Hi there again! Spoke too soon I just closed this post a couple of days ago about my Sankyo machine...

Sankyo error 3 and beeping

It worked perfectly for couple of hours but then balls seems to stop firing... when I turn the shooter handle the hammer fires but balls are not loading from the upper tray.

Occasionally one or two will fire, then none... then maybe 10, then one or 2 again...

I was wondering if it's something to do with pay-out?? It does seem to fire some balls If I open the front and put a few balls down one of the win slots and it then pays out 5 balls... it fires a couple and then stops again...some info on how it should pay-out would be good?

There are loads of balls in all the machine and when the lower try gets full it stops firing, until I let some out which is fine...

Also, is there a re-set switch somewhere to reset pay-outs? I've looked everywhere and can't see one, maybe there isn't?
