Naturally this had to happen after hours - just as the weekend is ready to start.

Hit a BB on my Sammy King Camel. Ran out of tokens, got the HE error. No problem there. Opened the door, refilled the hopper, closed and reset.

Now the problem. When I pushed the joystick, the left reel refused to turn, the right reel hesitated, jumped and turned some. I stopped all reels and checked the reels by turning them manually a fraction a turn. Tried another spin. Left reel spins like it should, Right reel spun for one turn. Now the right reel won't spin at all, and the machine has a sort of "stuck motor" hum.

I notice the buttons at the bottom of the reel cage are loose. Because of my handicap (no hands) I can't check or tell if they are supposed to be loose, are spring loaded or what.

Any ideas, y'all?