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Thread: Reel stop board keeps blowing fuse

  1. #1
    Tokie Owens jcdennis's Avatar
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    Default Reel stop board keeps blowing fuse

    Hi All,
    Newbie here. I just bought a 1997 Takasago IndieBoy that looks mint, but it has a reelstop board problem. It had a 1 amp blown fuse, on the board. I replaced the fuse and as soon as I replaced it and turned it on it blew again, tried it once more with the same result. I jumped the fuse and the machine would not power up until i removed the jump. What more can I do, or can I get a new board? I did a google search and came up with this fine site.

    Diode? under capacitor hs signs of heated leeds

    reverse side of Diode slight discolor

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

  2. #2
    Pachi Puro Moparformances's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reel stop board keeps blowing fuse

    sorry i cant help ya..

    but i know we ahve a few members that are really good at these kind of problems

    wanted to say

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  4. #3
    Tokie Owens jcdennis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reel stop board keeps blowing fuse

    Thanks for the welcome. From one car guy to another...

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  6. #4
    SNORTARRIFIC! new in town's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reel stop board keeps blowing fuse

    How many Spare fuses do you have?

    The Stop Board branches out to four places / connections.

    First. ensure that you only replace that fuse with a what I beleive is a 1 amp fuse (check the original if you still have it) and NEVER short across the Fuse Terminals!!! The Fuse is there for a reason the biggest being keeping other things from Frying.

    There are 4 plugs connected to your Stop Board. CN1, CN2, CN3 and CN7. I know CN1 runs down to you inner Door Board. This is the Plug which handles the Stop Buttons. Unfortunately I no longer own a Pachi with this Stop Board or have one of these Boards. Can you please trace these 4 plugs and tell me where they connect to. While you are doing that check all the wiring they contain and make sure none of the wires have rubbed on any metal parts or been pinched such as in the hinge area of the door. I enhanced you Pic a Bit.

    old stop board.jpg

    My best guess is that CN2 connects to the Main Motherboard.

    Once you tell me where each of these plugs go to we can procede with troubleshooting.

    Are you Handy / Comfortable with using a Multimeter?

    Pick up a couple of extra fuses please if you don't have any on hand. I would recommedn at least 6.

    We need to determine which of the plugs provides the Main power to this Stop Board. Once we have this we will disconnect the other three then connect each on one at a time powering up the Pachi each time till the fuse blows again as long as it does not blow with just the plug that powesr the Stop Board connected.

    Also, do you own Any other Pachi's that use this Stop Board???

    And can you provide a clear Pic of the whole backside of this Stop Board.

    Let us Know.
    72 Pachi's, 36 Pachinko's, 2 Pallots, 3 Pinn's & 2 Pachinko Bar Signs. Links to About Me: pachijunkie's Videos

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  8. #5
    Tokie Owens jcdennis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reel stop board keeps blowing fuse

    Quote Originally Posted by new in town View Post
    How many Spare fuses do you have?

    The Stop Board branches out to four places / connections.

    First. ensure that you only replace that fuse with a what I beleive is a 1 amp fuse (check the original if you still have it) and NEVER short across the Fuse Terminals!!! The Fuse is there for a reason the biggest being keeping other things from Frying.

    There are 4 plugs connected to your Stop Board. CN1, CN2, CN3 and CN7. I know CN1 runs down to you inner Door Board. This is the Plug which handles the Stop Buttons. Unfortunately I no longer own a Pachi with this Stop Board or have one of these Boards. Can you please trace these 4 plugs and tell me where they connect to. While you are doing that check all the wiring they contain and make sure none of the wires have rubbed on any metal parts or been pinched such as in the hinge area of the door. I enhanced you Pic a Bit.

    My best guess is that CN2 connects to the Main Motherboard.

    Once you tell me where each of these plugs go to we can procede with troubleshooting.

    Are you Handy / Comfortable with using a Multimeter?

    Pick up a couple of extra fuses please if you don't have any on hand. I would recommedn at least 6.

    We need to determine which of the plugs provides the Main power to this Stop Board. Once we have this we will disconnect the other three then connect each on one at a time powering up the Pachi each time till the fuse blows again as long as it does not blow with just the plug that powesr the Stop Board connected.

    Also, do you own Any other Pachi's that use this Stop Board???

    And can you provide a clear Pic of the whole backside of this Stop Board.

    Let us Know.
    I'm not at home now to be more specific but I do know that all the connectors CN1, CN2, CN3, and CN7 go into making a single 36 (?) pin connector that plugs directly into the motherboard. I will get pictures tonight and post them.

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  10. #6
    Tokie Owens jcdennis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reel stop board keeps blowing fuse

    Hello again,
    To begin with I pulled all 3 CN plugs leaving only the 2 wire power plug. When I turned the machine on with only the power wire going to the board the fuse blew. I also checked continuity on all the black diodes (I think they are diodes) the one below the capacitor did not have continuity and the other 5 did.
    Here is the picture of the back you asked for.

    this is the picture of the 34 pole connector pigtail and also the picture of me pointing to the receptor on the motherboard

    I do have a multimeter if you guide me through what to test. Or I could buy a new board if they still exist.
    Thanks again for the help.

  11. #7
    Tokie Owens jcdennis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reel stop board keeps blowing fuse

    PS. I checked all wires and they look good.

  12. #8
    Tokie Owens jcdennis's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reel stop board keeps blowing fuse

    Over this weekend I had a professional look at the board. He stated that he believes one of the 2 chips is shorted so I will need to replace the board. He also wanted me to make sure the voltage to the board is correct. I tested it and it is 23.9v DC. Not having any manual but knowing it has an 24v transformer in it I would think this is correct. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway thanks again for your help.

  13. #9
    SNORTARRIFIC! new in town's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reel stop board keeps blowing fuse

    Yes there should be around 24VDC at the Fuse. A ground reference point is at capacitor C6. Pic is enclosed.

    If you PM me your e-mail address I can send you a clear schematic for this board if it will help. Small Pic of it.

    Also if your Tech is up to it here are links for the two IC Chips to order them. :

    74HC14AP - Runtime_Error

    ULN2003AN - 6oCFRAE2godtk9tQg
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by new in town; 08-08-2011 at 10:52 AM.
    72 Pachi's, 36 Pachinko's, 2 Pallots, 3 Pinn's & 2 Pachinko Bar Signs. Links to About Me: pachijunkie's Videos

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  15. #10
    Tokie Owens Asianbingo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reel stop board keeps blowing fuse

    Hey guys, new member here too! I have a Macy fan fan machine, looks older than the ones I've seen...I bought it cheap because the reels won't stop until it times out around 45 secs. Fuses keep blowing...tried everything above! Did the original poster ever find a stop board replacement?

    also if I bought a auto stop module...will that bypass my problem..or because since it plugs into a bad stop board, will the auto stop not work? Any suggestions fellas?

  16. #11
    Tokie Owens Asianbingo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reel stop board keeps blowing fuse

    He bro, I have the same exact problem, my fuses keep blowing on the stop board, took it apart and my board looks perfect, no frying burnt signs on it! But fuses keep blowing. I have the four plugs on top as you have, but I also have a harness plug that goes in the bottom left module too! Did you get your problem fixed?

  17. #12
    Tokie Owens apb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reel stop board keeps blowing fuse

    anyone solve this yet ? tick tock dame these old style boards suck and not only that you cant find them . might as well just scrap the thing it would save a lot of time and and monny if I don't find one by next year im gonna throw it in the trash all its doing is sitting around anyways...

  18. #13
    Tokie Owens apb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reel stop board keeps blowing fuse

    if anyone knows where to find spare boards for these things please tell me I love the thing but if I cant play ill get a new one and smash this one with a hammer atleast it would make me feel better why don't they make parts for these still someone out there should.

  19. #14
    Tokie Owens apb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Reel stop board keeps blowing fuse

    found a new board for sale just ordered it wish me luck im going to post back when it comes in I found a few for sale im gonna buy atleast 2 more for spares just in case this ever happens again these boards are getting vary hard to find and you cant find anyone to rebuild the old ones . I found on my board that it was the 2 wire cn7 blowing the fuse I think that's the power so I would think its deff my stopboard

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