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Thread: Mizuho "Taco Slot" pachsilo not accepting tokens

  1. #1
    Tokie Owens Flippers's Avatar
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    Default Mizuho "Taco Slot" pachsilo not accepting tokens

    OK, we have here today for our amusement (!) a reluctant Pachislo machine that although it appears ready to play ignores the tokens - it allows them to cascade into the hopper, but they are not registering on the credit window, which always shows a "0".

    The "Insert Medal" light is flashing, and I have reset the machine a number of times and even tried other odds thinking that the machine was not happy with the odds it came in at. Nope, no joy - still flashes "Insert Medal" and zero in the Credit window.

    The only LEDs that are on are: LE7, LE15, LE16, LE23, LE26 and the other three on the lower left of the MPU (I assume power indicators).

    That LE7 flickers when a token is dropped through the acceptor.

    The coin lockout coil is energized.

    LE20 (HOP) only does a brief flicker when the hopper is plugged in, it is off otherwise. Is that correct? The machine does not register an error when the hopper is unplugged.

    The machine does register an error if the coin acceptor is unplugged, so I assume the coin acceptor is working correctly (LE7 goes off when coin acceptor unplugged).

    Suggestions? I have reset a number of times by the way.

    I wish these machines had manuals online from the manufacturers!!! I wish I was handsome. I wish I had a pony...

    John :-#(#

  2. #2
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mizuho "Taco Slot" pachsilo not accepting tokens

    I'm more if a ball man myself over tokens. But shouldn't there be 3 optics in the token acceptor. And when you drop a token through. It should send a signal to the main board in turn. So you should get 3 LEDs changing state as a token goes through it, not one. Might be something the check. Remove the acceptor but still left plugged in. The with a lolly stick or piece of paper. Block each optic in turn and check for the led on the main board.
    Ian #UKPachinko

  3. #3
    Tokie Owens Flippers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mizuho "Taco Slot" pachsilo not accepting tokens

    Quote Originally Posted by Drunkenclam View Post
    I'm more if a ball man myself over tokens. But shouldn't there be 3 optics in the token acceptor. And when you drop a token through. It should send a signal to the main board in turn. So you should get 3 LEDs changing state as a token goes through it, not one. Might be something the check. Remove the acceptor but still left plugged in. The with a lolly stick or piece of paper. Block each optic in turn and check for the led on the main board.
    Sorry, should have expanded a bit. I'm an electronics technician and have been servicing arcade games since the 70s at my shop - The Pinball, Video Game and Jukebox Corner Store - - I'm quite familiar with coin acceptor electronics.

    The coin acceptor only has the one sensor for coins, a reflective module that is interrupted by the coin passing in front of it. As far as I can tell the module is operating correctly.

    Is there a list anywhere of the various LEDs used in these machines? The three letter description is not always enough to figure out what they represent. Obviously HOP is hopper, and some others are similar, some must be for the reels, etc.

    I rarely get into these machines, other than replacing the Reset key switch with a toggle switch and repairing defective power supplies we haven't had much experience with them. The online manuals all seem to be the same - Reset cures everything.

  4. #4
    Blind Shooter Ken Layton's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mizuho "Taco Slot" pachsilo not accepting tokens

    Hey John, just for the heck of it, have you cleaned the optic sensors underneath the hopper? I would assume if there were a hopper problem, the machine cannot accept a coin.
    Carbon Arc---the light that's bright is the light that's right!

  5. #5
    Blind Shooter Teoman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mizuho "Taco Slot" pachsilo not accepting tokens

    Have you tried the quarter?

  6. #6
    Tokie Owens YamasaTrouble's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mizuho "Taco Slot" pachsilo not accepting tokens

    I had a similar problem on a similar machine.
    In my case, I found that both of the photo-interrupters (PI's) in my coin path were not working ("coin jam" and "credit") due to an open LED light source diode in the detection circuit. Your case seems like just one of them ("credit") is not toggling, which could mean that the light path is blocked between the source LED and the receiving op-amp on the photo-interrupter, or one of the PI's are malfunctioning. I would first try cleaning the light path with some alcohol and a swab. If you can remove the little board and trace the circuit, you might be able to identify which of your PI's are not working. In my case, I had just two of them and replaced both - since it's an old machine, and these diodes are always on and likely have the same MTBF - added bonus: they are cheap! Just guessing that your LE7 is the 'Coin Jam' indicator, and if you block the coin slot light path such that LE7 stays off, you will get an error code that translates to 'coin jam'.

    In my machine these PI's were marked T1002A (I found the datasheet online for this part - a Toshiba TLP1002A - which helped me trace out the circuit)
    Unfortunately - Toshiba no longer makes this part, and I couldn't find any in the parts boneyards I looked through.

    I did find a relatively close match that worked: TTelectronics Photologic slotted optical switch OPB625.
    The slot that the coin passes through is dimensionally close to the TLP1002A and the circuit is nearly identical (close enough for TTL logic devices)
    The only problem is that the OPB pins are slightly narrower, and need to be carefully bent to match the existing PCA through-holes for soldering)
    Expecting a work-hardening problem on the leads from this bending process, I bought 4 of them to yield two good parts, but they were remarkably easy to bend and I ended up with 2 out of 2 working just fine.

    I bought them for $1.82 each at under their part number: 365-1090-ND

    Thanks to information I got from other threads in this PachiTalk forum, I was able to troubleshoot my problem down to these PI's and get my machine working again.
    Figured I would add to the general knowledge about troubleshooting and finding these PI parts.

    Good luck.

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    Tokie Owens Flippers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mizuho "Taco Slot" pachsilo not accepting tokens

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Layton View Post
    Hey John, just for the heck of it, have you cleaned the optic sensors underneath the hopper? I would assume if there were a hopper problem, the machine cannot accept a coin.
    Hi Ken,

    No, the hopper only has one LED associated with it - the token spat out count. That works just fine (LE20).

    John :-#)#

  9. #8
    Tokie Owens Flippers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mizuho "Taco Slot" pachsilo not accepting tokens

    Yeah, you were right Tokie, it was the coin path that appears to have a problem. I didn't notice that there was three optos used on the coin acceptor. One at the beginning (the interrupter) and then two at the end of the path - these detect the direction the token is moving in to eliminate stringing (I assume). So, not I need to pop open the module #U-918PD and see what gives inside it. My assumption is it is a pair of opto reflectors. This is a good test for my camera to see if the IR LED is working - and the LEDs in that module go birght and dim as I flex the wiring. Take apart time, and a bit of solder should fix this. After lunch!

  10. #9
    Tokie Owens Flippers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mizuho "Taco Slot" pachsilo not accepting tokens

    OK, well, it is the surface mount output devices that have failed, one has shorted, the other appears to be open. Now to find out what the 5-pin devices are - "V3" is the code on them I suspect they are some sort of op-amp as they use both +5 and Gnd as well as an input and output, the fifth pin is not connected.

  11. #10
    Tokie Owens Flippers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mizuho "Taco Slot" pachsilo not accepting tokens

    OK, well, it is the surface mount output devices that have failed, one has shorted, the other appears to be open. Now to find out what the 5-pin devices are - "EA" (not "V3") is the code on them I suspect they are some sort of op-amp as they use both +5 and Gnd as well as an input and output, the fifth pin is not connected. Can't find anything on Google...this may be a deal breaker for the customer - if I can't find a replacement then the game is toast.


  12. #11
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mizuho "Taco Slot" pachsilo not accepting tokens

    Told you so Always take the Dr advice

    Here in the UK you can buy components from RS. But it might be worth trying the ones mentioned in post #6 But try to locate the data sheet first
    Ian #UKPachinko

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  14. #12
    Tokie Owens Flippers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mizuho "Taco Slot" pachsilo not accepting tokens

    It is not the opto interrupter that has failed - I stock a variety of those, so that would not be a problem - rather it is the stringing pair of optos that has bitten the bullet - these are the last two optos, reflective, that are staggered near the exit of the coin acceptor and trigger LE10-ME2 and LE11-ME1 one after the other. If the order is reversed or the close too long the machine coughs up a coin error.
    The coin/token acceptor has a label with M2 on the back. Time for pictures!


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  16. #13
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mizuho "Taco Slot" pachsilo not accepting tokens

    Cool. Not seen that type before, Well I have, some of the motors we use have them in the encoder section, just never seen them in a token mech before,

    Ok, so you have 4 pins from the board, So I'm guessing you have a gnd, +vdc, then 2 outputs to the main board. Then the microprocessor desideds if the signals are coming at the right speed and in the right order. Is the power 5v or 24v, I assume its 5.
    All the reflective optical sensors I look at work like a transistor, I would assume these are the same, Now I'm no elcetronics engineer, I stick with the bigger stuff, But the optics on there you say are fine, but the surface mounted ic is fried. (as to what the ic does, I have no idea Its odd I looked about for those sensors, But can't find a 5 pin version in that shape, I seen 3,4 and 6 pins but not that style in 5pins , If your skilled enough, (A lot more than me) You might be able to replace/remake the board with different components. or a more simplistic version.
    Ian #UKPachinko

  17. #14
    Tokie Owens Flippers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mizuho "Taco Slot" pachsilo not accepting tokens

    Yes the board is 5V, Gnd, A, B outputs. I added the four pin Molex pins for ease of testing. Normally they are simply wired to the plug.
    The machine isn't worth my time to design a replacement opto, I'm hoping I can find a M2 acceptor for sale...who is this RS you mention in the UK? If they have it then it may be worth buying and shipping to this side of the pond.

  18. #15
    I was thrown out of Top Gear Drunkenclam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mizuho "Taco Slot" pachsilo not accepting tokens

    RS Components International

    stores around the world. Although I normally just buy transformers, relays, reed switches and proximity switches.
    I also used Farrell too

    Farnell UK | Electronic Components | Electronic Parts
    Last edited by Drunkenclam; 02-05-2014 at 04:42 PM.
    Ian #UKPachinko

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  20. #16
    Tokie Owens Dbilek's Avatar
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    Default Re: Mizuho "Taco Slot" pachsilo not accepting tokens

    Hi all!
    I'm a newbie. Just picked up a Taco machine and having some, what appears to be, common problems... CJ code
    I've taken apart and cleaned both the coin mechanism and the hopper. I bought all new coins as it came with none.
    I've reset the machine many, many times trying different things between the power up and turning the key switch back to vertical with the same CJ code result.
    I did notice something on the hopper. Is there supposed to be a sensor above where the coins eject? There seems to be a spot molded into the plastic for the same optic sensor that's on the coin mechanism, but there nothing there. (see pics)
    One last thing, there seems to be a wire that was added to the power cord as a mod. The wire is tied to the power cord but it's cut on both ends so I have no idea what it was for. I assumed it was a ground since the power cord doesn't have one. Then I just read about something similar folks have done as a coin dump switch. Not sure if that plays into my issue.
    Lastly, what is that toggle switch for on the corner of the coin hopper?
    coin hopper 1.jpg
    coin hopper 2.jpg

    Thanks for any help, advice.

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