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Thread: Nishijin C What is the white piece where the balls first fall on? Need 2 replac

  1. #1
    Tokie Owens Thraka's Avatar
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    Default Nishijin(C) What is the white piece where the balls first fall on? Need 2 replac

    I was cleaning out the back of the machine and the white piece that is in the tray (where the red line is on the picture) was ruined. there was a nail holding it in through the hole. The nail was super rusted and seeped into the plastic so it wouldn't rotate anymore. Once I tried to remove the nail the plastic broke. I cannot seem to remove the rust from the plastic and reglue it together and get a new pin.

    Is there a place where I can get a new part? What is the name of the part too?


  2. #2
    Pachi Puro mxfaiman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin(C) What is the white piece where the balls first fall on? Need 2 re

    Hmm. That is a bit of bad luck.

    There aren't really any replacement parts. You have to try to find someone either selling what you need or buy a machine for parts.

    Though this just popped up. pre ebay parts is parts tons of early modern pachinko parts

    You might want to send him a PM and see if he will sell you just the part you want. (the whole chute basically)

    The parts of the early moderns should still be compatible with the older Model C ones. So don't worry too much about how it will fit.

    100 machines and counting...

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  4. #3
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin(C) What is the white piece where the balls first fall on? Need 2 re


    the thing, conected to the other thing, that moves the little thingy when your low on balls

    AKA "Low ball indacator"

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  6. #4
    Eye Shooter Rival's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin(C) What is the white piece where the balls first fall on? Need 2 re

    Iv'e been using the term "Stoplight" in reference to any hopper low lights, because it not only sounds cooler than hopper low light, but it's easier to use and remember.

    Of course, some older machines have "Go lights", which once again makes it easy to differentiate.

    But I suppose you can call them whatever you like as long as you get the point across.

  7. #5
    Pachi Puro pachiwall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Nishijin(C) What is the white piece where the balls first fall on? Need 2 re

    If you can't get a correct part to replace it, you might still be able to repair it. You would have to file off the plastic enough to get rid of the rusty nail, then build up the missing plastic with a suitable filler. Normally I would have gone straight to JB WELD ,but lately I have discovered VERSACHEM PLASTIC WELDER . It is amazingly strong, and ready to sand in about 25 minutes! You can get it at car parts stores for about $5.50. After building up the missing plastic, file or sand the sides to fit in the slot where it belongs. Keep sanding anything that is in the way, and if you take off too much, you can always add more epoxy. Once you are satisfied with the fit, you drill a hole where the nail goes. Keep the part in place so you can use the hole in the hopper as a pilot. Of course if you can find a replacement, it is much easier. But it can probably be salvaged if you are handy!
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    Last edited by pachiwall; 04-20-2012 at 10:16 AM. Reason: spelling errors

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