the 'double diode' in the lower right corner connects to off board, I can't tell what its purpose is.

    From all that, this is my best guess as to what's going on (your mileage may vary):

    The 10 volt transformer would rectify and filter to about 15 volts. If the 'double diode' thingy were actually a 7805 regulator, that would make more sense, because the chips listed on the second page require 5 volts regulated. Triacs are used to switch AC power, so I think that the 15 vdc is for the lamps, 5 vdc is for the logic, and 24 vac is for the solenoids.

    Without a more accurate drawing, or the actual board in hand, that's the best I got.
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  12. #29
    Pachi Puro emmadog's Avatar
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    Default Re: brought home "the one that got away" yesterday.

    Interesting and thanks for posting your findings. Are the 4 rectangular devices you refer to the colored header plugs perhaps?
    EM Pinballs & Arrangeballs

  13. #30
    Pachi Puro emmadog's Avatar
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    The machine pictured is the last arrangeball I acquired and subsequently restored. This was a particularly labor intensive one and the results are outstanding but when I was done, I put off doing an LED conversion. Since we're talking about this now I decided to move forward after testing to see if the machine exhibited the glowing LED issue. Luckily it doesn't so I made an LED module similar to a design I've used for another a-ball. I bought a rod of delrin plastic to serve as a base and attachment point for the lights. I determined the length thru trial and error to position the LED the correct distance from the number plate.
    I cut the lengths of delrin and drilled a couple holes. The LEDs are warm white and the resistor (1/2 watt) attaches to the positive side and in effect becomes one "leg" of the diode. This assembly simply slips over the prongs coming off the circuit board in the same manner as the stock bulbs.
    total cost for the 25 modules needed for this machine is under a buck.
    One of the pics shows the black grid of chambers that each LED rests in. Its more evident I person but the edges of each square show signs of high heat from the past. The new replacements were left on for 10 minutes and barely got warm.
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  15. #31
    Fever Hunter ANGRY GARY's Avatar
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    That machine is sick!!! Fantastic work! I might as well throw my tools away now and quit! how do you manage to solder the resistor to the diode that close to the base?

    Last edited by ANGRY GARY; 06-10-2014 at 05:42 PM.

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  17. #32
    Pachi Puro emmadog's Avatar
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    That machine was a lot of hours of detail work both inside and out and was extremely filthy. After receiving it I did my usually once over before plugging it in and was very surprised to see that all functions worked normally. I did save time though by having someone else do the digital cleanup on the cel. I then received the file and printed it out. The center feature actually extends out from the playfield about an an inch and a half projects about the same distance into the interior. That piece was a lot of airbrushing, masking, and painting by hand. Then some areas of it received a gloss clear coat and some areas matte which required a few more rounds of tedious masking. received Lots of detail in the explosions and it took a couple of hours to tweak the 2 moving spaceships so both traveled laterally the same amount. They start to move back and forth when balls enter the two pass they pockets. The top of the ships have a hole in them that is exposed when they are at the outside of their movement. The ball is then directed where it falls into one of three holes. The two outside holes each light one of the diagonals and the center hole will pay a coin immediately. There's also a "blast off" sound when this is going on. Sounds like static to me so I have the volume turned down. The sound is adjustable for pitch and the length and number of times the ships move per activation is adjustable. I also installed a plastic guide on the inside that takes the slop out of their movement yet allows them to move freely. I'm very particular about things like that. Its a really, really cool game and I think it would be my all time favorite had I somehow acquired all my machines at the same time and could judge them all at once. My two faves though have more sentimental value.
    Anyway, it occurred to me that I could simply reuse the stock silicone sockets as opposed to segments of delrin rod so that's what I did. Much quicker fabrication.
    To solder, I placed a leg of the LED right up against the bottom of the resistor on it's lead and just twisted together. This formed a pigtail which I then put a drop of solder on and cut the excess off. Very easy.
    EM Pinballs & Arrangeballs

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  19. #33
    Fever Hunter ANGRY GARY's Avatar
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    Default Re: brought home "the one that got away" yesterday.

    okay the twisted lead are not evident in the picture. i am surprised the leads are that pliable to allow that much twisting. either way i bow to your superior abilities!

  20. #34
    Pachi Puro emmadog's Avatar
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    Forgot to mention that a lucky ball can also enter the center feature straight the the top.
    Pic of me moving the left spaceship out. Just behind the cockpit is the hole that the ball falls thru either from rolling down the row of sloping pins or off the spinner. I have the pins set so that its not that hard to get a ball into one of the ships but it is hard to get a ball into one of the two lower pockets to start the ships' movement.
    This machine and another very cool one I own with interesting mechanics/gameplay (the San Diego) are why I search YJA. Only downside if you're not into restoring is that the machines are usually pretty beat up. Well that and shipping costs. And bid extensions...
    Last edited by emmadog; 06-10-2014 at 07:19 PM.
    EM Pinballs & Arrangeballs

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  22. #35
    Pachi Puro emmadog's Avatar
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    And couple more pics showing the top center pocket and the 3 pockets inside the center feature.
    EM Pinballs & Arrangeballs

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  24. #36
    Pachi Puro emmadog's Avatar
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    Default Re: brought home "the one that got away" yesterday.

    Quote Originally Posted by ANGRY GARY View Post
    okay the twisted lead are not evident in the picture. i am surprised the leads are that pliable to allow that much twisting. either way i bow to your superior abilities!
    There's no superior ability here. The twisting of the leads is simple. All I'm doing is placing the resistor's lead up against the LED's lead at the base of the LED. Then just twist. The pigtail automatically forms and snugs up against the base of the LED. When the pigtail is about a quarter inch, I stop and put a blob of solder on the pigtail near the base and clip off the excess. If you can twist two pieces of wire together, you can do this.
    As for the restoration, it's not that difficult as I've stated before. Anyone can polish metal and plastic. Painting the parts mounted on the cel is usually very easy because each colored area is bordered by raised wall so you're just dropping paint in there. Airbrushing takes a little skill but again I'm not painting an actual picture, just painting areas that respond best with an airbrush. The center feature was airbrushed dark blue because its a space "scene" and that was the original color anyway. I really used an airbrush here because I had the perfect deep blue in a Tamiya lacquer spray can. I sprayed it out into a small jar, let it out gas, and ran it thru my airbrush. I coulda used the can but since there were hard to get interior spaces, I needed the control of an AB. Cleared it with matte since that gives the look of a deeper color as opposed to gloss.
    I use both friskiet film to mask and a liquid mask that's great for small areas and peels easily when dry. I use new nails in my restorations. That's really about it-all my "secrets" laid out. I learned all m techniques through trial and error. As far as I know, I was the first to do restorations or at least on this forum and very likely the first to do arrangeball restorations. Member Eddie did some great, highly thorough cleanings of his arrangeballs but they weren't restos. I'm not bragging at all, only saying that anybody can do this, just takes lots of time but is extremely rewarding.
    Also, the instruction card, chrome Satomi Miracle badge and the atomic symbol on the top pocket are decals that I had made. I did the digital cleanup on the instruction card but other than that, it was easy. I just took pics, measured the dimensions and passed that info to the decal company. Speaking of decals, as soon as I get a pic of the instruction card from your parts machine ill be making the correct instruction decal since mine pays on the diagonals. I'll send one of those to y'all since Aaron may convert his and send you a decal of my instruction card since that will match your machine.
    EM Pinballs & Arrangeballs

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  26. #37
    Fever Hunter ANGRY GARY's Avatar
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    Default Re: brought home "the one that got away" yesterday.

    met up with card shark today and picked up some pieces for my arrangeball. the missing front panel, some metal switch actuators and a pair of bad cards which i am giving to my co worker to repair. cleaned up the panel and did a bit of plastic molding around the broken corner. not the prettiest but it is doing the job. i might take it to a friend who repairs and paints high end cars. get him to work some magic on it. i also sent away my coin slot and reset button panel to chrome tech usa to be rechromed. $30 bucks and that included return shipping. unfortunately the turn around time is like a month. sounds as if he is a one man operation. but talking to him on the phone made me feel comfortable in his abilities. i will post a picture when i get it back.
    so this evening i had it all together (using parts from the spare machine in the mean time). and looking like a real arrange ball machine! working like a champ!

    pictures tomorrow when i get home.


    once again i cannot thank card shark, emmadog and moparformance enough for all the help, advice and parts.

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